Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

Ok. Help me out. How many people are involved? Let’s take Georgia. We don’t know how many ballots are needed. So how many do we gin up? If we need fifteen thousand and only have ten, that’s not going to work is it? If we need fifty thousand and only have thirty, that’s not helpful either. So how many did they make? A million?

How many people were involved in that? A thousand? Researching voter names? Creating fake voters using drivers license rolls and checking them against court records to insure no convictions? A thousand people. Might not be enough.

But that’s not all. We have to have people ready to cover up the investigations. The two women accused by the RW Radicals were investigated by the State Police, the Secretary of State’s office, and the FBI. For two years. So everyone involved in the investigation had to be on the inside. Figure another couple hundred right there.

I’m not sure how this works at this point? Are they wearing uniforms? Name tags? Access badges? Where are they managing this?

But let’s not forget how stupid they were. All those ballots for Biden and they couldn’t remember the down ballot races. They didn’t give straight wins to the Democrats running for the Senate. They had to go to a runoff for that.

So they planned out to the slightest detail how to do it and get away with it. But they didn’t remember that others could benefit from the election too.

Let’s say a thousand. Just in Georgia. How many thousands more nationally? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand?

Texas saw a big boost in Democrat voters. Not enough to swing the state, but a bunch. So obviously that was a conspiracy too. So why hasn’t Texas found it? They sued to stop the electoral votes of Georgia and Pennsylvania. If they were so sure it was a conspiracy why didn’t they find it in Texas?

There are other questions. I’ll let you pretend that these don’t exist before I ask the others.

We don't know exactly how OJ did what he did, but most know he did it.

Plenty of unsolved crimes out there, and yet you don't ask for minutiae on them.

To me the most likely mechanism was harvesting of mailed ballots, the distribution of which were increased and safeguards limited due to the supposed COVID emergency.
We don't know exactly how OJ did what he did, but most know he did it.

Plenty of unsolved crimes out there, and yet you don't ask for minutiae on them.

To me the most likely mechanism was harvesting of mailed ballots, the distribution of which were increased and safeguards limited due to the supposed COVID emergency.

Ok. The mail in ballot is intercepted. Somehow. The voter doesn’t know they asked for a mail in ballot. The voter turns up to vote in person and the Jig is up. The computer shows he voted by absentee or mail in ballot. Now an investigation is going. A few hundred of those and you have proof of systemic fraud. The odds that none would decide to vote is minuscule. So that means fake voters created to fool the system right?
Ok. The mail in ballot is intercepted. Somehow. The voter doesn’t know they asked for a mail in ballot. The voter turns up to vote in person and the Jig is up. The computer shows he voted by absentee or mail in ballot. Now an investigation is going. A few hundred of those and you have proof of systemic fraud. The odds that none would decide to vote is minuscule. So that means fake voters created to fool the system right?

The people running the scam run the elections. In some States ballots went out without them even being requested.

Do people investigating this have access to the envelopes mailed? They won't have access to who the person voted for because of the secret balloting, and rightly so. But has anyone ever gotten enough access in these blue areas to actually try to investigate as you describe?
Oh, geez, marty, that's like, "It was witchcraft, man, I know it happened, but I can't tell you how, so it was a witch!"
The people running the scam run the elections. In some States ballots went out without them even being requested.

Do people investigating this have access to the envelopes mailed? They won't have access to who the person voted for because of the secret balloting, and rightly so. But has anyone ever gotten enough access in these blue areas to actually try to investigate as you describe?

Ok. Let me get this straight. The “Fraud” that stole the election was people who were eligible to vote, but were not planning to, until a ballot arrived in the mail and they said what the hell why not?

Legal votes cast by legal voters. Because participation equals fraud. Cheating. Got it.

Oh dear Lord. Why me?
Ok. Let me get this straight. The “Fraud” that stole the election was people who were eligible to vote, but were not planning to, until a ballot arrived in the mail and they said what the hell why not?

Legal votes cast by legal voters. Because participation equals fraud. Cheating. Got it.

Oh dear Lord. Why me?

Actually taken from the trash or from the mailboxes when they didn't want them, or even filled out when someone was standing over them and giving them a little something something.
Actually taken from the trash or from the mailboxes when they didn't want them, or even filled out when someone was standing over them and giving them a little something something.

So we are back to the laughable cast of thousands. Right. How many thousands would it take to do that in Georgia alone?
Where in the Constitution does it grant anyone the right to be President? It is supposed to be a Privilege. An Honor to serve.

He meets the qualifications of being 35 years or older, and a natural born citizen. He's also never been convicted of insurrection.

Thus his right to run for office, like anyone else that meets those requirements.
He meets the qualifications of being 35 years or older, and a natural born citizen. He's also never been convicted of insurrection.

Thus his right to run for office, like anyone else that meets those requirements.

First. Those are qualifications. It doesn’t make it a right. Second. There is no condition in the 14th requiring conviction of insurrection. Only that the Congress can waive it with a 2/3 majority vote.
The hunt for the truth about it won't end anytime soon.

Yeah! It will linger for many years. Just like ... the Earth is flat ... we never landed on the moon ... 9/11 was an inside job ... etc., etc., etc.

But like with all of those, normal, rational people won't care and will just laugh at y'all.
That isn't the standard for believing if it could happen or not.

Marty, seriously... no one gives a flying shot what you fucking "believe." All that matters is what you can prove; and this post of yours is a convincing argument you can't prove anything you believe.

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