something I have not heard anyone speak on in RE Trump Raid


She didn't witness boxes or documents being loaded onto the truck, though she did not dispute FBI investigators took material from Mar-a-Lago — Halligan just didn't see it.

Sources told CBS News that the FBI did, in fact, take boxes and documents from Mar-a-Lago, but no electronics. Two sources said that some, if not all, of the documents are potentially classified records.

The National Archives and Records Administration retrieved 15 boxes of records, some of which contained classified material, from Mar-a-Lago in mid-January. Monday's search appears to be part of that Justice Department investigation.

Halligan says she and Bobb were barred from going inside the complex, forced to remain outside, between the ballroom and residence, on the grounds of Mar-a-Lago
CALL: "..why doesn't his avatar (meaning Flash's avatar) deserve and get the same respect from you chills?"

RESPONSE: (Quoted from poster Flash) "We all know that the filthy ass Judge was a Potatohead appointed judge who had contributed to Crooked Hillary, The Worthless Negro and Potatohead himself so duh.........They are the Gestapo for the filthy Democrat Nazi Party."

I rest my defense of poor poster Flash.
"Poor Chalicotherium, far too stupid to offer a response. Nailed to the wall after being identified as what he is, a Nazi - he retreats to the only argument of the fascists "Nuhn uhn - yoo." Let's review the fact that you of the democrat are in fact Nazis, shall we?"
And up jumps the devil is the same old tiny little mustache ---Our resident Hitlerjugend wannabe, poor poster Uncensored. (not that his size matters)

What the fuck are you even talking about?
You're even too stupid for that, Q NUT.

Being that deranged, meds should help or maybe a reduction.

Kool-Aid has announced they will be debuting a new flavor this week called “Trump Orange.” The formula has been tweaked and Kool-Aid CEO says its the most powerful drink they have ever made.

“We know that supporters of the president love to drink his Kool-Aid, so we are forecasting this to be a huge seller for us,” he said. “We’ve had similar flavors in the past which have also done well such as the Anti-Vaccine Berry Blast, Alex Jones Town Grape, and Flat Earth Strawberry Jam. We are confident this will surpass all of those.”

There were three things wrong with the raid.

1. It was politically motivated. It was the filthy Biden Administration using the force of government to curtail political opposition. Despicable!

2. The Judge was shopped to be a Democrat political hack. He did a political thing rather than a legal thing.

3. The FBI has become the thug operatives for the filthy corrupt Democrat Party. They violated their oath to the Constitution. Not only on this but other things. Shame!
Look, this whole "politically motivated" bullshit is starting to wear thin. So, Trump starts a charity and then uses the funds raised to pay for a painting of himself to display in one of his hotels. He claimed that investigation was "politically motivated", but he paid a fine and was banned from starting charities. He creates a sham university, cons hundreds of people out of thousands of dollars, he claimed that investigation was "politically motivated", but he paid a settlement. His company and a former official are under investigation for tax fraud, "it's politically motivated", he wails. Stealing public documents, some top secret and compartmentalized, he goes to that same well again, "oh, the investigation is politically motivated".

I mean at this point, Trump is like the boy that cried wolf. If the charity investigation was just politically motivated, he wouldn't have paid the fines. If the university investigation was politically motivated, he wouldn't have settled. I mean this is a man that often stiffed contractors claiming the work wasn't up to snuff, think he would settle for convenience?

Are you seeing a trend here? Four investigations, and actually, there are a couple more that I left out. But we do have a historical precedent here, Aaron Burr. Not a president, but a Vice President. Tried for treason, arraigned FOUR TIMES, found not guilty, but with his reputation trashed and deep in debt, he fled to Europe. There is your template for Trump. If he is not incarcerated at Butner, he will live in exile somewhere in Europe. My money is on Prague, great city.
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OK, maybe someone has brought this up, but I myself did not hear of it:

The Section of the 4th Amendment that addresses search and seizure mentions that a warrant must be obtained if it is to be a search of a place where the person had a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Obviously, one's home fits that description. A man's home is his castle.

It seems that if the govt can raid your home while you are gone with no attorney representing you allowed in to see what is done.. Sorry, but that looks like an open and SHUT case. There was no emergency. They got the warrant on Friday and didn't execute it until Monday, so there goes the state's charges of "urgency"

Its a political hit job. All this shit started under Obama.

The DOJ is weaponized by Dems.
Because of the 4th Amendment, dumbass. If the FBI is ransacking your house when you aren't there, it's a 4th amendment violation, just like tapping your phone.

Are you a total idiot?
WTF? Seriously, you can't be so daft as to believe that bullshit.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

OK, show me where it says you have the right to be there when they search. Did the justice department have probable cause? Yep. Was it supported by oath or affirmation? Yep, the whistleblower. See, when you consistently throw people under the bus once in a while someone rolls out from underneath and kicks you in the ass. Did the justice department describe the place to be searched and the things they were searching for? Sure bud did, even presented an inventory to the public that correlated with the warrant itself.
WTF? Seriously, you can't be so daft as to believe that bullshit.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

OK, show me where it says you have the right to be there when they search. Did the justice department have probable cause? Yep. Was it supported by oath or affirmation? Yep, the whistleblower. See, when you consistently throw people under the bus once in a while someone rolls out from underneath and kicks you in the ass. Did the justice department describe the place to be searched and the things they were searching for? Sure bud did, even presented an inventory to the public that correlated with the warrant itself.
If you aren't there, it's not a search. it's spying and theft. How can you serve the target the warrant if they aren't present?
If you aren't there, it's not a search. it's spying and theft. How can you serve the target the warrant if they aren't present?
Wait, let me get this straight. Law enforcement has a warrant, but they can't search because they haven't "served" the warrant. For example, law enforcement has a search warrant for a suspected meth lab. They nicely knock on the door but no one answers. What, do they sit around and wait for someone to come home? Or even better, the maid answers the door. Does the FBI stand down till the owner shows up? I mean what kind of delusional world do you live in?
Look, this whole "politically motivated" bullshit is starting to wear thin.
That is because you Moon Bats don't want to hear it. However, your typical Libtard denial on a discussion board notwithstanding, you know know it as good as the rest of us.

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