Something to think about.

That's good. The position you were taking could have been interpreted as thinking its lumber was worth more than the original tree.

You know, really mature forests get much more spaced out than we typically picture. A more widely spaced pattern allows a broader range of species, sizes and ages. And, of course, occasional forest fires are beneficial to the long term health of the biome.

Clearly you supplied a position for I never stated any position...a nasty habit among your kind...fabricating something to argue against....the only position I took was that houses made of lumber last more than a decade...any position beyond that is purely of your manufacture...
None of us have the ability to control what others think. We can only influence their perceptions. I'd guess that a lot of people made the assumption that you had no problem cutting down that tree. But it'd just be a guess. And you don't seem to care what others think. Sociopathy, I think that's called.
None of us have the ability to control what others think. We can only influence their perceptions. I'd guess that a lot of people made the assumption that you had no problem cutting down that tree. But it'd just be a guess. And you don't seem to care what others think. Sociopathy, I think that's called.

And like climate science itself, it would have been an assumption based on nothing like conclusive evidence...and also like climate science the assumption would have been dead wrong.
Hahahahaaaa... you're pathetic. Why don't you show us some conclusive evidence supporting your nonsensical ideas about radiative heat transfer? Why don't you show us evidence of charged photons? Why don't you refute the mountains of evidence for QM?
Hahahahaaaa... you're pathetic. Why don't you show us some conclusive evidence supporting your nonsensical ideas about radiative heat transfer? Why don't you show us evidence of charged photons? Why don't you refute the mountains of evidence for QM?

The only evidence I have is every observation ever made...
I'm terribly sorry, but no observation has ever supported your contention.

But, as long as you're fantasizing, why don't you explain how you get past the violation of special relativity your contention requires?
I'm terribly sorry, but no observation has ever supported your contention.

Says the guy who can't read a simple graph....

Lets see a single measurement of a discrete bandwidth of back radiation made with an instrument that is not cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere..

But, as long as you're fantasizing, why don't you explain how you get past the violation of special relativity your contention requires?

Energy obeying the laws of physics requires no violation of any physical special relativity a physical law now?
"1891 tree cut down." And later in this thread a page full of poems lamenting the felled tree as if it were some sort of conscious being, yeah that is something to think about.
It makes me think how primitive we would still be if it had been up to the likes of you and not up to the likes of those who cut down trees, made longboats that sailed to distant shores and navigated oceans and rivers.

The first airplanes that flew were also made with wood which was huge step up from stone age "technology" like this de Havilland Mosquito:

Yeah your post sure gave me something to think about.
It makes me think about what it takes to make sure ditzy people like you can`t control & stifle progress, like it has been for the last 8 years.
Oh wait, on inauguration day happened what it takes to make sure of that.
And it is people like you that have no respect for nature....Which will be the doom of us all if you breed and teach the drival you just posted.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
People like me lived in the Yukon and also at the northernmost piece of land on this planet next to the north pole.
If I had no respect for nature I would have not survived.
It`s not the same as where you live in the "majestic California mountains" where you can call 911 because you broke a fingernail.
Mind you I did see some of the breed of people you are part of move into some Northern Canadian communities to work there as social workers and teachers because they get paid big bucks for it.
Iqaluit was just fine before they moved in. Before that happened there was no need for liquor stores, bars, drug dealers, "safe injection sites" for heroin addicts and fast food outlets. If you walk around in Iqaluit now it`s like walking down Hastings street in Vancouver, where you have to step over drunks and druggies who passed out on the sidewalk.
Most of the younger Inuit in Iqaluit don`t even know any more how to live the traditional lifestyle their parents did. Because the "teachers" that teach them now come from areas similar to where you are from, just minutes away from a fast food vendor. They have no idea how to hunt, butcher and store the traditional food as their parents have done.
Now we need to airlift the stuff they acquired a taste for after these "teachers" infiltrated the North. Young Inuit don`t hunt any more. They play X-box and watch satellite TV with Coke and potato chip commercials. And people like you call that progress.
That should give you something to think about!
Last edited:
Just adding to my reply to you who lives in the majestic California mountains.
I guess you figured that a guy living (now) in Manitoba is some sort of Okie from Muskogee.
I`ve been all over every state in the Union except Hawaii, because of the nature of my work.
So I know full well that you can`t build a house just anywhere in the California mountains.
The zones where residential houses are permitted come with all the infrastructure and have a hardtop paved road right up to their houses. You have absolutely no clue what it takes to survive if the nearest supermarket or hospital is thousands of kilometers from where you are.
Somebody should boot you out of a bush plane in Northern Manitoba with nothing but basic survival gear. Let`s see how long you would hesitate to axe a tree to make a fire when it`s 40 below.
There are wooden houses in the northeast built in the 1700s. There are wooden buildings in Europe and Asia built in the 600s. However, that is an unlikely span for a modern structure even ignoring the changes in structure. Note that I did NOT say that it would only last a decade due to the nature of wood. My comment was comparing the lifespan of a modern house (or other wooden structure) to the span of that particular tree.

If you were in complete charge and were given the responsibility of deciding whether to cut such a tree down for the profit of selling its wood or to leave it standing for it's own innate worth, what would you do?

You have a good point. Brick, concrete and various combinations of (for lack of a better word) mud last the longest. Rammed earth, straw bale covered with some type of stucco and so on.

OTOH, many years ago, when I lived out in the middle of nowhere in the desert near Tucson, I woke early to see smoke from a few miles a way. I knew whose home it was and we rushed to help.

A woman, raising three kids alone, laid claim to some land and was building a straw bale house. They had a gas generator, which the oldest son had left in the house. Don't know how but it caused the fire. The fire fighters said they had to tear apart all of the walls that were up because the fire would eat through and through and could take a long time but it would inevitably flair back up. Really sad because they lost everything.

Our house now is, what I consider to be, the best - poured concrete in foam forms and reinforced with rebar. The old part of the house could burn or be taken down by a tornado the new part is nearly indestructible and has a very high R rating.
"1891 tree cut down." And later in this thread a page full of poems lamenting the felled tree as if it were some sort of conscious being, yeah that is something to think about.
It makes me think how primitive we would still be if it had been up to the likes of you and not up to the likes of those who cut down trees, made longboats that sailed to distant shores and navigated oceans and rivers.

The first airplanes that flew were also made with wood which was huge step up from stone age "technology" like this de Havilland Mosquito:

Yeah your post sure gave me something to think about.
It makes me think about what it takes to make sure ditzy people like you can`t control & stifle progress, like it has been for the last 8 years.
Oh wait, on inauguration day happened what it takes to make sure of that.

Trees are the life's blood of the planet.

In point of fact, its drumpf who will stifle and control and take and take and take. Unless you are one of his 1% cronies, he'll eat you for breakfast.
@ Gracie, thanks for sharing that was really interesting. :) We have some polar trees in the backyard. The previous owners said that the trees were there long before the house.

Thanks Gracie and wellie (wellie if you take out that space between @ and Gracie and the tag link should show up in RED if it's typed correctly)

When I collaborated with Kellie Komiss on the Redwoods Rally in Houston, we used the entire Fourth Grade huddled in a circle in the cafeteria for a school workshop to represent the base of one of these trees.

Some of the old growth redwoods were over 2,000 years old 'as old as Jesus'

One activist had written a song for these trees, including the history of Columbus and other events these trees had seen!
See below, I found his link, he invites others to add their own lyrics.
Is this cool or what???
Headwaters Support Song: Giant Silent Redwood (Tree of Ages)

Giant Silent Redwood
(Tree of Ages)
@1996 Dan Scanlan

(Written to help preserve the Headwaters Forest. Best sung while protesting
with others and while being arrested.)

Click here to add a verse Chords: C and Am riff, and F

Giant Silent Redwood tell me what you know
Giant Silent Redwood tell me what you know
Stand and tell me what you know.

Antony and Cleopatra kissed upon the Nile
You stood there Giant Redwood,
Tell me, did they smile?
Tell me, did they smile?

When Jesus was a young man walking on the sand
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how He ran
Tell me how He ran.

The ancient Mayan people built a pyramid
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me what they did
Tell me what they did

A craftsman down in China, made the first compass
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me what it was
Tell me what it was.

Mohammed had a vision high atop Hira
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me what he saw
Tell me what he saw.

The Hindu wrote of number, the power and the root
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me all the Truth
Tell me all the Truth.

The first church bell rang its note in Rome
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me more of home
Tell me more of home.

Monk called Venerable Bede set the calendar date
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to wait
Tell me how to wait.

When Arizona Indians built homes atop the soil
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me of their toil
Tell me of their toil

King Duncan the Scot fell to Macbeth's knife
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me of hard strife
Tell me of hard strife

Marco Polo walked to China, worked for Kublai Khan
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to move on
Tell me how to move on

Johann Gutenberg inked his printing press
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me was it blessed
Tell me was it blessed

Amerigo Vespucci, Christopher Columbus
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me are they us
Tell me are they us

St. Joan of Arc held hard to her thought
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how she fought
Tell me how she fought

Galileo found the rhythm, swinging pendulum
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to drum
Tell me how to drum

René Descartes said "Je pense, donc je suis"
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me what's "to be"
Tell me what's "to be"

Shakespeare the Bard penned "Measure for Measure"
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me your treasure
Tell me your treasure

The Bill of Rights secured precious Liberty
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to free
Tell me how to free

Darwin found a thread, weaves its way through time
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me of the rhyme
Tell me of the rhyme

The captain of a slave ship wrote "Amazing Grace"
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to praise
Tell me how to praise

By, of and for the people, Lincoln made a speech
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to teach
Tell me how to teach

The Irish potato famine moved my dad's dad's dad
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me all he had
Tell me all he had

The Manifest Destiny scratched hard at your being
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me what I'm seeing
Tell me what I'm seeing

Samuel F. B. Morse sent code down a wire
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me of dot fire
Tell me of dot fire

Thomas Alva Edison lit up a global light
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me of the night
Tell me of the night

A Portuguese sailor made the ukulele
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to glee
Tell me how to glee

Sigmund Freud he taught we're not always what we seem
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how you dream
Tell me how you dream

Enola Gay took flight and dropped the atom bomb
You stood there Giant Redwood
Tell me how to calm
Tell me how to calm

Loggers in the woods got their eye on you
You stand yet Giant Redwood
Tell me what to do
Tell me what to do.
You stand yet Giant Redwood
Tell me what to do
Tell me what to do

Click here to add a verse

Cut me down and build a deck. Plant a seed and in 1000 years build another deck. Life goes on.
"1891 tree cut down." And later in this thread a page full of poems lamenting the felled tree as if it were some sort of conscious being, yeah that is something to think about.
It makes me think how primitive we would still be if it had been up to the likes of you and not up to the likes of those who cut down trees, made longboats that sailed to distant shores and navigated oceans and rivers.

The first airplanes that flew were also made with wood which was huge step up from stone age "technology" like this de Havilland Mosquito:

Yeah your post sure gave me something to think about.
It makes me think about what it takes to make sure ditzy people like you can`t control & stifle progress, like it has been for the last 8 years.
Oh wait, on inauguration day happened what it takes to make sure of that.

Trees are the life's blood of the planet.

In point of fact, its drumpf who will stifle and control and take and take and take. Unless you are one of his 1% cronies, he'll eat you for breakfast.
Ah, so typical. Anyone who does not want to date a homo is a homophobic and anyone who cuts down a tree for a good reason is a murderer who cut off the life blood of this planet.
There is no such logging company in Canada that clear cuts itself into oblivion.
They haven been licensed to operate in an allocated area where they are responsible for all of the sylviculture necessary for sustainable tree harvesting.
Which means they rotate the lots they clear cut, where they slash & space, control burn and replant every season. The rest of the vast forests in Canada is "crown land" and nobody is allowed to go logging there on a commercial scale.
I don`t know for certain, but I could look it up and I`m pretty sure it works the same way in the US and I`m also pretty sure that Trump has no intention to change that. Matter of fact I wager a bet.
Care to take me up on it?
And it is people like you that have no respect for nature....Which will be the doom of us all if you breed and teach the drival you just posted.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
People like me lived in the Yukon and also at the northernmost piece of land on this planet next to the north pole.
If I had no respect for nature I would have not survived.
It`s not the same as where you live in the "majestic California mountains" where you can call 911 because you broke a fingernail.
Mind you I did see some of the breed of people you are part of move into some Northern Canadian communities to work there as social workers and teachers because they get paid big bucks for it.
Iqaluit was just fine before they moved in. Before that happened there was no need for liquor stores, bars, drug dealers, "safe injection sites" for heroin addicts and fast food outlets. If you walk around in Iqaluit now it`s like walking down Hastings street in Vancouver, where you have to step over drunks and druggies who passed out on the sidewalk.
Most of the younger Inuit in Iqaluit don`t even know any more how to live the traditional lifestyle their parents did. Because the "teachers" that teach them now come from areas similar to where you are from, just minutes away from a fast food vendor. They have no idea how to hunt, butcher and store the traditional food as their parents have done.
Now we need to airlift the stuff they acquired a taste for after these "teachers" infiltrated the North. Young Inuit don`t hunt any more. They play X-box and watch satellite TV with Coke and potato chip commercials. And people like you call that progress.
That should give you something to think about!
Yer an idiot that can't respond without being an asshole. So be it.
Toodles. On iggy you go. Now guess some more about my fingernails and what I can and cannot do...all by yourself.

In short..fuck off.
Aha I was wondering how long it would take till you throw a temper tantrum and spew profanities.
I tell you`s your thread and I`ll post one where you can get a grip on reality how much forest is being destroyed by the "Musterkind" of green energy, Frau Angela Merkel aka the climate chancellor who is no doubt going to lecture Trump on green energy and how to save the planet this week. What Germans really think about it will never be shown on CNN or the likes.
People like me lived in the Yukon and also at the northernmost piece of land on this planet next to the north pole.
If I had no respect for nature I would have not survived.
It`s not the same as where you live in the "majestic California mountains" where you can call 911 because you broke a fingernail.
Mind you I did see some of the breed of people you are part of move into some Northern Canadian communities to work there as social workers and teachers because they get paid big bucks for it.
Iqaluit was just fine before they moved in. Before that happened there was no need for liquor stores, bars, drug dealers, "safe injection sites" for heroin addicts and fast food outlets. If you walk around in Iqaluit now it`s like walking down Hastings street in Vancouver, where you have to step over drunks and druggies who passed out on the sidewalk.
Most of the younger Inuit in Iqaluit don`t even know any more how to live the traditional lifestyle their parents did. Because the "teachers" that teach them now come from areas similar to where you are from, just minutes away from a fast food vendor. They have no idea how to hunt, butcher and store the traditional food as their parents have done.
Now we need to airlift the stuff they acquired a taste for after these "teachers" infiltrated the North. Young Inuit don`t hunt any more. They play X-box and watch satellite TV with Coke and potato chip commercials. And people like you call that progress.
That should give you something to think about!

I've no idea what the truth might be, but having lived in the North doesn't prove you respect nature. If you're seeing poor adaptation between Iqaluit and modern western crap, think yourself lucky that you lasted longer than the aboriginals in more southerly climes.

Your text has a paternalistic slant. Do you picture yourself as some sort of caretaker for these folks? When you say "Now we need to airlift the stuff...", who is "we"?

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