Someone Blew Up The Georgia Guidestones…

I am not offended at all, I find the duplicity of those on the right in this thread to be funny as fuck. I could not give a fuck about the stones personally, did not even know they existed till today.

So, why are you going after me instead of those that said this action was ok, justified and even good. Unless you do think it was ok and just lack the balls to say so...which seems most probable
might be because youre whining louder than any other person,,
I know, we need to make a name for ourselves and gain the trust of the people!!!!!

Let's call for the killing of billions of people.....And then, go into hiding.

It was a solid plan. :rolleyes:
He didn't "go into hiding"... he just never reaped tbe windfall he hoped his story would generate.
Now he's like that sad old man who claimed the Nessie footage was real. It's all he's got...
No. Never forget, that many around you feel that "their" world... Is better without you in it. NEVER! Just don't buy into hokey corporate publicity stunts, that "wrap themselves" in mystery. Would such a powerful cabal, who "commisioned" such an important work... Put it on the crafters own land... And let him give it away, to a bunch of yokels? Not a fucking chance. This cat would've been dirt napped within 48 hrs, and the land ceded to an untraceable shell corporation. Occams razor. Sure... there's a "conspiracy"... and it revolves around money.

I agree with the bold.
That is cool, you are free to do as you will. Just do not pretend to have any high ground or to be any better than the Dems.

And don't you try and declare yourself neutral. You are progressive to the core. Like I said, the globalists have declared war on US values, culture, and history. They then wish to place their own monuments in their place. The tactic is as old as mankind. Destroy what was before, places yours, you are now the new ruler, and in 100 years the old culture is forgotten.

Well, I guess people have decided to fight back this time.
Well we at least may now have a chance to find out who is responsible for the stones creation, and erection. Just sit back, and observe who finances the replacement…
I researched that a long time ago. It seems to me that CNN founder, Ted Turner, is likely the guy who financed it.

He's a globalist who believes that the Earth's population needs to be drastically reduced.
No idea. Could have been an act of God, for all I know. A big lightning strike?

Maybe He doesn't like globalists.
I'm pretty sure He isn't thrilled with sick authoritarian sociopaths that want to eliminate 10.5 billion people.
I'm pretty sure He isn't thrilled with sick authoritarian sociopaths that want to eliminate 10.5 billion people.

You sure? How many did He eliminate in one fell swoop with His flood?
Maybe hoping for government contracts amid the hype. Lots of war memorials being floated around that time. And if... IF... some shadowy cabal were behind this... And "secrecy" were paramount... Why is this guy not comfortably disappeared in shadows and Shang-Ri-La for his service, where could never betray his benefactors? And, additionally... Why would his masters allow him to cede this Monument to a yokel, democratic council, by bequeatheing it to the "county"..? It just doesn't pass the smell test...
Use deodorant maybe?
Did Hitler or Marx write that?
HItler wasn't much of a writer.He wrote his over-rated
- Mein Kempt - while imprisoned at Lansberg for his failed
coup attempt in Munich { circa 1923 }. Ten years later Hitler
began his Rise to Power and book sales were imminent.
BTW ... The Title - Dynamic Principle - was used for Karl Marx's
dissertation for Ph.D { 1841 }.
His - Communist Manifesto - was co-authored with Engels
in 1948.Prior to that was Marx's - Deutsch-Baseler- Zeitung - 1847.
So feel free to consider him little more than a mere
propagating Deutschbag { Douchebag }.
Who were all the statues hurting?

Exactly. I hate Obama like poison. But I am not a POS that is going to tear down a statue. Let the faggot communist cocksuckers do that pussy crap.

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