Something to Watch for Friday Afternoon

How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too
So you're premise is that a. Trump is some kinda conservative and/or 2. that conservatives are the only ones that support Trump.

Is it both/and or what?
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too
How much do you want to bet?
The trash not being as bad as the Obama inaugurations?

Loser posts the winner is their master in all subjects.
Ok, you're on..I'd shake your hand. But, "I'm also very much of a germaphobe," Trump ..
You must go to the track and bet on the 150:1 horses.
Nope, I prefer to bet on cardboard futures..
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too
So you're premise is that a. Trump is some kinda conservative and/or 2. that conservatives are the only ones that support Trump.

Is it both/and or what?
Half of America voted for Trump.
Trash bets? You have to remember, Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many.

"Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many."

That's because it has to be restricted, there are just too many mentally unhinged Far Leftist and Anarchist nuts out there to allow anywhere near that Inauguration.

When you have these POS openly on Twitter calling for The Donald to be murdered, well you need to restrict the crowd numbers and also restrict access to the route.
Anarchist, don't bring Gipper into this...
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too
So you're premise is that a. Trump is some kinda conservative and/or 2. that conservatives are the only ones that support Trump.

Is it both/and or what?
Half of America voted for Trump.
You mean that half the people that did vote, voted for Trumpet....No thanks needed..I am used to correcting your type...
The modern-day left is really showing their true colors... and we were right about them all along.
Trash bets? You have to remember, Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many.

"Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many."

That's because it has to be restricted, there are just too many mentally unhinged Far Leftist and Anarchist nuts out there to allow anywhere near that Inauguration.

When you have these POS openly on Twitter calling for The Donald to be murdered, well you need to restrict the crowd numbers and also restrict access to the route.
"That's because it has to be restricted".....if one is afraid of their own constituents. I doubt Drumplethinskin will even have the nerve to walk in the *parade.
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too

"Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess."

Moonglow is the exception, he cleans his own room :smoke:

Like my dog who eats his own vomit.
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too

"Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess."

Moonglow is the exception, he cleans his own room :smoke:

Like my dog who eats his own vomit.

"Like my dog who eats his own vomit."

You need to tell your dog to stop doing that and tell him there's nicer stuff for him to eat, like these.

Trash bets? You have to remember, Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many.

"Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many."

That's because it has to be restricted, there are just too many mentally unhinged Far Leftist and Anarchist nuts out there to allow anywhere near that Inauguration.

When you have these POS openly on Twitter calling for The Donald to be murdered, well you need to restrict the crowd numbers and also restrict access to the route.

So you’re pre-blaming the low turnout of the police limiting the size? Can you link to the story that say they are going to do that?

[EVERYBODY should possess by the time they reach puberty.

Then you have something to look forward to.
What? You and your tribe of mindless, gub'mint worshiping drones will ever acquire the common courtesy and consideration for others required to clean up after yourselves? No, I gave up on that hope a long time ago. :cool:

Ah yes, the smell of post menopausal snottiness in the morning.
Conservatives clean up their own mess,

Obama cleaned up your mess after 2008. Eight years worth.
Obubba has made the mess of the century here. I am elated that he will be GONE in three days. We have suffered enough of his chickenshit moves and Muslim-sympathizing.

lol, hyperbole, the last refuge of a RWnut.
Trash bets? You have to remember, Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many.

"Obama had what, 3 million people.? Trump is not likely to draw as many."

That's because it has to be restricted, there are just too many mentally unhinged Far Leftist and Anarchist nuts out there to allow anywhere near that Inauguration.

When you have these POS openly on Twitter calling for The Donald to be murdered, well you need to restrict the crowd numbers and also restrict access to the route.

So you’re pre-blaming the low turnout of the police limiting the size? Can you link to the story that say they are going to do that?


Read my comment again, I'm blaming it on there being too many mentally unhinged Far Leftist and Anarchist nuts out there to allow anywhere near that Inauguration.

When you have these POS openly on Twitter calling for The Donald to be murdered, well you need to restrict the crowd numbers and also restrict access to the route.
How much trash is left behind in the mall after the inauguration. Trash was at historic levels in the Obama inaugurations, more that 4th of July or any other events.

My bet is the mall is left pretty clean. Why? Conservatives clean up their own mess, Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess. Also, the left really don't care about the environment. The Obama inaugurations support this.

The Trash Was Historic, Too

"Leftists expect other people to clean up their mess."

Moonglow is the exception, he cleans his own room :smoke:

Like my dog who eats his own vomit.

"Like my dog who eats his own vomit."

You need to tell your dog to stop doing that and tell him there's nicer stuff for him to eat, like these.


My dog is a firm and staunch believer of recycling.

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