Something Else To Think About

Sooner or later, if the organization formerly known as the Republican party keeps losing the popular vote, it is just a matter of time before they will keep losing the electoral vote, too, and will have to resort to coups to maintain power.

Demographics are not on their side long term.
I disagree and you will see the GOP pivot more to the Hispanic\Latino communities to gain fresh blood.

Those communities along with Asian are more Conservative by nature and the GOP will see growth in the next twenty years.

You will argue about the GOP policies but remember as the new members gain control they will set the new policies.

The Democratic Party will be losing voters with their lunge to the far left and embracing DSA policies which are unpopular with non-White Conservatives…
Every President in history has been elected by the Electoral vote.

Or, we could have CA and NY decide every election and that is the end of the nation.
It’s why conservatives seek to establish Republican minority rule – the EC is part of the process.

Presidents are elected by the states, not the people.

Control of the Senate is determined by the states, not the people.

And because the president makes judicial nominations confirmed by the Senate, the states determine the makeup of the judiciary, not the people.

Consequently, Republicans have an unwarranted, partisan opposition to eliminating the EC.

Moreover, Republicans have determined to manipulate the political process in bad faith through voter suppression to maintain control of the majority of the states thus advancing the conservative agenda in opposition to the will of the majority of the American people.
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The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

Okay... and you realize this is precisely why the electoral college was formed? Right?
To prevent tyranny of the majority... you need an explanation of what that is?
Hatred only works so far and so long.

Eventually people just stop. It's exhausting and stupid
Hatred ends?

When exactly has it ever ended?

I'm thinking it will outlast the sun burning in the sky.
This is a common accusation by the right wing. Any links to back up what you say? Here's one link on how republicans keep Blacks from voting.

The "backup" is the total vote count compared to prior presidential elections, 81m votes my ass.

No one keeps anyone from voting.
We know when election day is, there is early voting, there is mail-in voting, there are no excuses.

The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

Another leftist spin rant with no point what so ever.
This is a common accusation by the right wing. Any links to back up what you say? Here's one link on how republicans keep Blacks from voting.
Why would you want blacks to vote? Didn’t they prove in 2008 that they only vote on skin color?
Weren’t the 2008 and 2012 elections the most racist elections in our history? I thought you hated racist voters?’s-victory/
Hatred only works so far and so long.

Eventually people just stop. It's exhausting and stupid
What makes you so exceptional? TDS for seven years running and spewing 'orange man bad' with just as much virulence as 2015. Is that your hidden talent?
Sooner or later, if the organization formerly known as the Republican party keeps losing the popular vote, it is just a matter of time before they will keep losing the electoral vote, too, and will have to resort to coups to maintain power.

Demographics are not on their side long term.
Or at least they would not be if the democrats were not working really really really hard to make the republican party viable again.

If they continue on the path they are on, they will chase many back over to the republican side of the isle.
Another leftist spin rant with no point what so ever.
How is it 'no point whatsoever' that the republicans have had a very hard time gaining the support the democrats have?

Yes, the president is elected by the EC. Yes, having a minority of the voters actually vote for your party rather than the majority does speak about future viability. You cannot maintain power in politics if you cannot garner the support for it.

Eventually it will drag you down.

The year in bold is the only election in which the Republican candidate won the popular vote.

This is probably why the organization formerly known as the Republican party is dead set against repealing the electoral college. The last guy even went so far as to attempt a coup to avoid accepting even the electoral count.

How much longer before the demographic clock runs out on the organization formerly known as the Republican Party?

Maybe its time they rethink about being the party of hatred and return to all those principles they long ago threw out the window.

No one cares how many extra votes Dems get in CA and NY by stuffing the ballot boxes. Outside those two Dems get creamed.
The "backup" is the total vote count compared to prior presidential elections, 81m votes my ass.
You think the vote count is proof that the election was stolen? You realize that the obvious answer here is that Trump was very polarizing and drove many previously apoliticial people to vote, right?

And this wasn’t even unexpected. We saw record voter turnout in the 2018 midterm election from both Democrats and Republicans.
You think the vote count is proof that the election was stolen? You realize that the obvious answer here is that Trump was very polarizing and drove many previously apoliticial people to vote, right?

And this wasn’t even unexpected. We saw record voter turnout in the 2018 midterm election from both Democrats and Republicans.
Don't forget the expansion of mail in voting which allowed many people that normally would not bother to actually cast a ballot.

Whatever one may feel about that there is no real contention that increasing access to mail in voting will increase voter turnout rates.
It’s why conservatives seek to establish Republican minority rule – the EC is part of the process.

Presidents are elected by the states, not the people.

Control of the Senate is determined by the states, not the people.

And because the president makes judicial nominations confirmed by the Senate, the states determine the makeup of the judiciary, not the people.

Consequently, Republicans have an unwarranted, partisan opposition to eliminating the EC.

Moreover, Republicans have determined to manipulate the political process in bad faith through voter suppression to maintain control of the majority of the states thus advancing the conservative agenda in opposition to the will of the majority of the American people.
Control of the Senate is not by the States. There are people placed in some states to become candidates for a party or elites to win control of the popular vote. The 17th Amendment took the power away from the states. There is not Joe Manchin in West Virginia if that amendment was not forced by the than elites into the Constitution.

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