Someone just blew up Ukraine’s Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and took out a major dam

If Ukraine wanted to blow that dam they would have done it last October. That would have prevented the Russian withdrawal from Kherson, and it would have trapped the 20th CAA on the right bank of the Dnipro with no escape route. It would have also completely FUCKED the Russians on the left bank at the time.

And btw, Zelensky was warning back then that Russia had undermined the dam, and was planning to blow it and blame Ukraine. That was reported by the NYT back in October.
Yeah and the Russians blew their pipeline, bombed the Kremlin, blew up their bridge, and killed all their generals.

And Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Yeah and the Russians blew their pipeline, bombed the Kremlin, blew up their bridge, and killed all their generals.

And Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.


It's useless trying to convince some.

Yeah and the Russians blew their pipeline, bombed the Kremlin, blew up their bridge, and killed all their generals.

And Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Yeah, and another completely irrelevant reply from you that has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion. What a surprise... :113:
I’m so sorry you are unable to comprehend logic.
You aren't sorry, you're pathetic.

Your post was not logic, it was logical fallacy.

"Red Herring"

You didn't rebut a single thing in the post you responded to, you just babble off a bunch of unrelated nonsense as if it's some kind of argument. Iraq WMD? Really? Well, shit! How about that Kennedy assassination?

Jesus you are dumb. 🤡
Have you ever thought to ask, why Russia was doing setting up shop in another country to begin with? You can't actually do this, call it Russian terrority and then blame the country you just invaded for shelling you.
Have you ever thought to read up some books and facts regarding the Ukraine/Russia issue? obviously you only draw your conclusions absolutely one-sided, based purely onto propaganda forwarded by the present Ukrainian government and it's supportive one-sided Western MSM.

Have you ever thought to ask - who declared Ukraine to be independent?
1. There was no Ukraine - but a Soviet Republic of Ukraine - which had ceased to exist upon Gorbatchev having declared the dissolution of the Soviet-Union. Therefore no independent elected Ukraine government - therefore no peoples representation according to international law.
2. elections were only held 5 month after this "illegal" coup.
Putin is absolutely correct in pointing that out.

Russia (Jelzin) never attacked this illegal and artificial construct now called Ukraine.

The elected politicians in Donbas and Luhansk then did exactly the same in April 2014 - declaring their in majority Russian populated areas to be independent Republics. Russia stayed neutral by not acknowledging a peoples referendum held in Donbas and Luhansk. Kiev did not - but send in more of it's Nazi-brigades. Therefore Russia send in military aid and troops to help to defend the Russian speaking population against Ukrainian terror, committed foremost by Ukrainian Nazi affiliated units.

After a massive defeat of Ukrainian troops in August 2014, envoys from Kyiv, the rebels and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe signed a truce in the Belarusian capital of Minsk in September 2014. (Minsk I deal)
The deal quickly collapsed and large-scale fighting resumed, leading to another major defeat for Ukrainian forces at Debaltseve in January-February of 2015.
France and Germany brokered another peace agreement, which was signed in Minsk in February 2015 by representatives of Ukraine, Russia and the rebels. (Minsk II deal).

The 2015 Minsk II deal obliged Ukraine to grant special status to the separatist regions, allowing them to create their own police force and have a say in appointing local prosecutors and judges. It also envisaged that Ukraine could only regain control over the roughly 125-mile border with Russia in rebel regions after they get self-rule and hold OSCE-monitored local elections — balloting that would almost certainly keep pro-Moscow rebels in power there.

Ukrainian opposition parties never acknowledged the Minsk II deal - but termed it as treason. (The same group that is now in power). The then Ukrainian government stalled the implementation of the Minsk II agreement.
Facing calls from Berlin and Paris for its implementation, Ukrainian officials had strengthened their criticism of the Minsk deal and warned that it could lead to the country's demise. (Donbas and Luhansk accounted for around 16% of Ukraines GDP). Two rounds of talks in Paris and Berlin between presidential envoys from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany had yielded no progress.

As such it is a FACT that Ukraine who had themselves declared independence - refused to acknowledge other regions to do the same (despite those regions having a achieved legitimacy via a peoples referendum). It is a also a FACT that Ukraine continued to use military force towards Donbas and Luhansk, despite having signed the Minsk II deal).

And now Ukraine and Russia are both involved in this ridiculous war - and MSM and Goebbels scholar aficionados, and nerds like you simply blame only Russia.
Most medicines and clothing comes from India. Not the USA.
Medicine is produced in India - licensed by Western pharmaceutical companies or produced by them in India and everywhere else.
Deflecting from the actual issue of Russians having a miserable life since hundreds of years (normal people not receiving imported medicine etc.) - doesn't help your one-sided agenda and factual wrong statements - see your personal interpretation and assumptions about asymmetrical warfare.
Medicine is produced in India - licensed by Western pharmaceutical companies or produced by them in India and everywhere else.
Deflecting from the actual issue of Russians having a miserable life since hundreds of years (normal people not receiving imported medicine etc.) - doesn't help your one-sided agenda and factual wrong statements - see your personal interpretation and assumptions about asymmetrical warfare.
You are really did you get to this point in life and not know how economics works or who really owns what?
Says the person who is talking out of his ass. :rolleyes:
This is a video of what Russia says is a leopard tank being taken out.

What it really is a combine left out in a field. (Type of farm tractor).

And people wonder why we say that EVERYTHING Russia says is a lie.
This is a video of what Russia says is a leopard tank being taken out.

What it really is a combine left out in a field. (Type of farm tractor).

And people wonder why we say that EVERYTHING Russia says is a lie.

Unlike you - talking out off your ass - I don't give a shit about what the Goebbels scholar in Kiev, or some Russian ministry states or claims.
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You aren't sorry, you're pathetic.

Your post was not logic, it was logical fallacy.

"Red Herring"

You didn't rebut a single thing in the post you responded to, you just babble off a bunch of unrelated nonsense as if it's some kind of argument. Iraq WMD? Really? Well, shit! How about that Kennedy assassination?

Jesus you are dumb. 🤡
I’m dumb, yet you believe this war was unprovoked, Russia has nothing to fear from NATO, and Russia blew up their pipelines, bridge, and dam. WTF!
I’m dumb, yet you believe this war was unprovoked, Russia has nothing to fear from NATO, and Russia blew up their pipelines, bridge, and dam. WTF!
The thread is about the Kakhova dam. Deal with it.

It isn't about "me", or what you think I think. If you have an argument that Ukraine is responsible, make it.

Or go watch another Scott Ritter video, we don't really care. :icon_rolleyes:
Ukraine may have destroyed the dam. But, ironically, the reason of that is the opposite of 'escalation scenario'. On the contrary, it may be a way of drawing a frozen conflict scenario in some middle term perspective.

'Positive' outcome of the destroyed dam:
1. The Kinburn Spit. This piece of land was used by the Russians to control the Mykolaiv and Ochakiv waterways. Now, with this Spit virtually turning into the island and the Russian troops moving out of there, Ukraine could relieve these waterways.
2. Kherson. Widening the Dnieper riverbed in that area may ensure growing security for the city and diminishing the number of artillery strikes against it from the Russian side.
3. Making holding of the occupied parts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia oblasts way more costly for Russia in a long perspective. Decreasing the level of the Kahovka reservoir can lead to an operational halt of Zaporizhzhia NPP, thus rendering the cheap energy won't be available for the occupied areas. This can also lead to numerous irrigation canals drying up with possible water shortages for agriculture sector.

All that would be unnecessary if Ukraine were to reclaim those territories in short term perspective.

It is of course all speculations now. It is unclear who really destroyed the dam and what consequences that will have.
Have you ever thought to ask, why Russia was doing setting up shop in another country to begin with? You can't actually do this, call it Russian terrority and then blame the country you just invaded for shelling you.
There are things I believe in:
WHEN in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Post-Maidan Ukrainian Government (aka Neo-Nazi Junta) started the company of abusion and discrimination of the Russian (and not only Russian) population of Ukraine, including mass-murders (like Odessa massacre) and military operation against rebellious regions of Donbass.
Yes, Russia supported the rebels, but Russia also supported American rebels back in XVIII century. It doesn't mean that they were wrong, and, of course, it doesn't mean that we must support any anti-Russian force in the world. I believe that we must make the world better, and elimination of European Nazies, true democratisation and demilitarisation of Europe, will make the world better and safer place.
You know:

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