somebodys wrong ...

Your participation is used to cover Emergency room costs for the uninsured whether you like it or not. Don't even try to lobby for cutting that off like I know you are tempted to do. It just isn't going to happen so lets keep this conversation in the realm of reality.
Responsible people pay for their own shit, fucked up socialists expect other people to pay for their shit...
The majority of people in this country are responsible people who pay for their own shit and willingly pay more to fund our government to defend our nation and work on programs to better the lives of our citizens. Only a small fraction of extremists like you really think that no taxes and no government would lead to a better society. Anarchy sounds fun but would never work for a Nation of our size. Grow up and get real
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Responsible people pay for their own shit, fucked up socialists expect other people to pay for their shit...
The majority of people in this country are responsible people who pay for their own shit and willingly pay more to fund our government to defend our nation and work on programs to better the lives of our citizens. Only a small fraction of extremists like you really think that no taxes and no government would lead to a better society. Anarchy sounds fun but would never work for a Nation of our size. Grow up and get real
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact
Responsible people pay for their own shit, fucked up socialists expect other people to pay for their shit...
The majority of people in this country are responsible people who pay for their own shit and willingly pay more to fund our government to defend our nation and work on programs to better the lives of our citizens. Only a small fraction of extremists like you really think that no taxes and no government would lead to a better society. Anarchy sounds fun but would never work for a Nation of our size. Grow up and get real
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.

Rusty's fairy God Mother is going to pay for the tax credits in the GOP's version of healthcare.
Seen it all before. As I said, the numbers are skewed purposely by the WHO. I'm surprised we were that high. Last time they had us at something like #30.

I would expect nothing other than this from you, the post was for other eyes, you just don't deal with anything outside your rigid belief system reverend.

My rigid belief system is based on facts. Yeah, I refuse to deal with anything but facts.

Exhibit 3
Growth in Total Health Expenditure Per Capita, U.S. and Selected Countries, 1970-2008

Source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2010), “OECD Health Data”, OECD Health Statistics (database). doi: 10.1787/data-00350-en (Accessed on 14 February 2011).
Notes: Data from Australia and Japan are 2007 data. Figures for Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, are OECD estimates. Numbers are PPP adjusted. Break in series: CAN(1995); SWE(1993, 2001); SWI(1995); UK (1997). Numbers are PPP adjusted. Estimates for Canada and Switzerland in 2008.
Health Care Insurance costs skyrocketed under GW and Obama.

Growing at a slower annual rate since the ACA was enacted.
Really? Not in my case.
The majority of people in this country are responsible people who pay for their own shit and willingly pay more to fund our government to defend our nation and work on programs to better the lives of our citizens. Only a small fraction of extremists like you really think that no taxes and no government would lead to a better society. Anarchy sounds fun but would never work for a Nation of our size. Grow up and get real
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?
The majority of people in this country are responsible people who pay for their own shit and willingly pay more to fund our government to defend our nation and work on programs to better the lives of our citizens. Only a small fraction of extremists like you really think that no taxes and no government would lead to a better society. Anarchy sounds fun but would never work for a Nation of our size. Grow up and get real
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.

Rusty's fairy God Mother is going to pay for the tax credits in the GOP's version of healthcare.
The federal government has no claim to taxes because it is taxation without representation when it comes to any sort of socialist entitlement program... you're forcing people into something they cannot afford, do not want, and will never use so where is the representation?
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?

now you're fucking with Rusty's head.
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?
It will make people depending on the federal government and the federal government never has anything good for the masses…
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?

now you're fucking with Rusty's head.
What's fucked in the head is anyone thinking that depending upon the federal government is a good thing…
Socialist entitlement programs do not make the country better… It weakens the country
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.

Rusty's fairy God Mother is going to pay for the tax credits in the GOP's version of healthcare.
The federal government has no claim to taxes because it is taxation without representation when it comes to any sort of socialist entitlement program... you're forcing people into something they cannot afford, do not want, and will never use so where is the representation?

so you can afford, and want tax credits vs subsidies in a health care program, right ?
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.
Oh my! How did any hospital or medical practice ever survive before Obama.

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Our 2001 study in 5 states found that medical problems contributed to at least 46.2% of all bankruptcies. Since then, health costs and the numbers of un- and underinsured have increased, and bankruptcy laws have tightened.

METHODS: We surveyed a random national sample of 2314 bankruptcy filers in 2007, abstracted their court records, and interviewed 1032 of them. We designated bankruptcies as “medical” based on debtors’ stated reasons for filing, income loss due to illness, and the magnitude of their medical debts.

RESULTS: Using a conservative definition, 62.1% of all bankruptcies in 2007 were medical; 92% of these medical debtors had medical debts over $5000, or 10% of pretax family income. The rest met criteria for medical bankruptcy because they had lost significant income due to illness or mortgaged a home to pay medical bills. Most medical debtors were well educated, owned homes, and had middle-class occupations. Three quarters had health insurance. Using identical definitions in 2001 and 2007, the share of bankruptcies attributable to medical problems rose by 49.6%. In logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic factors, the odds that a bankruptcy had a medical cause was 2.38-fold higher in 2007 than in 2001. CONCLUSIONS: Illness and medical bills contribute to a large and increasing share of US bankruptcies. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. • The American Journal of Medicine (2009) xx,

Medical Bankruptcy in the United States, 2007: Results of a National Study David U. Himmelstein, MD,a Deborah Thorne, PhD,b Elizabeth Warren, JD,c Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPHa a Department of Medicine, Cambridge Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Cambridge,


Let me help you out here.

The discussion was about how HOSPITALS and MEDICAL PRACTICES survived before Obama came along.

It's really the only thing that's relevant.
Those costs grow largely due to the treatment of the uninsured.

Wrong. The study is about person bankruptcy, not about hospitals going under. That's what my question was about. Don't try to move the goal posts.

No one said anything about hospitals going under, dope.
The costs of treating the uninsured are transferred to those who are insured or self pay.

That's what that whole discussion was about you illiterate idiot.
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.

Rusty's fairy God Mother is going to pay for the tax credits in the GOP's version of healthcare.
The federal government has no claim to taxes because it is taxation without representation when it comes to any sort of socialist entitlement program... you're forcing people into something they cannot afford, do not want, and will never use so where is the representation?

so you can afford, and want tax credits vs subsidies in a health care program, right ?
No, like I said it would've been easy to make Obamacare and "opt in" it would've passed with bipartisan support. But no all the control freaks that are progressive socialist Jack weeds_ wanted to force everyone into something that is an absolute failure from the start.
No socialized entitlement program needs everyone's participation… We aren't all in this together, it does not take a fucking village. And there should not be safe rooms for snowflakes on every corner
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.
...and millions are participating in something they cannot afford, they do not want and will never use…
Oh my! How did any hospital or medical practice ever survive before Obama.

Healthcare costs rose at annual rates nearly 75% larger than they do under the ACA.

If you had even the slightest clue about healthcare you would not be making the arguments you are.

i seriously doubt that, but hey, if left unrepealed, it was scheduled to go up sharply again. Part of the reason, possibly the main reason, is government regulation. And yes I know quite a bit about healthcare. I've been doing it for 34 years.

See the second part of my previous post.

You're clueless, dude.

Obamacare rates are predicted to skyrocket. If not repealed that would fuck your numbers up.

Skyrocket at a much lower rate than before.
This year they were projected to rise around 20%.
The year before the ACA was enacted they rose over 40%.

Get a clue.

You are lying with statistics. It's still lying. Get a clue.
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

ok, since Rysty's yap slammed shut all of a sudden I'll ask you.

same tax credits for subsidies ... yea or nay
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

ok, since Rysty's yap slammed shut all of a sudden I'll ask you.

same tax credits for subsidies ... yea or nay
It's obvious you don't understand what real freedom is...
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

ok, since Rysty's yap slammed shut all of a sudden I'll ask you.

same tax credits for subsidies ... yea or nay
It's obvious you don't understand what real freedom is...

whats obvious is youre dodging the question
Those on the bottom are getting $13,000 in healthcare subsidies, and no deductibles, aka free healthcare, while those in the middle are working hard, paying for their own healthcare, but have high deductibles and can't ever get to use their healthcare. IMHO those on the bottom need to pay something for healthcare, and those working and paying for it need lower deductibles.

Everyone should be able to buy their own healthcare or not. They should be able to shop around, buy what they need and only what they need. No one should get or deserves free healthcare or subsidies unless it's from charity.

The stupid argument from the left is based on the ignorant belief that healthcare is a right.

Need healthcare? Get a fucking job and pay for it.
Some do and some don't depends on the person... maybe you should try and take an objective look and not a self centered selfish look at how societies work
Socialism has never worked in the history of civilization, long-term… Fact
We aren't talking about Socialism ya dumbshit. I would never support that. The fact is no major country has ever worked without a form of Government that is funded by taxation. Prove me wrong and point to one that has... you can't because it doesn't exist. We live in a Capitalistic Republic that has some elements of socialism where deemed appropriate by our elected leaders. Your characterization of Socialism is dishonest. Fact.
Socialism is 100% evil, it is the breeding ground for dictatorships and mass genocide… Fact Social Security program will soon cause mass genocide? Thats a fact?
It will make people depending on the federal government and the federal government never has anything good for the masses…

You seriously sound dumber than a pile of rocks, lay off the kool aid.

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