Sometimes you just have to change teams.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Democrats have made it clear. They stand for everything that will degrade, undermine and destroy what made America the greatest country in modern civilization. Why would any American support them? Why would you vote for a Party that is dedicated to screwing over your kids and your grand kids so that the Democrats can have a lock on political power? I just don't understand this. And it really is that simple. They are pushing Socialism which cuts against everything America is about. They are pushing for opening the borders to whoever or whatever comes across. When has that EVER been a good idea on ANY LEVEL? Why is it a good idea now?

Here is the debate question: Is your personal hatred of Donald Trump enough to vote for the demise of your country? Or should you #WALKAWAY from the Party of Open borders, Socialism, anti-Cop, anti-White and anti-success? Why or Why not?
The Democrats have made it clear. They stand for everything that will degrade, undermine and destroy what made America the greatest country in modern civilization. Why would any American support them? Why would you vote for a Party that is dedicated to screwing over your kids and your grand kids so that the Democrats can have a lock on political power? I just don't understand this. And it really is that simple. They are pushing Socialism which cuts against everything America is about. They are pushing for opening the borders to whoever or whatever comes across. When has that EVER been a good idea on ANY LEVEL? Why is it a good idea now?

Here is the debate question: Is your personal hatred of Donald Trump enough to vote for the demise of your country? Or should you #WALKAWAY from the Party of Open borders, Socialism, anti-Cop, anti-White and anti-success? Why or Why not?
I can't speak for the Walkaway, but here's a guy who has the best reason possible: ethics

The Democrats have made it clear. They stand for everything that will degrade, undermine and destroy what made America the greatest country in modern civilization. Why would any American support them? Why would you vote for a Party that is dedicated to screwing over your kids and your grand kids so that the Democrats can have a lock on political power? I just don't understand this. And it really is that simple. They are pushing Socialism which cuts against everything America is about. They are pushing for opening the borders to whoever or whatever comes across. When has that EVER been a good idea on ANY LEVEL? Why is it a good idea now?

Here is the debate question: Is your personal hatred of Donald Trump enough to vote for the demise of your country? Or should you #WALKAWAY from the Party of Open borders, Socialism, anti-Cop, anti-White and anti-success? Why or Why not?
I can't speak for the Walkaway, but here's a guy who has the best reason possible: ethics

Damn, Mike, I saw the title of this thread and thought it was your coming out announcement!

In any case, I am a life long Democrat who unregistered sever years ago. Authoritarian Identity politics has killed the party to the point that the numb nuts wouldn't recognise a liberal principle if it smacked them along side the head
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.

I strongly suspect we'd see more Democrats walking away if the alternative were not so repulsive.

When both teams are this unattractive, it's more intellectually honest to shun both.

And that's the problem, whether the Right can see that or not.
What is more important winning or looking at the incredible mess both party's have made for the average American. just blaming the other guy is such a copout.
The Democrats have made it clear. They stand for everything that will degrade, undermine and destroy what made America the greatest country in modern civilization. Why would any American support them? Why would you vote for a Party that is dedicated to screwing over your kids and your grand kids so that the Democrats can have a lock on political power? I just don't understand this. And it really is that simple. They are pushing Socialism which cuts against everything America is about. They are pushing for opening the borders to whoever or whatever comes across. When has that EVER been a good idea on ANY LEVEL? Why is it a good idea now?

Here is the debate question: Is your personal hatred of Donald Trump enough to vote for the demise of your country? Or should you #WALKAWAY from the Party of Open borders, Socialism, anti-Cop, anti-White and anti-success? Why or Why not?

Trump’s DOJ argued that kid detained by CBP are not entitled to soap and toothpaste.

I could not in good conscience vote for your blob. Anyone who does after knowing the actions of his DOJ has serious mental issues.

Also, the detained kids will apparently not get a flu shot so as more and more kids are detained, influenza will spread. It’s a deadly disease l.
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.

I strongly suspect we'd see more Democrats walking away if the alternative were not so repulsive.

When both teams are this unattractive, it's more intellectually honest to shun both.

And that's the problem, whether the Right can see that or not.

And if every voter, from both sides of the political spectrum, who felt this way were to vote for a third party candidate, the results would shatter the foundation of Washington politics. Sadly, this is unlikely to happen as too many fear letting the other guy win...
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.

I strongly suspect we'd see more Democrats walking away if the alternative were not so repulsive.

When both teams are this unattractive, it's more intellectually honest to shun both.

And that's the problem, whether the Right can see that or not.

And if every voter, from both sides of the political spectrum, who felt this way were to vote for a third party candidate, the results would shatter the foundation of Washington politics. Sadly, this is unlikely to happen as too many fear letting the other guy win...
As much as I'd love to see a sane, strong, viable third party emerge, I just don't see it happening any more. If it hasn't happened yet, forget it.

So now the best I can hope for is that some brave members of each tribe will come forward and say "enough is enough, it's time for adults to take back control."

Full disclosure, I'm not holding my breath on THAT one, EITHER.
The Democrats have made it clear. They stand for everything that will degrade, undermine and destroy what made America the greatest country in modern civilization.

Яepublicans don't believe in modernity OR civilization.

"One of the first motives to civil society, and which becomes one of its fundamental rules, is that no man should be judge in his own cause. By this each person has at once divested himself of the first fundamental right of uncovenanted man, that is, to judge for himself and to assert his own cause. He abdicates all right to be his own governor. He inclusively, in a great measure, abandons the right of self-defense, the first law of nature. Men cannot enjoy the rights of an uncivil and of a civil state together." -- Edmund Burke
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.
The same DEM party that won the House last year?
Yes, that's the one.

Being less repulsive than the other tribe probably shouldn't be a source of pride.

Well it’s a given considering the current GOP. Our is and will be for the foreseeable future a binary system so if you’re being pragmatic, that is the threshold. It isn’t the goal.

We had another rampage killing yesterday. The GOP will propose nothing. The Democrats will prescribe solutions. If you call that being “less repulsive”’re not being intellectually honest.
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.

I strongly suspect we'd see more Democrats walking away if the alternative were not so repulsive.

When both teams are this unattractive, it's more intellectually honest to shun both.

And that's the problem, whether the Right can see that or not.

And if every voter, from both sides of the political spectrum, who felt this way were to vote for a third party candidate, the results would shatter the foundation of Washington politics. Sadly, this is unlikely to happen as too many fear letting the other guy win...
As much as I'd love to see a sane, strong, viable third party emerge, I just don't see it happening any more. If it hasn't happened yet, forget it.

So now the best I can hope for is that some brave members of each tribe will come forward and say "enough is enough, it's time for adults to take back control."

Full disclosure, I'm not holding my breath on THAT one, EITHER.

There are two tickets to Congress Or the Oval, one red and one blue. I too think most would divorce themselves from the major parties if they could.

It won’t happen. Too easy and convenient to stay in the pack.
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.
The same DEM party that won the House last year?
Yes, that's the one.

Being less repulsive than the other tribe probably shouldn't be a source of pride.

Well it’s a given considering the current GOP. Our is and will be for the foreseeable future a binary system so if you’re being pragmatic, that is the threshold. It isn’t the goal.

We had another rampage killing yesterday. The GOP will propose nothing. The Democrats will prescribe solutions. If you call that being “less repulsive”’re not being intellectually honest.
True, if that were the only issue we faced.

Speaking of being intellectually dishonest.
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.
The same DEM party that won the House last year?
Yes, that's the one.

Being less repulsive than the other tribe probably shouldn't be a source of pride.

Well it’s a given considering the current GOP. Our is and will be for the foreseeable future a binary system so if you’re being pragmatic, that is the threshold. It isn’t the goal.

We had another rampage killing yesterday. The GOP will propose nothing. The Democrats will prescribe solutions. If you call that being “less repulsive”’re not being intellectually honest.
True, if that were the only issue we faced.

Speaking of being intellectually dishonest.

Don’t seem to recall stating it was the only issue we faced. You’re imagining things it seems.
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.
The same DEM party that won the House last year?
Yes, that's the one.

Being less repulsive than the other tribe probably shouldn't be a source of pride.

Well it’s a given considering the current GOP. Our is and will be for the foreseeable future a binary system so if you’re being pragmatic, that is the threshold. It isn’t the goal.

We had another rampage killing yesterday. The GOP will propose nothing. The Democrats will prescribe solutions. If you call that being “less repulsive”’re not being intellectually honest.
Democrats offering solutions? Lol.
An actual solution doesn't impede on others rights. Nor does it empower criminals.
So, please, inform of us those "solutions"
The Democratic Party has lost its marbles, indeed.
The same DEM party that won the House last year?
Yes, that's the one.

Being less repulsive than the other tribe probably shouldn't be a source of pride.

Well it’s a given considering the current GOP. Our is and will be for the foreseeable future a binary system so if you’re being pragmatic, that is the threshold. It isn’t the goal.

We had another rampage killing yesterday. The GOP will propose nothing. The Democrats will prescribe solutions. If you call that being “less repulsive”’re not being intellectually honest.
Democrats offering solutions? Lol.
An actual solution doesn't impede on others rights. Nor does it empower criminals.
So, please, inform of us those "solutions"

More stringent Background checks and keeping weapons out of the hands of the mentally ill don’t impede anyone’s rights.

Now please tell us your solution.

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