Someone Waiting at the Bus Stop


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
On my way home today I found myself positioned behind a school bus. Unlike the infuriating experience of getting stuck behind a garbage truck, I don't mind waiting while a school bus makes (very) frequent stops. They are kids getting home from school after all. Rather, it made me think of and appreciate the fact that when my youngest gets off the bus my wife is there waiting for him. She waits at the stop with a bunch of her friends in the neighborhood, and when my little guy gets off the bus he throws his backpack on the sidewalk and runs over to her. I'm glad he gets to do this instead of shuffling over to the door alone and fumbling with a key all by himself. Yeah, I work my ass off and have at least two jobs at any given time of the year (sometimes 4), but it is well worth it. I'm also glad both my boys get a professional-grade, hot dinner each night instead of takeout 3-4 times a week. I work hard, but nobody works harder than my wife. My boys deserve it just as my wife deserves my love and appreciation. I try to keep this in mind when things get busy.
My kids went to school on Camp Pendleton... there are I think four or five public schools on the base proper from grammar school to High school... Oceanside High is where they graduated... But when they were young my wife would wait for them every day...
My kids were starting Middle School and they told me they'd rather I was home everyday after school than to have nice things ... so I started my own construction business and did "business" stuff at home when school let out ... and then trained the little shits to swing a hammer and help on my business projects ...

I'm glad you started this thread ... I was kinda wondering what all the commotion was at the school bus stop this morning ... this afternoon I realized it's the day after Labor Day ... school started ...

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