Something Obama Would've Never Done: Trump To Light White House Blue To Honor Fallen Police

Show some respect. There are thousands and thousands of retired Police Officers who lost brothers during their careers. I lost 3 friends and fellow Officers who were shot and killed in the line of duty during my 21 years on the job. Look 'em up, Joe Fitzgerald, Kenny Grant and Gary Stimoloski... RIP.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.
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This is the difference between a president who has respect and compassion for law enforcement officers and an unconstitutional president who did not. The ineligible Obama despised the police and encouraged violence against them resulting in many officers killed with impunity by enraged blacks. Now it's refreshing to see a strong president who embraces and understands the sacrifices law enforcement officers put on the line every day. Indeed, what a difference it does make!

Perhpas the blue is in unity with O'Reilly's blue balls, has he gotten laid yet?
you into old mens balls???

lord dude, get a room and a tablet and knock yourself out.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

won't deny there needs to be accountability. but it's not like the police are alone in that regard. our leadership in general across the board needs to be held accountable to the same laws. period.

right now it's "well they did this" or "they did that so we had to do this..." crap. we let people go and/or cover things in a smoke screen of "reasonable doubt" to the point where nothing is reasonable anymore and it's all doubt. but more doubt we'll never recover from where we've driven ourselves.

and then we have to hold ourselves accountable for the actions we take on a daily basis in excusing it or blaming the other side.

guilty is guilty - don't care about party lines.

as for the respect to the police - finally. the vast majority are incredible people and the spotlight on the bad ones was amplified by a president who could call them "stupid" before hearing a single fact. who would call them guilty at every turn again, w/o hearing a single fact. that alone did more to discredit the police than their own actions ever could as obama's actions encouraged people to "rebel against" the police.

some did, got shot, repeat cycle.

then again, some stayed on the ground w/arms way up and got shot anyway - so yes, accountability.
This is the difference between a president who has respect and compassion for law enforcement officers and an unconstitutional president who did not. The ineligible Obama despised the police and encouraged violence against them resulting in many officers killed with impunity by enraged blacks. Now it's refreshing to see a strong president who embraces and understands the sacrifices law enforcement officers put on the line every day. Indeed, what a difference it does make!

Perhpas the blue is in unity with O'Reilly's blue balls, has he gotten laid yet?
You think Clinton can still get it up?
I certainly support our Law long as they aren't dirty. It appears that to some on the Right, this support of Law Enforcement is only an opportunity to denigrate the Former President.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.
The OP is right. Obama enjoyed dividing the People. It's what Communist Organizers do. This is a kind & respectful gesture from Trump. I'm sure it is greatly appreciated by Law Enforcement. But that being said, let's not go crazy worshipping the Police. They do a lotta wrong too. And when you go all-in on 'Worship-Mode', you don't hold folks accountable for their wrong-doing. It's how Totalitarian Police States come to be.

We do need to do better holding our Police accountable. They do seem to have some sort of golden free pass for the most part. They need to start being held accountable the same way average Citizens are. No golden free pass. That's what bothers many Citizens about our Police. They feel too often, Police are allowed to be above the law. It's that frustration that's led to this current 'Anti-Police' mood. Things have to change in that regard.

What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.
What free pass do you speak of? Every situation that is in question is investigated to a tee. Police officers are convicted if something they did was illegal. But in most all cases, investigations show police were in the right. Now if you care to give us an example where police were wrong and not indicted, feel free.

Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.
Once things change, and our Police start being held more accountable, this 'Anti-Police' sentiment will fade. And it's not all our Cops' fault. It's in their training. They've been systematically Militarized. That needs to change too.

Citizens have to regain their full confidence in the Police. They have to feel the Police are not above the law. We're not there yet. But we can get there. It's gonna take some time and effort though. Our Police have to first accept that there's a problem. Right now, they're still mostly in denial. Unfortunately, things will likely get worse before they get better.

There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.
There are no problems with police. You have yet to give me one example where a cop got away with doing something illegal and was not held accountable. As for that anti-cop sentiment, that's promoted by the left and the MSM. The left are pro-criminal and anti-police, however good people are just the opposite. We are anti-criminal and pro-police.

Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.

How can something get worse if nobody knows what it is? How do you come to a political forum and bring up generalizations to discuss or debate? You can't debate generalizations. You can debate incidents, articles, events, news, but not generalizations.

What if I tried to debate that liberals are really Communists? No instances, no names, no groups, just that liberals are Communist. Or what if I brought up that global warming is a hoax? No stories, no article, no incidents, no speeches?

If you want to say you hate cops, then just go out and say it.
This is the difference between a president who has respect and compassion for law enforcement officers and an unconstitutional president who did not. The ineligible Obama despised the police and encouraged violence against them resulting in many officers killed with impunity by enraged blacks. Now it's refreshing to see a strong president who embraces and understands the sacrifices law enforcement officers put on the line every day. Indeed, what a difference it does make!
If Obama didn't do it, it's just because nobody thought of it. that doesn't mean there aren't trigger happy and/or racist cops. Smart phones and cop cams seem to be the difference nowadays.
Well sadly, you're a typical Authority-Worshipper. The fact you believe there are no problems with Police, says it all. You're in denial. It is what it is.

I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.

How can something get worse if nobody knows what it is? How do you come to a political forum and bring up generalizations to discuss or debate? You can't debate generalizations. You can debate incidents, articles, events, news, but not generalizations.

What if I tried to debate that liberals are really Communists? No instances, no names, no groups, just that liberals are Communist. Or what if I brought up that global warming is a hoax? No stories, no article, no incidents, no speeches?

If you want to say you hate cops, then just go out and say it.

Just because you 'don't know', doesn't mean others don't know. There are real problems with our Police. It is what it is.
I have facts--you don't. I asked you for some, and you failed to comply. Giving our police the power to enforce the laws we create is not authority worshiping, it's called having a civilized society. When we move against our police and give criminals the power over them, then we will no longer live in a civilized society.

You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.

How can something get worse if nobody knows what it is? How do you come to a political forum and bring up generalizations to discuss or debate? You can't debate generalizations. You can debate incidents, articles, events, news, but not generalizations.

What if I tried to debate that liberals are really Communists? No instances, no names, no groups, just that liberals are Communist. Or what if I brought up that global warming is a hoax? No stories, no article, no incidents, no speeches?

If you want to say you hate cops, then just go out and say it.

Just because you 'don't know', doesn't mean others don't know. There are real problems with our Police. It is what it is.

Sure there are real problems with police, for criminals and people that don't listen to orders. For those of us that do, we never had problems with police.
You're in denial. Just as most of law enforcement is. Until it acknowledges there is a problem, the Anti-Police sentiment will only get worse. If you can't even acknowledge there is a problem, nothing can change for the better.

If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.

How can something get worse if nobody knows what it is? How do you come to a political forum and bring up generalizations to discuss or debate? You can't debate generalizations. You can debate incidents, articles, events, news, but not generalizations.

What if I tried to debate that liberals are really Communists? No instances, no names, no groups, just that liberals are Communist. Or what if I brought up that global warming is a hoax? No stories, no article, no incidents, no speeches?

If you want to say you hate cops, then just go out and say it.

Just because you 'don't know', doesn't mean others don't know. There are real problems with our Police. It is what it is.

Sure there are real problems with police, for criminals and people that don't listen to orders. For those of us that do, we never had problems with police.

Well sadly, it's that kind of blind Authority-Worship that's led to all these problems. The Police were given too much power. Anytime that happens, abuses of power are inevitable. We need to restore balance between the Police and the Citizenry. When or if that occurs, there will be a full restoration of confidence in our Police.
If there is a problem, why don't you say what it is? Be explicit and give examples.

As for myself, I have no problem with the police and I'm sure most people don't. The only people that have a problem with the police are criminals and those who believe they don't have to listen to authority.

Well, you're just playing games with yourself now. You refuse to acknowledge there are real problems with our Police. It is denial. You're just echoing what most of law enforcement thinks and says. If you can't accept that there's a problem, the problem won't be fixed and will only get worse.

How can something get worse if nobody knows what it is? How do you come to a political forum and bring up generalizations to discuss or debate? You can't debate generalizations. You can debate incidents, articles, events, news, but not generalizations.

What if I tried to debate that liberals are really Communists? No instances, no names, no groups, just that liberals are Communist. Or what if I brought up that global warming is a hoax? No stories, no article, no incidents, no speeches?

If you want to say you hate cops, then just go out and say it.

Just because you 'don't know', doesn't mean others don't know. There are real problems with our Police. It is what it is.

Sure there are real problems with police, for criminals and people that don't listen to orders. For those of us that do, we never had problems with police.

Well sadly, it's that kind of blind Authority-Worship that's led to all these problems. The Police were given too much power. Anytime that happens, abuses of power are inevitable. We need to restore balance between the Police and the Citizenry. When or if that occurs, there will be a full restoration of confidence in our Police.

Let me tell you something, every justifiable police shooting had one thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police. You want to eliminate those shootings, don't blame the police, blame the parent(s) of the suspect that didn't bring them up properly.

Good law abiding citizens have no problem with the police, and that's the way it should be.

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