Someone Blew Up The Georgia Guidestones…

Conflicting websites.

But even if they were, why destroy them? Does any really think they were instructions for the NWO or from Satan? In the middle of bumfuck no where?

And if so, do you actually believe this will stop either?

Let's see your posts condemning the destruction of other monuments on public property (i.e. statues of Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, etc.), and then we'll talk.
If I had to guess who was really responsible for the creation of this monument… Behind the scenes, and all… I’d guess that it’s actually the doing the the man whose company produced it. He admitted that he’d never made anything on that scale before; so this would be a legacy project for he, and his company. Perhaps he thought the salacious nature of the inscriptions, and the conjured up mystery around who commissioned it, would benefit he, and his company. All the while distancing he, and his company from any negative blowback concerning the contents of the inscriptions. And… He put it on his own land. Occams razor…
they are stones, they did not wipe out anyone.

No, the stones do, and you're defending it.

I am defending not destroying property. No one is following the instructions on a piece of granite in the middle of nowhere.

But there are plenty of books in the library that espouse similar beliefs. Is a book burning next?
Yep. The context is advising a post apocalyptic population.

And the owner/s were not out killing anyone.

What about the preacher who called for all gays and lesbians to be shot in the head, execution style? Should his church be blown up?

We don’t stoop that low
I am defending not destroying property. No one is following the instructions on a piece of granite in the middle of nowhere.

But there are plenty of books in the library that espouse similar beliefs. Is a book burning next?
Not if you are a teacher or librarian
No idea. Could have been an act of God, for all I know. A big lightning strike?

Maybe He doesn't like globalists.
Therefore they shall put no other god's before me, for I am the Lord thy God...

Yep it may have been a lightening strike for sure. :)

Many these days are attempting to be god's, but they are merely just dirty rags in his sight. Only he can lift us up on high, because no other force in the universe has such power and authority as the good Lord our saviour above. Amen.
I already have the high ground. I don’t riot,loot,vandalize property,beat up people I don’t agree with ,shoot police,groom kids or defend those who do.

but you sure do cheer on vandalized property that you do not agree with.

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