Something to think about.

People like me lived in the Yukon and also at the northernmost piece of land on this planet next to the north pole.
If I had no respect for nature I would have not survived.
It`s not the same as where you live in the "majestic California mountains" where you can call 911 because you broke a fingernail.
Mind you I did see some of the breed of people you are part of move into some Northern Canadian communities to work there as social workers and teachers because they get paid big bucks for it.
Iqaluit was just fine before they moved in. Before that happened there was no need for liquor stores, bars, drug dealers, "safe injection sites" for heroin addicts and fast food outlets. If you walk around in Iqaluit now it`s like walking down Hastings street in Vancouver, where you have to step over drunks and druggies who passed out on the sidewalk.
Most of the younger Inuit in Iqaluit don`t even know any more how to live the traditional lifestyle their parents did. Because the "teachers" that teach them now come from areas similar to where you are from, just minutes away from a fast food vendor. They have no idea how to hunt, butcher and store the traditional food as their parents have done.
Now we need to airlift the stuff they acquired a taste for after these "teachers" infiltrated the North. Young Inuit don`t hunt any more. They play X-box and watch satellite TV with Coke and potato chip commercials. And people like you call that progress.
That should give you something to think about!

I've no idea what the truth might be, but having lived in the North doesn't prove you respect nature. If you're seeing poor adaptation between Iqaluit and modern western crap, think yourself lucky that you lasted longer than the aboriginals in more southerly climes.

Your text has a paternalistic slant. Do you picture yourself as some sort of caretaker for these folks? When you say "Now we need to airlift the stuff...", who is "we"?
"paternalistic slant", parroting exactly the very same new-speak of the week as CNN&MSNBC.
But the part that you have no idea what`s going on in the North is accurate.
And no,I don`t need a Dubby Doright environment badge to parade in public as a planet savior.
As if you would care who the "we" is, in "we need to airlift". That`s just one of your lame attempts to troll it off the subject, but I don`t mind because that gives me the opportunity to add to what I said about Northern communities. I no longer pass my pilot`s lic. medical but when I was younger and did I donated much of my free time to fly supplies and contractors into Northern Reservations.
It was a convenient way to log lots of hours and get checked on type at no cost to why not?These flights still take off every day, no matter if I was a "we" or not.
Some of the Reserves started refusing non-aboriginal teachers and social workers for the same reasons that trashed many of the other communities. But in most cases it was too late.
That "paternalistic slant" is another typical smear to drag traditional parenthood into the mud.
My wife for over 40 years was a highly respected native tribal member. She was taken from me by cancer, but the very large family afforded me the honor to speak to them on their behalf.
Do you have a problem with that?
People like me lived in the Yukon and also at the northernmost piece of land on this planet next to the north pole.
If I had no respect for nature I would have not survived.
It`s not the same as where you live in the "majestic California mountains" where you can call 911 because you broke a fingernail.
Mind you I did see some of the breed of people you are part of move into some Northern Canadian communities to work there as social workers and teachers because they get paid big bucks for it.
Iqaluit was just fine before they moved in. Before that happened there was no need for liquor stores, bars, drug dealers, "safe injection sites" for heroin addicts and fast food outlets. If you walk around in Iqaluit now it`s like walking down Hastings street in Vancouver, where you have to step over drunks and druggies who passed out on the sidewalk.
Most of the younger Inuit in Iqaluit don`t even know any more how to live the traditional lifestyle their parents did. Because the "teachers" that teach them now come from areas similar to where you are from, just minutes away from a fast food vendor. They have no idea how to hunt, butcher and store the traditional food as their parents have done.
Now we need to airlift the stuff they acquired a taste for after these "teachers" infiltrated the North. Young Inuit don`t hunt any more. They play X-box and watch satellite TV with Coke and potato chip commercials. And people like you call that progress.
That should give you something to think about!

I've no idea what the truth might be, but having lived in the North doesn't prove you respect nature. If you're seeing poor adaptation between Iqaluit and modern western crap, think yourself lucky that you lasted longer than the aboriginals in more southerly climes.

Your text has a paternalistic slant. Do you picture yourself as some sort of caretaker for these folks? When you say "Now we need to airlift the stuff...", who is "we"?
"paternalistic slant", parroting exactly the very same new-speak of the week as CNN&MSNBC.
But the part that you have no idea what`s going on in the North is accurate.
And no,I don`t need a Dubby Doright environment badge to parade in public as a planet savior.
As if you would care who the "we" is, in "we need to airlift". That`s just one of your lame attempts to troll it off the subject, but I don`t mind because that gives me the opportunity to add to what I said about Northern communities. I no longer pass my pilot`s lic. medical but when I was younger and did I donated much of my free time to fly supplies and contractors into Northern Reservations.
It was a convenient way to log lots of hours and get checked on type at no cost to why not?These flights still take off every day, no matter if I was a "we" or not.
Some of the Reserves started refusing non-aboriginal teachers and social workers for the same reasons that trashed many of the other communities. But in most cases it was too late.
That "paternalistic slant" is another typical smear to drag traditional parenthood into the mud.
My wife for over 40 years was a highly respected native tribal member. She was taken from me by cancer, but the very large family afforded me the honor to speak to them on their behalf.
Do you have a problem with that?

"Paternalistic slant" came from my head on reading your paragraph above. Can't say I've ever heard the term on CNN and I spend very little time on MSNBC. I put the words together because your attitude came across as a slant that was paternalistic. I'd have to conclude that you didn't address the point directly because you can't. White man's guilt? Now there's a term I picked up somewhere.

I do have some idea what's going on in the north - I'm sure not as well as you - but that wasn't the truth I was speaking about. That would have been the truth about you. Did you realize that when you said "And no,I don`t need a Dubby Doright environment badge to parade in public as a planet savior", you were saying that you parade in public as a planet savior, but that you don't need Dubby Doright to do so?

Had to come back to that paternalistic slant? Couldn't get over it? You got it bad. An attack on parenthood? I'm a parent you twit. Why don't you argue that you don't feel paternalistic? You could explain your deep admiration for the locals and the ancient and profound culture they're throwing away in favor of worthless trinkets and useless gadgets? You could tell us how you've been the child to them, learning what they had to tell you about nature and the north.

Instead, you opt to insult the liberal.

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