Something that has not happened in 40 years....

Meh, the same thing that happened to Japan is now happening to china.....They will lose ground or be flat for a decade.

For the first time in 40 years, America's economy is outpacing China's economy

Which means it probably has been for 5-10 years now, and the numbers are just finally pushing through the ChiComm lies about their economy.
which is why I did not mention him. But your BDS will not allow you to stop thinking about him.

If I was a survivor of the Nazi death camps and mentioned Hitler, would you accuse me of HDS, too? No. Likewise, considering that the clusterfuck Biden has negatively impacted every aspect of my life, it doesn't take BDS to mention him.

What is deranged is ranting about Trump when the guy has been nothing but a retired private citizen for nearly the past three years.

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