something I have not heard anyone speak on in RE Trump Raid

Its a political hit job. All this shit started under Obama.
The DOJ is weaponized by Dems.
Well, amigo, put your big boy panties on and......
Prove it.
Or go.
House rules.


WTF? Seriously, you can't be so daft as to believe that bullshit.

Ah, poster Winston. I admire your patience. I admire your tolerance. I admire your willingness to teach and to mentor. But.....

....but you are dealing with the avataree 'Bripat'. Nobody takes that avataree seriously.

I mean no disrespect towards that avatar. It just is what it is. Everybody recognizes the limitations.

We all know that the filthy ass Judge was a Potatohead appointed judge who had contributed to Crooked Hillary, The Worthless Negro and Potatohead himself so duh.

The above is the response from the thoughtful and insightful avataree, "Flash".
It is his response to the query to him to prove his three point assertions offered in post #53.
His sobersided response is to go full on racist with his worn 'Worthless Negro' epithets.

Look, this is a public chatroom with a low bar to entry.
Any ol' jackass can enroll and spew his keyboard enemas until some Mod says...."time out, jackass. Dial it down or go back to Daily Stormer or Great Awakening's chatrooms.'

I'm not saying that is exactly what poster 'Flash' is doing.
Nor am I saying that poster 'Flash' is one of those notorious jackasses.
I'm not saying that at all.

Rather, it just appears that way to a casual reader.

Well, amigo, put your big boy panties on and......
Prove it.
Or go.
House rules.


Ah, poster Winston. I admire your patience. I admire your tolerance. I admire your willingness to teach and to mentor. But.....

....but you are dealing with the avataree 'Bripat'. Nobody takes that avataree seriously.

I mean no disrespect towards that avatar. It just is what it is. Everybody recognizes the limitations.

False Dichotomy, there are other options.
Ones that may rid the US of shitbags like you, even.
Ones that may rid the US of shitbags like you, even.

You know, poster Duke, there have been any number of nutso-crazo discussions originating in the fever-dreams of the forum's RightieTighties in the few months the Mods have allowed me here.

With a little due diligence I have rather successfully found the satire, snark, and ridicule that the Trump Supporters inevitably earn.

However, having said that.....I gotta admit this Mar-A-Lardo 'search-warrant' brouhaha has been a rare one. Both in the intensity, and in the RWNJ's contortions to deny, dismiss, deflect, and finally justify DonT's misappropriation of the People's White House documents. The NJ's mental gymnastics have been entertaining and oh so snarkable.

And, I gotta tell ya, mon, yourself, have been a performer to keep an eye on. You are no slacker when it comes to being a TDS'r....a Trump Duped & Snookered rube.

A hat-tip.
You know, poster Duke, there have been any number of nutso-crazo discussions originating in the fever-dreams of the forum's RightieTighties in the few months the Mods have allowed me here.

With a little due diligence I have rather successfully found the satire, snark, and ridicule that the Trump Supporters inevitably earn.

However, having said that.....I gotta admit this Mar-A-Lardo 'search-warrant' brouhaha has been a rare one. Both in the intensity, and in the RWNJ's contortions to deny, dismiss, deflect, and finally justify DonT's misappropriation of the People's White House documents. The NJ's mental gymnastics have been entertaining and oh so snarkable.

And, I gotta tell ya, mon, yourself, have been a performer to keep an eye on. You are no slacker when it comes to being a TDS'r....a Trump Duped & Snookered rube.

A hat-tip.
May you french-kiss a motherfuckin' Diamondback, you piece of shit.

Keep cheering on the erosion of American rights. It's right up your alley.

I whack Diamondbacks in the head with a shovel until their skull goes sideways.

Then I chop it off and bury it. Like the snake that it is. That ain't no bullshit. I've done that more than 9x. I am a snake-killing man.
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"May you french-kiss a motherfuckin' Diamondback, you piece of shit."


Duke, you are too easy.
Your handle...."Duped & Snookered" can't be denied anymore.


Duke, you are too easy.
Your handle...."Duped & Snookered" can't be denied anymore.
Go tongue a Moccasin, motherfucker. Motherfuckers just like you are what is wrong with America today, IF you're even from America. Which I doubt you are.
Where you from, boy? Prove you're American.

I eat greens flavored with browned salt pork. True Story.

I know! Let's see you name the 3 greens, motherfucker.
I eat greens flavored with browned salt pork. True Story...... Let's see you name the 3 greens, motherfucker.

Well, there we have it.
Poster 'The Duke' morphs the Mar-A-Lardo discussion into the Cooking Channel, Pork-Eater edition.

I love this bar.
It's like Forrest's box of chocolates. ;)
Its a political hit job. All this shit started under Obama.

The DOJ is weaponized by Dems.

Trump twice amplified supporters’ criticisms of Attorney General William Barr, including one featuring a meme calling on him to “arrest somebody!” He wondered aloud why his rivals, like President Barack Obama, Democratic nominee Joe Biden and former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton hadn’t been imprisoned.

Donald Trump does not belong in the White House, he belongs in jail, and the Dems should fight like hell to make that happen

the Dems should become the biggest pain in the ass Trump has ever faced, and they WILL SUCCEED!

Go tongue a Moccasin, motherfucker. Motherfuckers just like you are what is wrong with America today, IF you're even from America. Which I doubt you are.
Where you from, boy? Prove you're American.

I eat greens flavored with browned salt pork. True Story.

I know! Let's see you name the 3 greens, motherfucker.
Collards, Turnip, and Mustard. You think that makes you American? Or is it the killing rattlesnake part, oh what a big man you are. But what rights to you think are being eroded? The right of an ex American president to take possession of public property? Just where is that in the Constitution, I don't seem to be able to find it. But I did find this,

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Nope, going back to my heritage, and proving I am an American, I have this toast for Donald Trump,

Here to you, as good as you are,
And here is to me, as bad as I am;
As bad as I am, as good as you are,
I am good as you are as bad as I am"

Trump is now a US citizen. He is no better than anyone else. He is not above the law. The fact that low life trash like you believe he is clearly indicates that you are NOT a real American.
Collards, Turnip, and Mustard. You think that makes you American? Or is it the killing rattlesnake part, oh what a big man you are. But what rights to you think are being eroded? The right of an ex American president to take possession of public property? Just where is that in the Constitution, I don't seem to be able to find it. But I did find this,

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Nope, going back to my heritage, and proving I am an American, I have this toast for Donald Trump,

Here to you, as good as you are,
And here is to me, as bad as I am;
As bad as I am, as good as you are,
I am good as you are as bad as I am"

Trump is now a US citizen. He is no better than anyone else. He is not above the law. The fact that low life trash like you believe he is clearly indicates that you are NOT a real American.
You have no clue as to what he took home with all your spouting about "public property".

And the president can declassify whatever he so chooses.

As for what rights are being eroded? That's 4th amendment rights.
You have no clue as to what he took home with all your spouting about "public property".

And the president can declassify whatever he so chooses.

As for what rights are being eroded? That's 4th amendment rights.
LMAO. No, Trump can't "unilaterally"--go ahead, look that word up, declassify everything. Some things, yes, sure. But nuclear secrets, not happening. I mean you Trumpbots are so gullible.
LMAO. No, Trump can't "unilaterally"--go ahead, look that word up, declassify everything. Some things, yes, sure. But nuclear secrets, not happening. I mean you Trumpbots are so gullible.
I see you running away from that 4th amendment part like a vampire from a cross. 'Sup?
I see you running away from that 4th amendment part like a vampire from a cross. 'Sup?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

There it is. What about probable cause, oath and affirmation, and the description of the place to be searched and the items to be seized do you not understand?

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