Sometimes, Even I Can Be Left


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

What is there to say that would encompass that emotion between astonishment and anger?????

The most accomplished prevaricator infect the Oval Office, actually had the nerve to offer this:

"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion." Former President Obama gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with coronavirus concerns, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform"

(CNN)Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."
Obama was speaking during a virtual meeting organized by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through," Obama said, according to a press release on the virtual meeting."

Obama to mayors on coronavirus: The biggest mistake leaders 'can make in these situations is to misinform'
Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."

But wait! There's more!
"Obama also pushed the mayors to bring in as many smart advisers and experts as possible.

"The more smart people you have around you, and the less embarrassed you are to ask questions, the better your response is going to be," Obama said."

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."

"BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Considering the volume of hot air, we know the source of global warming.
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What is there to say that would encompass that emotion between astonishment and anger?????

The most accomplished prevaricator infect the Oval Office, actually had the nerve to offer this:

"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion." Former President Obama gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with coronavirus concerns, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform"

(CNN)Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."
Obama was speaking during a virtual meeting organized by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through," Obama said, according to a press release on the virtual meeting."

But wait! There's more!
"Obama also pushed the mayors to bring in as many smart advisers and experts as possible.

"The more smart people you have around you, and the less embarrassed you are to ask questions, the better your response is going to be," Obama said."

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."

"BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Considering the volume of hot air, we know the source of global warming.
"If you like your plan you can keep your plan". "If you like your doctor you can keep you, doctor". ( and then there are those questionable $ 2500.00 savings)

The lying Empty Suit said it all with a smile--how many times??? And the sheeple believed him. :bowdown::bowdown::badgrin:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
What is there to say that would encompass that emotion between astonishment and anger?????

The most accomplished prevaricator infect the Oval Office, actually had the nerve to offer this:

"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion." Former President Obama gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with coronavirus concerns, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform"

(CNN)Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."
Obama was speaking during a virtual meeting organized by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through," Obama said, according to a press release on the virtual meeting."

But wait! There's more!
"Obama also pushed the mayors to bring in as many smart advisers and experts as possible.

"The more smart people you have around you, and the less embarrassed you are to ask questions, the better your response is going to be," Obama said."

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."

"BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Considering the volume of hot air, we know the source of global warming.
This is funny coming from THE biggest liar in our presidential history. Barry's whole life is a lie. Where he was born, the true gender of his wife/husband, the actual parents of his daughters, his own homosexuality. He's lied about ALL of these things. George Soros mentored him well.

What is there to say that would encompass that emotion between astonishment and anger?????

The most accomplished prevaricator infect the Oval Office, actually had the nerve to offer this:

"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion." Former President Obama gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with coronavirus concerns, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform"

(CNN)Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."
Obama was speaking during a virtual meeting organized by Bloomberg Philanthropies.
"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through," Obama said, according to a press release on the virtual meeting."

Obama to mayors on coronavirus: The biggest mistake leaders 'can make in these situations is to misinform'
Former President Barack Obama on Thursday gave some advice to a group of mayors on how to deal with the coronavirus outbreak, saying that "the biggest mistake any (of) us can make in these situations is to misinform."

But wait! There's more!
"Obama also pushed the mayors to bring in as many smart advisers and experts as possible.

"The more smart people you have around you, and the less embarrassed you are to ask questions, the better your response is going to be," Obama said."

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."

"BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
President Barack Obama twice appointed former Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn to key national security jobs in his administration, including as deputy director of national intelligence and later as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, yet he never once met with Flynn face to face.
he was never called in for a face-to-face meeting with Obama to offer his assessment of ISIS as it rampaged through the Middle East, or during the political meltdown of Libya and Egypt, or on Iran’s efforts to build a nuclear bomb, or of the “Russian reset” that ended in shambles."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Read more: BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Considering the volume of hot air, we know the source of global warming.

Stirring the pot that about you....
"If you like your plan you can keep your plan". "If you like your doctor you can keep you, doctor". ( and then there are those questionable $ 2500.00 savings)

The lying Empty Suit said it all with a smile--how many times??? And the sheeple believed him. :bowdown::bowdown::badgrin:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
I kept my plan and I kept my doctor.
So did over 98 percent of Americans.

I never saw Obama say America was not great
This country misses the Great Obama

Thankfully, we will have Biden to pick up the pieces of the crumbled Trump regime
LOL Joe can't even pick up his own pieces from one day to the next.
You really are an idiot for saying something as ridiculously silly as that.

Biden 2020
Bring back the years of Obama

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan". "If you like your doctor you can keep you, doctor".
The lying Empty Suit said it all with a smile--how many times???
Not a lie, of course.
You only lost your plan if YOU or your employer CHANGED plans! All old plans were GRANDFATHERED into the PPACA!!!
Your lying Right-wing sources made a SUCKER out of you yet again.
Will you IDIOTS ever learn?????
"If you like your plan you can keep your plan". "If you like your doctor you can keep you, doctor". ( and then there are those questionable $ 2500.00 savings)

The lying Empty Suit said it all with a smile--how many times??? And the sheeple believed him. :bowdown::bowdown::badgrin:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” — Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” — Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008
I kept my plan and I kept my doctor.
So did over 98 percent of Americans.

I never saw Obama say America was not great
Yeah, right. Not-

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