Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

California democrats passed a bill to let violent criminals out of prison early, the NRA fought against it...

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

Yes oh dutiful regurgitator - Hop Hop

Donate | NRA
Here is the thing, me boy. You are in my opinion not worried about the mass shootings that have happened or the mass killings that will, without doubt, happen in the future. I am worried about all those that have been killed, and who will be. Because, you see, their lives are way more important than anyone of us having access to an assault rifle. You do not need an assault rifle. The people who will be killed in the future with assault rifles do need their lives. Ask their families.

You might want to worry about the other things that kill many more, murders, of all kinds, don't even make the top 10.

These kids aren't marching for cancer or air pollution or trans fats. They aren't marching for auto safety or knife safety or swimming pool safety.

They stepped over bodies to evacuate their school after 17 people were shot. Others stepped over bodies at Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary, Columbine High School and dozens more. Some of these people stepped over bodies in Las Begas, Orlando and Ft. Hood. They stepped over bodies in Aurora, Colorado, Sutherland Springs, Texas and Charleston, South Carolina. They've stepped over bodies in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit.

Ignoring, dismissing and belittling the epidemic of gun violence walls you off from the debate. If you don't consider it an actual problem, it must be asked, do you have a soul?

No calling something it's not, makes you intellectually dishonest. Anything that only effects about 13,000 people out of 320,000,000 doesn't meet any definition of an epidemic. You're no better than the fear mongering whores Schumer and Palousey. Commiecrat policies have created this situation over the last 50 years, here's a thought, how about we hold people responsible for their actions, stop giving out participation trophies and bust a kids ass when it's called for. That would put a stop to a bunch of what ails society.

The sad thing is that what this post of your is, me boy, is just normal for you. I would love to see you try to tell the parents of the kids killed that it is not a real problem, dipshit. But then, you are a typical con, just a simple coward.
You see, me stupid con troll, to a thinking person, 13,000 is indeed an epidemic. And nut cases like you, controlled as you are by con talking points and the NRA, are another sad epidemic of brain loss.

The dead you talk about....70-80% of them h ave long histories of crime and violence and are not normal, law abiding citizens...and the ones who shot them.....were put back on the streets by democrats..

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.
You should try to stop lying. I know it will be hard for you, but you could try. Democrats do not oppose it, they simply say it is way too weak to help much.

California democrats passed a bill to let violent criminals out of prison early, the NRA fought against it...
Provide some proof and context. Look up the hard words.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.
That, me boy, is another lie. See how much trouble you have with truth.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.
Again, you lie. Really, you are truth incapable. I do not attack the nra for training security, but armed teachers in schools is a stupid idea. I side with the police.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.
And another lie, me boy. No democrat has a problem with teaching gun safety, dipshit.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.
You have not noticed we have more people in jail per capita than any other advanced nation. So, as a con troll, you simply want more in jail. Stupid, me boy. Really stupid. Thinking people know programs to change behavior which work most of the time, are the only answer we have.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun..
Not at all, me boy. The Promise Program was meant to stop the number of kids going from schools to prisons by intervention. In general, it has worked quite well. The NRA prefers to just send them to jail, which is a normal knee jerk reaction which has not worked for many decades, probably at any time. But simple minded cons listen only to the nra. Sad.

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....
Sorry, those are lies, not the truth or reality, me lying con troll. Posting NRA talking points simply keeps you from having to think.

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
The NRA supports policies that result in gun deaths. Easily proven, if you were not a con troll. You, on the other hand, will never, ever learn anything.

Sorry, me boy. You are a NRA believer, and brainless. Getting your world view from the NRA produces nut cases like yourself. But it is a proven congenital issue. Nothing you can do about it. Just plain bad luck.
Beware Loser....many, many of these loons will be voting in November.....Can you say...Blue Wave?

True...and I suspect all your candidates will run as Republican-lites like your boy in PA did....right?

Always do. And republicans run as democrat lights where then feel they need to. But way more interesting is the number of Republicans who have decided not to run at all. Because, of course, they see the end of the line.

I’m curious...what motivates you to vote Mexicrat?
What’s the personal interest you vote on?
Economics, mostly. And that democrats, me boy, actually use their brains.

That's what's in the buckets for the kids to toss, demoquack brains
Thanks for the post. Nice to see someone prove they are butt stupid.
I'm sitting here listening to a Parkland student be interviewed at the rally in Washington DC, when, all of a sudden, in the middle of her interview, she blurts out............."The Beatles!"............ and raises her fist.

Nice to see a half century after they broke up, they are still having an impact.
Sounds like a perfect time to go loot their homes and take the stuff they looted last time and put it back!


How would you like to sit in school and wonder if a shooter is going to kill you today, a great learning environment isn't it.
Then how about allowing staff to be armed so they can shoot the killers like they did in Maryland?

There is a bit of a problem with your post, me boy. It lacks truth.
This was not a mass shooting, but a targeted shooting by a nut case with a PISTOL.
Second, the person who shot and killed the shooter was not part of the school staff, but rather a County Sherif Deputy.
So, you had a pistol wielding shooter, against a pistol wielding sherif deputy. No assault rifle was involved, and no intent was made by the shooter to kill a lot of people.
So, while it is a good outcome, and a good plan for saving lives, it has little to do with a typical mass shooting, me boy. And has absolutely nothing to do with handling mass shootings with an assault rifle involved. And absolutely nothing to do with arming the school staff.

It is exactly like all the other mass shootings...the shooter was stopped as soon as someone with a gun, police or civilian stopped him.....
Well, me boy, nice start. Lying right out of the gate. It was a shooting of a single person, not a mass shooting. Using a pistol. And the person with a gun was a policeman.

The math shows you don't know what you are talking about... armed response, 17 dead. Correct. But the police were there. They simply did not want to interact with a shooter with an AR, Police only had pistols.

Maryland...armed response, 1 dead. As stated above, a targeted killing, not a mass shooting. Just a killer with a pistol.

And here....civilians.......the math is the same...armed response by civilians, lives response....lots of dead people in a democrat gun free zone...Where, me boy. Here does not tell one anything. And gun free zones are not "democrat, me boy"

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia ( 9 dead)
Roof, the killer, purchased a 45 cal Glock, legally. He went into a church with the intent of killing black people. He was found not mentally affected, and will stand trial.

26 dead in shooting at church in Sutherland Springs, Texas (26 dead)


Deputies Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense ( 0 dead)

One was a mass killing with an ak, the other a nut case shot by a pastor. One a mass killing, the other not. the shooter in the Southerland shooting killed himself with a shot to his own head. AFTER he emptied all of his magazines and killed 26.
Churches generally do not like to have guns in their buildings, but no laws stop them from doing so.

6 Shot At New Life Church Gunman 2 Churchgoers Dead - 7NEWS Denver ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

Remember This SC Concealed Carrier Stops Mass Shooting During Church Service. No Casualties. ( 0 dead) Nope. Only you believe it was a mass shooting, however.


No guns: 41 dead

Sikh temple ( 6 dead, 4 wounded)

Charleston ( 9 dead)

Texas church shooting (26 dead)

You will need to talk to the pastors and ask if they want guns in church. They can do so if they want. No laws stop them. Simply their decesion.

Parishioners with guns: 2 dead

Osceola ( 0 dead )

New life ( 2 dead, 3 wounded)

South Carolina shotgun guy ( 0 dead)

Texas church, NRA instructor with an AR-15 rifle, 26 lives + saved,

NRA Instructor was brave, and helpfull. But per his statement, he had no reason to believe he saved anyone, Because, despite the lies above, the shooter was done shooting and had emptied his magazines, and shot HIMSELF.
If your father taught you that you were "property" then it is little wonder that you turned out like you did.

Not just me. All children. Until you are capable of providing for yourself, you belong to whoever is providing for you.

My father did not treat me as property - Likely why I avoided turning into a self-loathing, grumpy old curmudgeon.
Sounds like a perfect time to go loot their homes and take the stuff they looted last time and put it back!


How would you like to sit in school and wonder if a shooter is going to kill you today, a great learning environment isn't it.
Then how about allowing staff to be armed so they can shoot the killers like they did in Maryland?

There is a bit of a problem with your post, me boy. It lacks truth.
This was not a mass shooting, but a targeted shooting by a nut case with a PISTOL.
Second, the person who shot and killed the shooter was not part of the school staff, but rather a County Sherif Deputy.
So, you had a pistol wielding shooter, against a pistol wielding sherif deputy. No assault rifle was involved, and no intent was made by the shooter to kill a lot of people.
So, while it is a good outcome, and a good plan for saving lives, it has little to do with a typical mass shooting, me boy. And has absolutely nothing to do with handling mass shootings with an assault rifle involved. And absolutely nothing to do with arming the school staff.
No, all it lacks for you to like it is multiple murders. The kid was shot and killed by a person in the school with a gun. Don't twist it around with your gun hating liberal bullshit!
I'm sitting here listening to a Parkland student be interviewed at the rally in Washington DC, when, all of a sudden, in the middle of her interview, she blurts out............."The Beatles!"............ and raises her fist.

Nice to see a half century after they broke up, they are still having an impact.

I'm recording the entire day on MSNBC. Plan on fast forwarding to the kid interviews and maybe some of the concert with Fall Out Boy and Ariana Grande.

Saw several entirely new kids interviewed earlier - (some Stoneman Douglas others not) interviewed this morning. BOY are they impressive.

Might flip it over to Fox just to see how hard they're working to avoid any coverage at all. :)
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Beware Loser....many, many of these loons will be voting in November.....Can you say...Blue Wave?
More teenagers are pro gun than anti gun.

You are missing the point. It is not pro gun verses anti gun. It is pro life verses pro dead. These kids want to stay alive.

I see a perfect storm coming in November. The lack of federal movement on gun regulation will be an issue in some districts. If the GOP candidates turn their backs on these concerns, as they have in the past, they will lose BIGLY. COUNT ON IT!

They have a greater chance of dying traveling to the protest. Oh and DC is not the safest place in the nation either.


Actually, it's quite safe. I've lived in DC and surrounding suburbs for over 40 years. I certainly don't think that it is any less safe than any city in texas. And we are not imbecilic enough to think that we have to arm ourselves to go to the grocery store like people do in some areas of the country.

Really, DC has 1206 violent crimes per 100K v.s. 386 for the US, that's a bit more than 3 times the violent crimes.

Washington, DC Crime Rates & Statistics

They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Beware Loser....many, many of these loons will be voting in November.....Can you say...Blue Wave?
More teenagers are pro gun than anti gun.

You are missing the point. It is not pro gun verses anti gun. It is pro life verses pro dead. These kids want to stay alive.

I see a perfect storm coming in November. The lack of federal movement on gun regulation will be an issue in some districts. If the GOP candidates turn their backs on these concerns, as they have in the past, they will lose BIGLY. COUNT ON IT!

They have a greater chance of dying traveling to the protest. Oh and DC is not the safest place in the nation either.


Actually, it's quite safe. I've lived in DC and surrounding suburbs for over 40 years. I certainly don't think that it is any less safe than any city in texas. And we are not imbecilic enough to think that we have to arm ourselves to go to the grocery store like people do in some areas of the country.

You folks always rate something as "funny" when you have no rational response. I live here. I know. You don't. All you have is a cowboy fantasy.
If your father taught you that you were "property" then it is little wonder that you turned out like you did.

Not just me. All children. Until you are capable of providing for yourself, you belong to whoever is providing for you.

Which would include quite a few folks who are technically no longer children wouldn't it. Now if we would just focus on promoting a society that tolerates and allows all manner of thought, opinion, beliefs, understanding while respecting EVERYBODY'S rights, and a culture that promotes personal responsibility and accountablility, and disapprove of the angry, resentful, hateful who act out, fewer grown ups would belong to anybody but themselves. And I'm pretty sure guns wouldn't be much of an issue at all.
Mayor of D.C. Proclaims loudly and often that she "hates guns" this is the base of all this, the emotion of hate
I respect guns I hunted and I know what they can do. My perspective is fact.
Little more parenting and would not have very isolated wack job teens running around blasting away but Libs prefer emotion as default

I have a number of guns, and have hunted for over 50 years. And I am of the opinion that no one needs an assault rifle.
Except those that can not shoot straight.

People who don't hunt, who don't do recreational shooting of any kind, and who will probably never face a threatening situation requiring the use of a firearm technically don't NEED a firearm of any kind. But the second amendment says absolutely nothing about anybody's personal need. It does suggest that when citizens are called to defend their country, they should be allowed arms to do so. In such a case an AR type weapon might come in very handy.

But we don't NEED many things that we like to have. What logic applies for somebody like me to not have an AR-14 rifle? I have never used a gun in any manner to threaten somebody or defend myself and have never harmed a living thing with any kind of weapon except maybe a tree if I missed the target, but if I just enjoy having an AR-15 in my collection, what harm is there in that?

And what principle of the constitution says that my rights to a peaceful outing with my family to visit the U.S. Capital Building or any other site should be cancelled or made inadvisable because the place is flooded with a bunch of angry people most likely practicing poor citizenship and might or might not be dangerous to innocent bystanders?
Yeah, that would be terrible. How does that stack up against a nut case getting an AR and killing tens of people, me boy. Must be much worse. I mean, not having an AR or missing your day at the capital building must be about as bad as those 50 people who were killed. Though, in my humble but correct opinion, you could just not have the ability to shoot an ar and have the results we see in other countries, with no mass killings.

Like France? ROFLMAO


"Two researchers -- Jaclyn Schildkraut of the State University of New York in Oswego and H. Jaymi Elsass of Texas State University -- analyzed mass shootings in 11 countries, covering the period from 2000-14. Aside from the United States, they looked at Australia, Canada, China, England, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

The United States has more mass shootings -- and more people cumulatively killed or injured -- than the other 10 nations combined,
according to their research. While part of this is because the United States has a much bigger population than all but China, the difference can’t be explained by skewed population numbers alone.

When adjusted for population, the United States ranks in the upper half of their list of 11 countries, ranking higher than Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany and Mexico. The United States did rank lower than three countries -- Norway, Finland and Switzerland -- but they have populations so small that one or two mass-casualty events can produce a relatively high per capita rate."
What we know about mass shootings

Yup, including France. I know that the NRA has a campaign trying to tell people more die in France, but as is normal for the NRA, they are simply lying. And it is not even close. Any other stupid questions, me boy?

Yeah, tell that to the 4 dead and 12 wounded in the grocery store the last couple of days.

I have a number of guns, and have hunted for over 50 years. And I am of the opinion that no one needs an assault rifle.
Except those that can not shoot straight.

People who don't hunt, who don't do recreational shooting of any kind, and who will probably never face a threatening situation requiring the use of a firearm technically don't NEED a firearm of any kind. But the second amendment says absolutely nothing about anybody's personal need. It does suggest that when citizens are called to defend their country, they should be allowed arms to do so. In such a case an AR type weapon might come in very handy.

But we don't NEED many things that we like to have. What logic applies for somebody like me to not have an AR-14 rifle? I have never used a gun in any manner to threaten somebody or defend myself and have never harmed a living thing with any kind of weapon except maybe a tree if I missed the target, but if I just enjoy having an AR-15 in my collection, what harm is there in that?

And what principle of the constitution says that my rights to a peaceful outing with my family to visit the U.S. Capital Building or any other site should be cancelled or made inadvisable because the place is flooded with a bunch of angry people most likely practicing poor citizenship and might or might not be dangerous to innocent bystanders?
Yeah, that would be terrible. How does that stack up against a nut case getting an AR and killing tens of people, me boy. Must be much worse. I mean, not having an AR or missing your day at the capital building must be about as bad as those 50 people who were killed. Though, in my humble but correct opinion, you could just not have the ability to shoot an ar and have the results we see in other countries, with no mass killings.

Like France? ROFLMAO


"Two researchers -- Jaclyn Schildkraut of the State University of New York in Oswego and H. Jaymi Elsass of Texas State University -- analyzed mass shootings in 11 countries, covering the period from 2000-14. Aside from the United States, they looked at Australia, Canada, China, England, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Norway and Switzerland.

The United States has more mass shootings -- and more people cumulatively killed or injured -- than the other 10 nations combined,
according to their research. While part of this is because the United States has a much bigger population than all but China, the difference can’t be explained by skewed population numbers alone.

When adjusted for population, the United States ranks in the upper half of their list of 11 countries, ranking higher than Australia, Canada, China, England, France, Germany and Mexico. The United States did rank lower than three countries -- Norway, Finland and Switzerland -- but they have populations so small that one or two mass-casualty events can produce a relatively high per capita rate."
What we know about mass shootings

Yup, including France. I know that the NRA has a campaign trying to tell people more die in France, but as is normal for the NRA, they are simply lying. And it is not even close. Any other stupid questions, me boy?

Yeah, tell that to the 4 dead and 12 wounded in the grocery store the last couple of days.


The very numbers prove you lie....
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Beware Loser....many, many of these loons will be voting in November.....Can you say...Blue Wave?

Those loons are lucky to have a 15 second attention span.

Translated: These kids who saw the business end of an AR15, were shot at, shot, and saw their friends die do not believe in the NRA as you do. So, you make up some stupid lies to make them look bad.
Truth is, to thinking people, you simply made yourself look bad. Really bad, me boy. You are, I am sure, a simple minded chicken hawk.

The vast majority of the kids on that campus didn't see anything, they weren't even in the same building. So keep telling your lies, we're done troll.

They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Beware Loser....many, many of these loons will be voting in November.....Can you say...Blue Wave?

Those loons are lucky to have a 15 second attention span.

Translated: These kids who saw the business end of an AR15, were shot at, shot, and saw their friends die do not believe in the NRA as you do. So, you make up some stupid lies to make them look bad.
Truth is, to thinking people, you simply made yourself look bad. Really bad, me boy. You are, I am sure, a simple minded chicken hawk.

The vast majority of the kids on that campus didn't see anything, they weren't even in the same building. So keep telling your lies, we're done troll.


This is a movement as real as the MLK movement. If you are a politician receiving NRA afraid....BE VERY AFRAID!
These kids are a joke. Even more, these funded trips are like a field trip to them. They could care less about the reason. Just a social event for them. Nothing more

The vast majority of the kids on that campus didn't see anything, they weren't even in the same building. So keep telling your lies, we're done troll.

That's nothing other than an assumptive butt nugget. The vast majority of the Stoneman Douglas kids HEARD the gunshots. Many hid in closets, many stepped over busted up dead people in their haste to escape. Many others ran like hell.

ALL have PTSD to one degree or another. In the future, keep the BS to yourself.
Sounds like a perfect time to go loot their homes and take the stuff they looted last time and put it back!


How would you like to sit in school and wonder if a shooter is going to kill you today, a great learning environment isn't it.
Then how about allowing staff to be armed so they can shoot the killers like they did in Maryland?

There is a bit of a problem with your post, me boy. It lacks truth.
This was not a mass shooting, but a targeted shooting by a nut case with a PISTOL.
Second, the person who shot and killed the shooter was not part of the school staff, but rather a County Sherif Deputy.
So, you had a pistol wielding shooter, against a pistol wielding sherif deputy. No assault rifle was involved, and no intent was made by the shooter to kill a lot of people.
So, while it is a good outcome, and a good plan for saving lives, it has little to do with a typical mass shooting, me boy. And has absolutely nothing to do with handling mass shootings with an assault rifle involved. And absolutely nothing to do with arming the school staff.
No, all it lacks for you to like it is multiple murders. The kid was shot and killed by a person in the school with a gun. Don't twist it around with your gun hating liberal bullshit!

Really, me con troll. There is no similarity between the Maryland shooting, where a person came in to shoot a person, and did so. And was then shot an killed by a deputy sherif. And, say, the Florida school experience.
But the difference matters. Marryland was NOT by definition a mass shooting. This guy did not have a 30 shot ar15. Just a pistol. So, if you talk to experts relative to engagements with shooters with assault weapons, they will all tell you that a trained person with a pistol will likely die. And a teacher with a pistol will almost certainly die.
If we could have simple one on ones like in Maryland, then it would be different. But the norm is Florida, Las Vegas, various churches, and schools. Where the shooter has an AR and lots of magazines. So, there you go, me boy. Sorry, but you have a simple mind and tried to simplify a complex situation so your simple mind, like yours, could understand it.
These kids are a joke. Even more, these funded trips are like a field trip to them. They could care less about the reason. Just a social event for them. Nothing more


You are an idiot....many of these kids and their families will be voting in November and in 2020....

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