Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......
The vast majority of the kids on that campus didn't see anything, they weren't even in the same building. So keep telling your lies, we're done troll.

That's nothing other than an assumptive butt nugget. The vast majority of the Stoneman Douglas kids HEARD the gunshots. Many hid in closets, many stepped over busted up dead people in their haste to escape. Many others ran like hell.

ALL have PTSD to one degree or another. In the future, keep the BS to yourself.

Great, let's give them all a participation trophy, they'll feel better. I hear gun shots all the time, it doesn't freak me out. Kids lack real life experience and perspective. They're being pushed by hard left anti gun activist and it's child abuse, their trying to take advantage of these kids for their own agenda. You only need look at the millions spent on this dog a pony show to know that. It's a simple concept, legislate on facts, not emotion.

As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......

This is not a Nazi rally. This so far seems to be people expressing a point of view. That I disagree with that point of view, that I think they are going about this in the least constructive way, does not make them bad people. really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online
As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......

This is not a Nazi rally. This so far seems to be people expressing a point of view. That I disagree with that point of view, that I think they are going about this in the least constructive way, does not make them bad people.

kids being kids. My concern is WHO IS MANIPULATING THEM and for
what purpose
These kids are a joke. Even more, these funded trips are like a field trip to them. They could care less about the reason. Just a social event for them. Nothing more


You are an idiot....many of these kids and their families will be voting in November and in 2020....

We will too, so will our families and friends.

. really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

Allow me to clarify...the worst school shooting......Virginia tech.....

It doesn't matter where he bought it, he passed a federally mandated background check which means he would pass a universal background check moronic doofus... really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

Moron....he had to pick it up at a licensed gun dealer...which means he still went through a federal background are such a moron....
As long as they protest peacefully and legally, that is the right of an American, I don’t object to protests, I think they aren’t going to be successful but they have the right, just as others have the right to protest legally and peacefully.
As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......

This is not a Nazi rally. This so far seems to be people expressing a point of view. That I disagree with that point of view, that I think they are going about this in the least constructive way, does not make them bad people.

kids being kids. My concern is WHO IS MANIPULATING THEM and for
what purpose

Most are indoctrinated and encouraged with massive group think which seems to be the new normal in public education these days. really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

You are such an uninformed moron...from your very own link....

In both instances, Cho passed a federally-mandated background check conducted for Virginia gun dealers by the state police. Cho filled out paperwork for the instant check for the Walther at the Blacksburg pawn shop, waiting only ten minutes to be cleared, according to the shop's owner.
The vast majority of the kids on that campus didn't see anything, they weren't even in the same building. So keep telling your lies, we're done troll.

That's nothing other than an assumptive butt nugget. The vast majority of the Stoneman Douglas kids HEARD the gunshots. Many hid in closets, many stepped over busted up dead people in their haste to escape. Many others ran like hell.

ALL have PTSD to one degree or another. In the future, keep the BS to yourself.

Great, let's give them all a participation trophy, they'll feel better. I hear gun shots all the time, it doesn't freak me out. Kids lack real life experience and perspective. They're being pushed by hard left anti gun activist and it's child abuse, their trying to take advantage of these kids for their own agenda. You only need look at the millions spent on this dog a pony show to know that. It's a simple concept, legislate on facts, not emotion.

Especially since most laws favor the criminals and the states do nothing except arrest and release. Hell...they can't even get a handle on drunk drivers.

They sure as hell aren't going to control gun violence. really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

Allow me to clarify...the worst school shooting......Virginia tech.....

It doesn't matter where he bought it, he passed a federally mandated background check which means he would pass a universal background check moronic doofus...

Had a thorough mental check been run on Cho, he'd have been flagged.

'Troubled': Va. Tech Shooter's Mental Health Records Released
As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......

This is not a Nazi rally. This so far seems to be people expressing a point of view. That I disagree with that point of view, that I think they are going about this in the least constructive way, does not make them bad people.

kids being kids. My concern is WHO IS MANIPULATING THEM and for
what purpose

Most are indoctrinated and encouraged with massive group think which seems to be the new normal in public education these days.

it's the public education INFILTRATION thing that jangles my nerves
These kids are a joke. Even more, these funded trips are like a field trip to them. They could care less about the reason. Just a social event for them. Nothing more


You are an idiot....many of these kids and their families will be voting in November and in 2020....

We will too, so will our families and friends.


Please will be needed...BLUE WAVE....I saw it in Virginia. It is shaking Republican ranks. Electing an unhinged Putin Puppet was a step too far.... really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

Allow me to clarify...the worst school shooting......Virginia tech.....

It doesn't matter where he bought it, he passed a federally mandated background check which means he would pass a universal background check moronic doofus...

Had a thorough mental check been run on Cho, he'd have been flagged.

'Troubled': Va. Tech Shooter's Mental Health Records Released

Moron...from your first don't know what you are talking about....

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

The only evaluation among the Cho court papers declared the college student depressed but not suicidal. "His insight and judgment are normal," wrote Dr. Ray Crowe, who concluded 16 months ago Cho was not a danger to himself or others and did not require hospitalization.

Virginia State Police said consequently Cho was not prohibited from buying a gun, according to state laws, because he was never committed to a mental health facility.
As I promised Nosmo King , I would acknowledge if the Washington DC protest did not become a violent event. So far today it appears that it has not and good for those attending the gathering. I still think they are going after the wrong target, but if they are not blocking vehicle and pedestrian traffic, blocking businesses or access to public buildings, etc. and not leaving a lot of trash and litter in their wake, I commend them.

Nazi rallies were well disciplined too...and they took guns away from citizens as well......

This is not a Nazi rally. This so far seems to be people expressing a point of view. That I disagree with that point of view, that I think they are going about this in the least constructive way, does not make them bad people.

kids being kids. My concern is WHO IS MANIPULATING THEM and for
what purpose

Most are indoctrinated and encouraged with massive group think which seems to be the new normal in public education these days.

it's the public education INFILTRATION thing that jangles my nerves

Me too. It is not only harmful to the kids, but is dangerous to our freedom and liberties as a nation.
You are such an uninformed moron...from your very own link....

In both instances, Cho passed a federally-mandated background check conducted for Virginia gun dealers by the state police. Cho filled out paperwork for the instant check for the Walther at the Blacksburg pawn shop, waiting only ten minutes to be cleared, according to the shop's owner.

Yes I read that and didn't claim that he didn't pass basic BG checks at the time. I said screw Internet sales and include mental BG checks.
I cited the history of these kinds of things and that history makes what will happen pretty predictable. Are you deliberately avoiding that argument in order to defend people who I see as violating the rights of the peaceful and law abiding?

If this turns out to be a peaceful, respectful demonstration by courteous demonstrators, I will acknowledge it. But I wouldn't be taking my kids or grand kids there knowing the demonstration was scheduled. I bet you wouldn't either.

Here is the thing, me boy. You are in my opinion not worried about the mass shootings that have happened or the mass killings that will, without doubt, happen in the future. I am worried about all those that have been killed, and who will be. Because, you see, their lives are way more important than anyone of us having access to an assault rifle. You do not need an assault rifle. The people who will be killed in the future with assault rifles do need their lives. Ask their families.

You might want to worry about the other things that kill many more, murders, of all kinds, don't even make the top 10.

These kids aren't marching for cancer or air pollution or trans fats. They aren't marching for auto safety or knife safety or swimming pool safety.

They stepped over bodies to evacuate their school after 17 people were shot. Others stepped over bodies at Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary, Columbine High School and dozens more. Some of these people stepped over bodies in Las Begas, Orlando and Ft. Hood. They stepped over bodies in Aurora, Colorado, Sutherland Springs, Texas and Charleston, South Carolina. They've stepped over bodies in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit.

Ignoring, dismissing and belittling the epidemic of gun violence walls you off from the debate. If you don't consider it an actual problem, it must be asked, do you have a soul?

No calling something it's not, makes you intellectually dishonest. Anything that only effects about 13,000 people out of 320,000,000 doesn't meet any definition of an epidemic. You're no better than the fear mongering whores Schumer and Palousey. Commiecrat policies have created this situation over the last 50 years, here's a thought, how about we hold people responsible for their actions, stop giving out participation trophies and bust a kids ass when it's called for. That would put a stop to a bunch of what ails society.

The sad thing is that what this post of your is, me boy, is just normal for you. I would love to see you try to tell the parents of the kids killed that it is not a real problem, dipshit. But then, you are a typical con, just a simple coward.
You see, me stupid con troll, to a thinking person, 13,000 is indeed an epidemic. And nut cases like you, controlled as you are by con talking points and the NRA, are another sad epidemic of brain loss.
Wow, you're a loser of the first order.

I would have no problem at all telling that to their faces, or to yours. Nut cases like you alway want to punish the innocent for a poltical agenda that is lacking in both thought, and intelligence. really don't know what you are talking about....

the worst mass shooting in U.S. history was Virginia Tech...the shooter killed 32 students with 2 pistols.....

No, the worst mass shooting in modern US history was Vegas - 58 dead courtesy of a bunch of assault rifles with bump stocks.

And btw NRA bot - the VA tech shooter bought one of his guns online from GunSource - time to shut down internet dealers.

Va. Tech Killer Bought 2nd Gun Online

Hey dummy, the weapon was shipped to a local FFL dealer and a background check was done. He could have purchased the same weapon form any local dealer that had it in stock. He didn't avoid a background check by buying it online.


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