Someone Blew Up The Georgia Guidestones…

If I had to guess who was really responsible for the creation of this monument… Behind the scenes, and all… I’d guess that it’s actually the doing the the man whose company produced it. He admitted that he’d never made anything on that scale before; so this would be a legacy project for he, and his company. Perhaps he thought the salacious nature of the inscriptions, and the conjured up mystery around who commissioned it, would benefit he, and his company. All the while distancing he, and his company from any negative blowback concerning the contents of the inscriptions. And… He put it on his own land. Occams razor…

How would it benefit he or his company by calling for killing billions of people?

And, if he thought it would benefit him, why not shout it from the rooftops?
How would it benefit he or his company by calling for killing billions of people?

And, if he thought it would benefit him, why not shout it from the rooftops?
Maybe hoping for government contracts amid the hype. Lots of war memorials being floated around that time. And if... IF... some shadowy cabal were behind this... And "secrecy" were paramount... Why is this guy not comfortably disappeared in shadows and Shang-Ri-La for his service, where could never betray his benefactors? And, additionally... Why would his masters allow him to cede this Monument to a yokel, democratic council, by bequeatheing it to the "county"..? It just doesn't pass the smell test...
Maybe hoping for government contracts amid the hype. Lots of war memorials being floated around that time. And if... IF... some shadowy cabal were behind this... And "secrecy" were paramount... Why is this guy not comfortably disappeared in shadows and Shang-Ri-La for his service, where could never betray his benefactors? And, additionally... Why would his masters allow him to cede this Monument to a yokel, democratic council, by bequeatheing it to the "county"..? It just doesn't pass the smell test...

Let's just write it off as nothing. Who believes what's on the stones anyway?!? :rolleyes:
Maybe hoping for government contracts amid the hype. Lots of war memorials being floated around that time. And if... IF... some shadowy cabal were behind this... And "secrecy" were paramount... Why is this guy not comfortably disappeared in shadows and Shang-Ri-La for his service, where could never betray his benefactors? And, additionally... Why would his masters allow him to cede this Monument to a yokel, democratic council, by bequeatheing it to the "county"..? It just doesn't pass the smell test...
Keep in mind... Humans have been cutting waaaaaaay, larger blocks of stone... Moving them muuuuch farther... And have been carving far more intricate ideas into said material... Longer than recorded human history. True "primatives"... This is in no way... Not in the slightest..slightest... An astonishing feat of human engineering. This is child's play. From a commercial stone finisher, trying to make a name for himself, and his company. In my opinion...
I know. That's the scary part.
I'd agree with you on many topics. And this guy may have even believed this stuff... But above all... The evidence points to a publicity stunt.
It just does...
Therefore they shall put no other god's before me, for I am the Lord thy God...

Yep it may have been a lightening strike for sure. :)

Many these days are attempting to be god's, but they are merely just dirty rags in his sight. Only he can lift us up on high, because no other force in the universe has such power and authority as the good Lord our saviour above. Amen.
Does he also hate homosexuals?
This is child's play. From a commercial stone finisher, trying to make a name for himself, and his company. In my opinion...

I know, we need to make a name for ourselves and gain the trust of the people!!!!!

Let's call for the killing of billions of people.....And then, go into hiding.

It was a solid plan. :rolleyes:
youre still dodging,,

why are you so offended by this and never said a word on burning government buildings,, at least that I could find,,

I am not offended at all, I find the duplicity of those on the right in this thread to be funny as fuck. I could not give a fuck about the stones personally, did not even know they existed till today.

So, why are you going after me instead of those that said this action was ok, justified and even good. Unless you do think it was ok and just lack the balls to say so...which seems most probable

So, I guess that we should just forget this.......
No. Never forget, that many around you feel that "their" world... Is better without you in it. NEVER! Just don't buy into hokey corporate publicity stunts, that "wrap themselves" in mystery. Would such a powerful cabal, who "commisioned" such an important work... Put it on the crafters own land... And let him give it away, to a bunch of yokels? Not a fucking chance. This cat would've been dirt napped within 48 hrs, and the land ceded to an untraceable shell corporation. Occams razor. Sure... there's a "conspiracy"... and it revolves around money.

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