somebodys wrong ...

Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.
...and millions are participating in something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use…

True, please explain how the penalty for not having health insurance makes any sense?? I want to go back to before ACA where you worked, paid for healthcare, and got to use it if needed without outrageous deductibles.
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

Everyone should be able to buy their own healthcare or not. They should be able to shop around, buy what they need and only what they need. No one should get or deserves free healthcare or subsidies unless it's from charity.

The stupid argument from the left is based on the ignorant belief that healthcare is a right.

Need healthcare? Get a fucking job and pay for it.

ok, now you... tit for tat .. tax credits or subsidies
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

ok, since Rysty's yap slammed shut all of a sudden I'll ask you.

same tax credits for subsidies ... yea or nay
Yay if the deductibles go away too. We need to be able to use the healthcare when needed. If the freebies pay no deductible and those who pay for it have high deductibles, that's not a fair deal either.
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

ok, since Rysty's yap slammed shut all of a sudden I'll ask you.

same tax credits for subsidies ... yea or nay
Yay if the deductibles go away too. We need to be able to use the healthcare when needed. If the freebies pay no deductible and those who pay for it have high deductibles, that's not a fair deal either.

and who pays for those tax credits ?
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.

and who pays for those tax credits ?
funny thing about a gaggle of dumbasses, as soon as they figure out they're dumbasses they quit squawking like geese.
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?
It will make people depending on the federal government and the federal government never has anything good for the masses…

You seriously sound dumber than a pile of rocks, lay off the kool aid.
He's not dumb; he just views society for 1880 or so. No insult intended. People have a right to believe what they want. I don't think Rustic buys "alternative facts.'
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.

and who pays for those tax credits ?

The people getting subsidies and the people working for healthcare should get the same subsidy/tax credit, if its zero its zero.
Healthcare costs rose at annual rates nearly 75% larger than they do under the ACA.

If you had even the slightest clue about healthcare you would not be making the arguments you are.

i seriously doubt that, but hey, if left unrepealed, it was scheduled to go up sharply again. Part of the reason, possibly the main reason, is government regulation. And yes I know quite a bit about healthcare. I've been doing it for 34 years.

See the second part of my previous post.

You're clueless, dude.

Obamacare rates are predicted to skyrocket. If not repealed that would fuck your numbers up.

Skyrocket at a much lower rate than before.
This year they were projected to rise around 20%.
The year before the ACA was enacted they rose over 40%.

Get a clue.

You are lying with statistics. It's still lying. Get a clue.

Or simply, you don't understand how any of this works.
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.

and who pays for those tax credits ?

The people getting subsidies and the people working for healthcare should get the same subsidy/tax credit, if its zero its zero.

pay attention...


the GOPS plan = tit for tat TAX CREDITS.

You gave tax credits a yea ...

so who pays for those tax credits?
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.

and who pays for those tax credits ?
The federal government has no claim to the taxes, because that would be taxation without representation… Dip shit
Healthcare is NOT A RIGHT, it is not in the Constitution, and should be a State issue not a Federal issue. Medicare and SS were for those of us who paid into it all our working lives. Medicaid block grants to the States is all the Feds should do.

and who pays for those tax credits ?

The people getting subsidies and the people working for healthcare should get the same subsidy/tax credit, if its zero its zero.

pay attention...


the GOPS plan = tit for tat TAX CREDITS.

You gave tax credits a yea ...

so who pays for those tax credits?

Obamacare subsidies are about $13,400 for the bottom feeders
Tax Credits are about $3,400
Not tit for tat Tax Credits, not even close
Who pays for the tax credits, IMHO should be the bottom feeders...via deductibles or fees for service
Do you realize that these uninsured that come as a result of dropping the mandate and cutting medicare will only result in more sick uninsured people going to the emergency room and the tax payers fronting the bill for the costs? There is a smarter way to spend our money and it should be pretty obvious to you that the more people who have health insurance the better off everybody is.

In your scenario, no hospital or medical practice could survive. So how did they make it before His Highness Obama came on the scene?
They survived by charging a shit ton of money for healthcare and medications while selectively insuring as many "healthy" people as they could. If you had a preexisting condition you were fucked. If you were a health risk, you were fucked. If you bought a cheap plan that covered very little and you got sick you were fucked. Despite all of these things that allowed insurers to take advantage of citizens prices and premiums still sky rocketed. Did you forget that there were many problems prior to Obamacare? Don't pretend like everything was hunky dorey

So why are premiums more now than they were then? It's not true that you were fucked if you had a pre-existing condition. It depended on your current situation. I know a person who has a daughter with a severe birth defect. Yeah, she had to fight them but she won every time. It's also not true that if you are a health risk you were fucked. You may have had to pay higher premiums with some companies, but you could still get it. If you make the choice to save money by buying a cheap plan, you gambled and either win or lost. The fact remains that costs were cheaper before Obamacare.
How did your friends daughter fight them?

My friend did, not her daughter. She did it by reading the law, writing, and standing up. I didn't ask all the details. I just know that her daughter is now 19 and in an extended living facility. My friend is not broke, bankrupt, or "fucked".

Your society is, relative to all other advanced post industrial societies. So she can stand up, but she's in an extended living facility. Please do go on ....
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?

Yes. Wall Street banksters, the financial "services" sector, the "job creator" class, the political class; collectivism and organizing is for them, not "the people". "The people" provide all kinds of socialism to big oil, big pharma, we bailed out Wall Street with socialism across "both" a "conservative" and a "liberal" administration.

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

That’s our system. We have plenty of socialism, it's just not for the working or lower class in america. Furthermore, our brand of "capitalism" is what keeps us involved in endless war and attempting to militarily occupy the planet.

America is not a capitalist endevor at all, never has been, it is a colonial wealth extraction paradigm cannibalizing everything it can overrun. Same as it ever was. Even if it means destroying its own home (for now) turf. We are basically dealing with the same disease, the same perceptual reality that made land fall with Columbus. It is a predator energy. You are no more to this system than the native peoples it genocided out of functional existence or the imported slaves who performed the labor your "founders" were too lazy and high and mighty to do themselves.

And now, that is what you are for.
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?



This is going on your PERMANENT RECORD.
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

Everyone should be able to buy their own healthcare or not. They should be able to shop around, buy what they need and only what they need. No one should get or deserves free healthcare or subsidies unless it's from charity.

The stupid argument from the left is based on the ignorant belief that healthcare is a right.

Need healthcare? Get a fucking job and pay for it.

ok, now you... tit for tat .. tax credits or subsidies

Subsidies or tax credits for what? Healthcare? Tax credits if I have to pick one.
i seriously doubt that, but hey, if left unrepealed, it was scheduled to go up sharply again. Part of the reason, possibly the main reason, is government regulation. And yes I know quite a bit about healthcare. I've been doing it for 34 years.

See the second part of my previous post.

You're clueless, dude.

Obamacare rates are predicted to skyrocket. If not repealed that would fuck your numbers up.

Skyrocket at a much lower rate than before.
This year they were projected to rise around 20%.
The year before the ACA was enacted they rose over 40%.

Get a clue.

You are lying with statistics. It's still lying. Get a clue.

Or simply, you don't understand how any of this works.

I understand that you are either lying or an idiot. Possibly both.
In your scenario, no hospital or medical practice could survive. So how did they make it before His Highness Obama came on the scene?
They survived by charging a shit ton of money for healthcare and medications while selectively insuring as many "healthy" people as they could. If you had a preexisting condition you were fucked. If you were a health risk, you were fucked. If you bought a cheap plan that covered very little and you got sick you were fucked. Despite all of these things that allowed insurers to take advantage of citizens prices and premiums still sky rocketed. Did you forget that there were many problems prior to Obamacare? Don't pretend like everything was hunky dorey

So why are premiums more now than they were then? It's not true that you were fucked if you had a pre-existing condition. It depended on your current situation. I know a person who has a daughter with a severe birth defect. Yeah, she had to fight them but she won every time. It's also not true that if you are a health risk you were fucked. You may have had to pay higher premiums with some companies, but you could still get it. If you make the choice to save money by buying a cheap plan, you gambled and either win or lost. The fact remains that costs were cheaper before Obamacare.
How did your friends daughter fight them?

My friend did, not her daughter. She did it by reading the law, writing, and standing up. I didn't ask all the details. I just know that her daughter is now 19 and in an extended living facility. My friend is not broke, bankrupt, or "fucked".

Your society is, relative to all other advanced post industrial societies. So she can stand up, but she's in an extended living facility. Please do go on ....

Ok, I can't have any kind of discussion with someone who cannot read. My friend did the reading, the writing, and the standing up for her daughter. See if you can read and understand that. Take some remedial reading courses for crying out loud. Dismissed.

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