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Something for 9/11 Conspiracy loonies to read.

You've got one guy who claims he heard a countdown and an explosion. The explosion that didn't show up on any audio tapes.

Then you have an unnamed guy who claims every cop in NYC heard the countdown, So where are the cops who can verify this.

What type of truck is that? In other words, what is that truck used for? Take a close look and get back to us on that one...

So you actually believe three buildings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day and within hours of each other is perfectly reasonable to believe? Sorry,those kinds of collapses are beyond rare. For the most part they only take place in controlled demolitions. And many loud explosions were heard. But keep in mind,Thermite doesn't always produce a loud explosion sound. I can't comment on the truck incident though. I haven't researched that.

You've got one guy who claims he heard a countdown and an explosion. The explosion that didn't show up on any audio tapes.

Then you have an unnamed guy who claims every cop in NYC heard the countdown, So where are the cops who can verify this.

What type of truck is that? In other words, what is that truck used for? Take a close look and get back to us on that one...

So you actually believe three buildings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day and within hours of each other is perfectly reasonable to believe? Sorry,those kinds of collapses are beyond rare. For the most part they only take place in controlled demolitions. And many loud explosions were heard. But keep in mind,Thermite doesn't always produce a loud explosion sound. I can't comment on the truck incident though. I haven't researched that.

It all starts with the science and physics, and the laws of conservation of momentum, and the fact that steel dissipates heat. Just because no one was seen planting devices, does not mean these laws of physics can be discounted. That is as ignorant as it gets with OCTAS.
The scientific facts says these collapses could not happen the way they did by "fire" and happenstance. The who, how why, or when is not up to the scientists or physicists to figure out, that is up to other agencies and people.
Time and time again on these 9-11 topic threads, links have been provided to people like SFC Ollie, explaining about nano technology involving thermate, and, even how these things were not even looked for or investigated, and how the det cord would have been consumed, but they just pretend these things were never brought up
and pointed out.
They give the government and its agencies a free pass, despite the fact they lied to the American people throughout history, and the independent scientists, engineers and many others who dare to speak out and point out the obvious flaws, have no reason to BS, and nothing to gain, compared to the government and the people, agencies and corporations that have high stakes in the OCT.

I could post a myriad of links and information but why bother? Willfully ignorant people like him are stuck, and too stubborn to think
about things in an objective capacity.
It's easier for them to make the story simple stupid, and blame the way the laws of physics were violated, on the evil Mooslims :badgrin:
Three large bulidings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day within hours of each other is pretty hard to accept as reality. It just doesn't happen. Those kinds of collapses are unheard of except in cases of controlled demolition. Yet three buildings collapsed that way on the same day within hours of each other? No,fire alone cannot be the explanation. Call me a "Crazy Twoofer",but i still think the Government's story on 911 is Bullshit.

You are the one believing bullshit. the facts have been laid out here for you and you ignore them. So tell me, whose sock are you?

Any audio of those explosions yet?

Any proof of any type of controlled demo yet? You know like det cord or blasting caps? Maybe a witness who saw the people preparing these three buildings for demolition? You know, just any old thing that would stand up in court.........

Unfortunately,we'll likely never know. They hauled that steel away so damn quickly. They got it over to China as soon as possible. Their actions were actually criminal. They destroyed a massive amount of evidence. The 911 Commission was Bullshit too. Three large buildings collapsing so perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint is almost unheard of except in cases of controlled demolition. So,three buildings in one day collapsing that way is simply unbelievable. There is so much more to the 911 story. But hey,you and I will never agree so what's the point of further discussion and Neg-Repping? Your mind cannot be changed. And that's cool with me. Believe what you want. It's a free country.

The steel was NOT hauled away and immediately shipped to China. All the debris was hauled to the Fresh Kills Landfill, where it was sifted through quite meticulously.
Here is a link to what was done with it. Recovery — Fresh Kills

You are claiming that those 3 buildings collapsed "perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint"? Really!? Even though large parts of WTC 1 went into WTC 7, which is 300 yards away. WTC 5 and 6 were completely destroyed by WTC 1. WTC 3 and 4 were destroyed by WTC 2.
I attached a document showing the damage to surrounding buildings.


  • $building damage.JPG
    $building damage.JPG
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You've got one guy who claims he heard a countdown and an explosion. The explosion that didn't show up on any audio tapes.

Then you have an unnamed guy who claims every cop in NYC heard the countdown, So where are the cops who can verify this.

What type of truck is that? In other words, what is that truck used for? Take a close look and get back to us on that one...

So you actually believe three buildings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day and within hours of each other is perfectly reasonable to believe? Sorry,those kinds of collapses are beyond rare. For the most part they only take place in controlled demolitions. And many loud explosions were heard. But keep in mind,Thermite doesn't always produce a loud explosion sound. I can't comment on the truck incident though. I haven't researched that.

It all starts with the science and physics, and the laws of conservation of momentum, and the fact that steel dissipates heat. Just because no one was seen planting devices, does not mean these laws of physics can be discounted. That is as ignorant as it gets with OCTAS.
The scientific facts says these collapses could not happen the way they did by "fire" and happenstance. The who, how why, or when is not up to the scientists or physicists to figure out, that is up to other agencies and people.
Time and time again on these 9-11 topic threads, links have been provided to people like SFC Ollie, explaining about nano technology involving thermate, and, even how these things were not even looked for or investigated, and how the det cord would have been consumed, but they just pretend these things were never brought up
and pointed out.
They give the government and its agencies a free pass, despite the fact they lied to the American people throughout history, and the independent scientists, engineers and many others who dare to speak out and point out the obvious flaws, have no reason to BS, and nothing to gain, compared to the government and the people, agencies and corporations that have high stakes in the OCT.

I could post a myriad of links and information but why bother? Willfully ignorant people like him are stuck, and too stubborn to think
about things in an objective capacity.
It's easier for them to make the story simple stupid, and blame the way the laws of physics were violated, on the evil Mooslims :badgrin:

Well said. Thanks.
The claim is always made that "steel skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire". That has been proven to be a very weak argument. There have been many examples of fire destroying a steel framed building. The TU Delft Architecture school. The entire building didn't collapse, but it wasn't a skyscraper. The taller and the smaller the footprint, the more it compounds the effects of a fire. The Windsor Tower is always used to prove that steel frame building won't collapse due to fire. The only problem is, that the steel frame of that building DID collapse. It is the concrete portion of that building that is still standing.
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:
You are the one believing bullshit. the facts have been laid out here for you and you ignore them. So tell me, whose sock are you?

Any audio of those explosions yet?

Any proof of any type of controlled demo yet? You know like det cord or blasting caps? Maybe a witness who saw the people preparing these three buildings for demolition? You know, just any old thing that would stand up in court.........

Unfortunately,we'll likely never know. They hauled that steel away so damn quickly. They got it over to China as soon as possible. Their actions were actually criminal. They destroyed a massive amount of evidence. The 911 Commission was Bullshit too. Three large buildings collapsing so perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint is almost unheard of except in cases of controlled demolition. So,three buildings in one day collapsing that way is simply unbelievable. There is so much more to the 911 story. But hey,you and I will never agree so what's the point of further discussion and Neg-Repping? Your mind cannot be changed. And that's cool with me. Believe what you want. It's a free country.

The steel was NOT hauled away and immediately shipped to China. All the debris was hauled to the Fresh Kills Landfill, where it was sifted through quite meticulously.
Here is a link to what was done with it. Recovery — Fresh Kills

You are claiming that those 3 buildings collapsed "perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint"? Really!? Even though large parts of WTC 1 went into WTC 7, which is 300 yards away. WTC 5 and 6 were completely destroyed by WTC 1. WTC 3 and 4 were destroyed by WTC 2.
I attached a document showing the damage to surrounding buildings.

"Girders weighing several tons were found 600 feet from the base of the North Tower. How fast they were ejected depends on where they originated. If they came from high in the building, they were thrown outwards at about 50 mph. If they came from lower down, the speed had to be even greater. Gravity alone cannot account for such high lateral ejection speeds."


What expelled out the walls and office contents in ALL directions, with such force?

Watch how even the "collapse" is -- advancing rows of explosions progressing in a perfectly straight line around the building. Symmetrical progression even though asymetrical damage..

No Mass = No Transfer of Momentum.
Where did the mass of the building go?

If the 15 story section is falling at free fall speed ...
All of its gravitational potential energy is converted to Kinetic Energy (movement)
It is not available to do the work of "crushing" the building below!
It would have to slow down in order to do any other work, i.e., "crushing 80,000 tons of structural steel below.
Near Free-Fall Pace Through Path of Greatest Resistance :cuckoo:

In all the videos of the collapses, explosions can be seen bursting from the building 20-30 stories below the demolition wave.
9/11:* Blueprint for Truth:* The Architecture of Destruction:* The Forensic Science-Based Facts of 9/11, by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Oh wait, no one saw them plant anything, and no one saw any det cord, so forget the actual science or physics involved, they don't count.....and only do IF some unexploded det cord is found...

Fucking idiots..

Sarcasm off.
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Fire just doesn't cause these types of collapses. I know some will never accept that,but it is reality. Like another poster said earlier,i could post all the photos and videos showing what large buildings should look like after extensive fire damage but some still wont budge on their beliefs. That's just the way it is. The final segment of the film '911: Expolsive Evidence - Experts Speak Out' really does sum these people up perfectly. They're just clinging to their stubborn fearful denial. Their minds can never be changed.
Unfortunately,we'll likely never know. They hauled that steel away so damn quickly. They got it over to China as soon as possible. Their actions were actually criminal. They destroyed a massive amount of evidence. The 911 Commission was Bullshit too. Three large buildings collapsing so perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint is almost unheard of except in cases of controlled demolition. So,three buildings in one day collapsing that way is simply unbelievable. There is so much more to the 911 story. But hey,you and I will never agree so what's the point of further discussion and Neg-Repping? Your mind cannot be changed. And that's cool with me. Believe what you want. It's a free country.

The steel was NOT hauled away and immediately shipped to China. All the debris was hauled to the Fresh Kills Landfill, where it was sifted through quite meticulously.
Here is a link to what was done with it. Recovery — Fresh Kills

You are claiming that those 3 buildings collapsed "perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint"? Really!? Even though large parts of WTC 1 went into WTC 7, which is 300 yards away. WTC 5 and 6 were completely destroyed by WTC 1. WTC 3 and 4 were destroyed by WTC 2.
I attached a document showing the damage to surrounding buildings.

"Girders weighing several tons were found 600 feet from the base of the North Tower. How fast they were ejected depends on where they originated. If they came from high in the building, they were thrown outwards at about 50 mph. If they came from lower down, the speed had to be even greater. Gravity alone cannot account for such high lateral ejection speeds."


What expelled out the walls and office contents in ALL directions, with such force?

Watch how even the "collapse" is -- advancing rows of explosions progressing in a perfectly straight line around the building. Symmetrical progression even though asymetrical damage..

No Mass = No Transfer of Momentum.
Where did the mass of the building go?

If the 15 story section is falling at free fall speed ...
All of its gravitational potential energy is converted to Kinetic Energy (movement)
It is not available to do the work of "crushing" the building below!
It would have to slow down in order to do any other work, i.e., "crushing 80,000 tons of structural steel below.
Near Free-Fall Pace Through Path of Greatest Resistance :cuckoo:

In all the videos of the collapses, explosions can be seen bursting from the building 20-30 stories below the demolition wave.
9/11:* Blueprint for Truth:* The Architecture of Destruction:* The Forensic Science-Based Facts of 9/11, by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWckUUE0UC4&feature=related]911 And The Laws Of Physics - YouTube[/ame]

Those buildings were over 1,300 ft tall. As the floors broke loose of the exterior walls, those exterior walls fell away. Which is what accounts for most of the far reaching damage to surrounding buildings.
I think you really need to look at how those buildings wear constructed more carefully. i.e. a tube in a tube. If those towers were of a more "conventional" construction and they fell like that, I would be completely on your side. The only thing holding the exterior columns upright was the floor trusses. The other end of the trusses being at the core columns. When the upper block starts to move (accelerating mass) and impacts the lower floors, the columns are no longer landing on columns. The floors cannot support that, and give instantly. The floor connections are to the sides of the columns on "truss seats". Those seats obviously cannot resist the force of that accelerating mass. You seem to think that the resistance to the collapse is the FULL strength of the core and perimeter columns. The floors connections to those core and perimeter columns is what is getting sheared off. That is why we see the exterior columns falling away. And we see the core still standing for a short period behind the collapse of the floors.
Keep in mind people survived the collapse inside the core in WTC 2.


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The claim is always made that "steel skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire". That has been proven to be a very weak argument. There have been many examples of fire destroying a steel framed building. The TU Delft Architecture school. The entire building didn't collapse, but it wasn't a skyscraper. The taller and the smaller the footprint, the more it compounds the effects of a fire. The Windsor Tower is always used to prove that steel frame building won't collapse due to fire. The only problem is, that the steel frame of that building DID collapse. It is the concrete portion of that building that is still standing.
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:

Can you find me evidence of another building, with tube in a tube construction, that was struck by an airliner at high speed? NO.

This unprecedented event is treated like it should have looked like a "typical" building fire.
Again, the Windsor Tower for example, if that building had been ALL steel...............it would have completely collapsed. The concrete portion saved that building. The twin towers had no concrete encased columns.

As for the "causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur". I explained on another post that there was no steel and mass that needed to move out of the way. There was no vertical steel "under" those floors. The floors spanned from core to exterior column, with no other support. The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass. The exterior columns falling away and the core standing for a short time after the floors collapsed.
The claim is always made that "steel skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire". That has been proven to be a very weak argument. There have been many examples of fire destroying a steel framed building. The TU Delft Architecture school. The entire building didn't collapse, but it wasn't a skyscraper. The taller and the smaller the footprint, the more it compounds the effects of a fire. The Windsor Tower is always used to prove that steel frame building won't collapse due to fire. The only problem is, that the steel frame of that building DID collapse. It is the concrete portion of that building that is still standing.
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:

Can you find me evidence of another building, with tube in a tube construction, that was struck by an airliner at high speed? NO.

This unprecedented event is treated like it should have looked like a "typical" building fire.
Again, the Windsor Tower for example, if that building had been ALL steel...............it would have completely collapsed. The concrete portion saved that building. The twin towers had no concrete encased columns.

As for the "causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur". I explained on another post that there was no steel and mass that needed to move out of the way. There was no vertical steel "under" those floors. The floors spanned from core to exterior column, with no other support. The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass. The exterior columns falling away and the core standing for a short time after the floors collapsed.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3y0_RqCLkY]911GATE: WTC Core Zoom Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

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The claim is always made that "steel skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire". That has been proven to be a very weak argument. There have been many examples of fire destroying a steel framed building. The TU Delft Architecture school. The entire building didn't collapse, but it wasn't a skyscraper. The taller and the smaller the footprint, the more it compounds the effects of a fire. The Windsor Tower is always used to prove that steel frame building won't collapse due to fire. The only problem is, that the steel frame of that building DID collapse. It is the concrete portion of that building that is still standing.
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:

Can you find me evidence of another building, with tube in a tube construction, that was struck by an airliner at high speed? NO.

This unprecedented event is treated like it should have looked like a "typical" building fire.
Again, the Windsor Tower for example, if that building had been ALL steel...............it would have completely collapsed. The concrete portion saved that building. The twin towers had no concrete encased columns.

As for the "causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur". I explained on another post that there was no steel and mass that needed to move out of the way. There was no vertical steel "under" those floors. The floors spanned from core to exterior column, with no other support. The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass. The exterior columns falling away and the core standing for a short time after the floors collapsed.

Then there is the matter of the hat trusses, making fast the connection of exterior to interior columns. When these trusses were no longer operative, I imagine that the great pressure applied to the outer columns by the gravity weight of the floors had little to contain it and would have exerted a considerable outward force.
The claim is always made that "steel skyscrapers have never collapsed from fire". That has been proven to be a very weak argument. There have been many examples of fire destroying a steel framed building. The TU Delft Architecture school. The entire building didn't collapse, but it wasn't a skyscraper. The taller and the smaller the footprint, the more it compounds the effects of a fire. The Windsor Tower is always used to prove that steel frame building won't collapse due to fire. The only problem is, that the steel frame of that building DID collapse. It is the concrete portion of that building that is still standing.
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:

Can you find me evidence of another building, with tube in a tube construction, that was struck by an airliner at high speed? NO.

This unprecedented event is treated like it should have looked like a "typical" building fire.
Again, the Windsor Tower for example, if that building had been ALL steel...............it would have completely collapsed. The concrete portion saved that building. The twin towers had no concrete encased columns.

As for the "causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur". I explained on another post that there was no steel and mass that needed to move out of the way. There was no vertical steel "under" those floors. The floors spanned from core to exterior column, with no other support. The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass. The exterior columns falling away and the core standing for a short time after the floors collapsed.

* Steel is a good conductor and concrete is a poor conductor of heat. Thus in a fire, a steel frame will conduct heat away from the hotspots into the larger structure. As long as the fire does not consume the larger structure, this heat conductivity will keep the temperatures of the frame well below the fire temperatures. The same is not true of steel-reinforced-concrete structures, since concrete is not a good thermal conductor, and the thermal conductivity of the rebar inside the concrete is limited by its small mass and the embedding matrix of concrete.

* Fires can cause spalling of concrete, but not of steel. This is because concrete has a small percentage of latent moisture, which is converted to steam by heat. Thus, a large fire can gradually erode a concrete structure to the point of collapse, whereas a fire can only threaten a steel-framed structure if it elevates steel temperatures to such an extent that it causes failures.

The observation that the Windsor Building is the only skyscraper to have suffered even a partial collapse as a result of fire suggests that the use of steel-reinforced-concrete framing was responsible. A closer look at the incident shows reality to be more complex. The portion of the building that collapsed consisted of the outer portions of floor slabs and perimeter walls throughout the upper third of the building (the 21st through 32nd floors).
The outer walls consisted of steel box columns arranged on 1.8 meter centers and connected by narrow spandrel plates. The columns had square cross-sections 120mm on a side, and were fabricated of C-sections 7mm thick welded together. (these had a fraction of the dimensions, and were spaced about twice as far apart as the perimeter columns of the Twin Towers.)The perimeter columns lacked fireproofing throughout the upper third of the Windsor building.

The Windsor Building fire demonstrates that a huge building-consuming fire, after burning for many hours, can produce the collapse of parts of the building with weak steel supports lacking fire protection. It also shows that the collapse events that do occur are gradual and partial.
Again show us an example of a fire causing collapse that produced a TOTAL fall a few seconds short of a free fall collapse.
You cant, after insinuating that this is a common result of fires in hirises in your previous post.
The Windsor building still stood, evidenced by many pictures taken after the very long overnight fire, despite its inferior construction compared to the WTC.
Just to be clear I was talking about the WTC 7, not the twins so, no planes hitting the building.

You are you also implying that there was no mass to be removed, at either of the 2 buildings? :eusa_liar: You actually make yourself believe this insanity?

You also make mention of the "The exterior columns falling away" :eusa_liar:
Well if they did just fall away, they would not have been found 600ft. away jutting out of other nearby buildings, but you also find it "normal" that this occurred and even post a diagram of the damage circumference.
So which is it? Did the parts of the towers just "fall" 600 ft away?

Seriously I'm having a hard time understanding some of what you are trying to relay here.
Things that just "fall away" would not appear to explosively be ejecting away from the WTC towers, and reach the sited distances you posted.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUKLOlIhang]4-Ton Girders: Blowing in the Wind? - YouTube[/ame]

"The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass."
By what mechanism and force?
Are you saying then, that the floors assemblies were detaching from their connections to the columns of the core and perimeter walls, precipitating a chain reaction of floors falling on one another?
In essence the pancake theory?
Can you provide us with evidence that a fire engulfed hi-rise should be expected to fall totally a few seconds short of the time it takes for a billiard ball to drop from its roof line, causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur in such a short amount of time?
I look forward to your pics and links. :cool:

Can you find me evidence of another building, with tube in a tube construction, that was struck by an airliner at high speed? NO.

This unprecedented event is treated like it should have looked like a "typical" building fire.
Again, the Windsor Tower for example, if that building had been ALL steel...............it would have completely collapsed. The concrete portion saved that building. The twin towers had no concrete encased columns.

As for the "causing tons of steel and mass to just move out of the way for this to occur". I explained on another post that there was no steel and mass that needed to move out of the way. There was no vertical steel "under" those floors. The floors spanned from core to exterior column, with no other support. The floors were being sheared off of the "supporting" mass. The exterior columns falling away and the core standing for a short time after the floors collapsed.

Then there is the matter of the hat trusses, making fast the connection of exterior to interior columns. When these trusses were no longer operative, I imagine that the great pressure applied to the outer columns by the gravity weight of the floors had little to contain it and would have exerted a considerable outward force.
All these forces, and series of failures, great amounts of mass, steel etc, do not just come crashing down, pulverizing itself, while still having the force to laterally eject huge tons of building 600 ft. away!

In the short amount of time that they fell in! Supposedly kicked off by a mechanism that by its very nature, moves and is dissipated by steel.
It is an absurdity to think all of this can happen, given the absolutely massive proportions of the buildings, within the short collapse times observed of each one.

The force of gravity (collapse) and resistance work against each other, ALWAYS EQUAL AND OPPOSITE. The bottom line here is that NIST wants you to believe that there is only minimal resistance to allow this collapse to keep accelerating and reach its conclusion in the short time that it did. As though the undamaged portion of the lower mass
is simply moving out of the way of the collapsing upper parts! :cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32-Ctx7MhKY]North Tower Acceleration by David Chandler - YouTube[/ame]

Here is an e-mail from chief daniel nigro

the nist report damge played no significant role in the collapse

nist determined damage was not a significant factor in the collapse

nist determined the atrium played no role in the collapse
yes dear!"they told us to get out of there because they were worried about 7 world trade center, which is right behind it, coming down. We were up on the upper floors of the verizon building looking at it. You could just see the whole bottom corner of the building was gone. We could look right out over to where the trade centers were because we were that high up. Looking over the smaller buildings. I just remember it was tremendous, tremendous fires going on. Finally they pulled us out. They said all right, get out of that building because that 7, they were really worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they regrouped everybody on vesey street, between the water and west street. They put everybody back in there. Finally it did come down. From there - this is much later on in the day, because every day we were so worried about that building we didn't really want to get people close. They were trying to limit the amount of people that were in there. Finally it did come down." - richard banaciski

the okc federal building wasn't constructed the same as wtc7 and did not have its lower floors on fire for 6 hours. We can see clear as day that the building was not a tube in a tube design. We can see its lower floors weren't on fire. We can see the columns are covered in concrete. All from the same photo the conspiracy theorists use to show us how incredibly intelligent they are.

no link dipsht
It figures. When you get a link you can't find it.:badgrin::badgrin:
You've got one guy who claims he heard a countdown and an explosion. The explosion that didn't show up on any audio tapes.

Then you have an unnamed guy who claims every cop in NYC heard the countdown, So where are the cops who can verify this.

What type of truck is that? In other words, what is that truck used for? Take a close look and get back to us on that one...

So you actually believe three buildings collapsing perfectly symmetrically into their own footprints on the same day and within hours of each other is perfectly reasonable to believe? Sorry,those kinds of collapses are beyond rare. For the most part they only take place in controlled demolitions. And many loud explosions were heard. But keep in mind,Thermite doesn't always produce a loud explosion sound. I can't comment on the truck incident though. I haven't researched that.

It all starts with the science and physics, and the laws of conservation of momentum, and the fact that steel dissipates heat. Just because no one was seen planting devices, does not mean these laws of physics can be discounted. That is as ignorant as it gets with OCTAS.
The scientific facts says these collapses could not happen the way they did by "fire" and happenstance. The who, how why, or when is not up to the scientists or physicists to figure out, that is up to other agencies and people.
Time and time again on these 9-11 topic threads, links have been provided to people like SFC Ollie, explaining about nano technology involving thermate, and, even how these things were not even looked for or investigated, and how the det cord would have been consumed, but they just pretend these things were never brought up
and pointed out.
They give the government and its agencies a free pass, despite the fact they lied to the American people throughout history, and the independent scientists, engineers and many others who dare to speak out and point out the obvious flaws, have no reason to BS, and nothing to gain, compared to the government and the people, agencies and corporations that have high stakes in the OCT.

I could post a myriad of links and information but why bother? Willfully ignorant people like him are stuck, and too stubborn to think
about things in an objective capacity.
It's easier for them to make the story simple stupid, and blame the way the laws of physics were violated, on the evil Mooslims :badgrin:
Unfortunately,we'll likely never know. They hauled that steel away so damn quickly. They got it over to China as soon as possible. Their actions were actually criminal. They destroyed a massive amount of evidence. The 911 Commission was Bullshit too. Three large buildings collapsing so perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint is almost unheard of except in cases of controlled demolition. So,three buildings in one day collapsing that way is simply unbelievable. There is so much more to the 911 story. But hey,you and I will never agree so what's the point of further discussion and Neg-Repping? Your mind cannot be changed. And that's cool with me. Believe what you want. It's a free country.

The steel was NOT hauled away and immediately shipped to China. All the debris was hauled to the Fresh Kills Landfill, where it was sifted through quite meticulously.
Here is a link to what was done with it. Recovery — Fresh Kills

You are claiming that those 3 buildings collapsed "perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint"? Really!? Even though large parts of WTC 1 went into WTC 7, which is 300 yards away. WTC 5 and 6 were completely destroyed by WTC 1. WTC 3 and 4 were destroyed by WTC 2.
I attached a document showing the damage to surrounding buildings.

"Girders weighing several tons were found 600 feet from the base of the North Tower. How fast they were ejected depends on where they originated. If they came from high in the building, they were thrown outwards at about 50 mph. If they came from lower down, the speed had to be even greater. Gravity alone cannot account for such high lateral ejection speeds."


What expelled out the walls and office contents in ALL directions, with such force?

Watch how even the "collapse" is -- advancing rows of explosions progressing in a perfectly straight line around the building. Symmetrical progression even though asymetrical damage..

No Mass = No Transfer of Momentum.
Where did the mass of the building go?

If the 15 story section is falling at free fall speed ...
All of its gravitational potential energy is converted to Kinetic Energy (movement)
It is not available to do the work of "crushing" the building below!
It would have to slow down in order to do any other work, i.e., "crushing 80,000 tons of structural steel below.
Near Free-Fall Pace Through Path of Greatest Resistance :cuckoo:

In all the videos of the collapses, explosions can be seen bursting from the building 20-30 stories below the demolition wave.
9/11:* Blueprint for Truth:* The Architecture of Destruction:* The Forensic Science-Based Facts of 9/11, by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWckUUE0UC4&feature=related]911 And The Laws Of Physics - YouTube[/ame]

Oh wait, no one saw them plant anything, and no one saw any det cord, so forget the actual science or physics involved, they don't count.....and only do IF some unexploded det cord is found...

Fucking idiots..

Sarcasm off.
The steel was NOT hauled away and immediately shipped to China. All the debris was hauled to the Fresh Kills Landfill, where it was sifted through quite meticulously.
Here is a link to what was done with it. Recovery — Fresh Kills

You are claiming that those 3 buildings collapsed "perfectly symmetrically into their own footprint"? Really!? Even though large parts of WTC 1 went into WTC 7, which is 300 yards away. WTC 5 and 6 were completely destroyed by WTC 1. WTC 3 and 4 were destroyed by WTC 2.
I attached a document showing the damage to surrounding buildings.

"Girders weighing several tons were found 600 feet from the base of the North Tower. How fast they were ejected depends on where they originated. If they came from high in the building, they were thrown outwards at about 50 mph. If they came from lower down, the speed had to be even greater. Gravity alone cannot account for such high lateral ejection speeds."


What expelled out the walls and office contents in ALL directions, with such force?

Watch how even the "collapse" is -- advancing rows of explosions progressing in a perfectly straight line around the building. Symmetrical progression even though asymetrical damage..

No Mass = No Transfer of Momentum.
Where did the mass of the building go?

If the 15 story section is falling at free fall speed ...
All of its gravitational potential energy is converted to Kinetic Energy (movement)
It is not available to do the work of "crushing" the building below!
It would have to slow down in order to do any other work, i.e., "crushing 80,000 tons of structural steel below.
Near Free-Fall Pace Through Path of Greatest Resistance :cuckoo:

In all the videos of the collapses, explosions can be seen bursting from the building 20-30 stories below the demolition wave.
9/11:* Blueprint for Truth:* The Architecture of Destruction:* The Forensic Science-Based Facts of 9/11, by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWckUUE0UC4&feature=related]911 And The Laws Of Physics - YouTube[/ame]

Oh wait, no one saw them plant anything, and no one saw any det cord, so forget the actual science or physics involved, they don't count.....and only do IF some unexploded det cord is found...

Fucking idiots..

Sarcasm off.

Yet another stupid reply to a post, void of any intelligent substance. BTW, no need to ask God to help you, as you wouldn't have the nards
to even come close to fulfilling your urges to kill anyway :cool:

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