soros donates 1M to calif pot legaization effort

Is inebriation freedom?

the ability to get inebriated in your own privacy is freedom

You mean there would be no cost to society or law enforcement in keeping pot out of schools or out of the work place or out from behing the wheels of cars?

That's all free?

1) what does any of that have to do with freedom?
2) pot is already in school, thats actually where most students buy it from
3) I don't see how its any different than enforcing people driving stoned now which many do
So pot in school is ok? There won't be any more people driving stoned when pot is legal as there are now?

Being stoned has nothing to do with freedom.

WTF are you talking about? please make logical and coherent posts if you want me to respond
Is inebriation freedom?

You probably should have asked that question to the Acohol--Tobacco--and the Prescription pain and other addictive drug markets in this country about 60 years ago.

Fine, none of those things would be made legal today. You could not make automobiles or tackle football legal today.

Is more stoned people freedom?

is George Soros down for the struggle when it comes to the cultural liberation of legalized pot?

Or does he want something else?

LOOK--this is not a George Soros issue when CONSERVATIVE candidates like Ron and Rand Paul--and Tom Tancredo--3rd party candidate for governor in Colorado have spoken out about the WASTE of 1.3 TRILLION dollars--chasing down marijuana--and LONG before George Soros--a non-American citizen--and big money dude for ever did.

Believe me--In America marijuana and the legalization of it--and keeping it illegal is a fight that is certain to lose--because CONSERVATIVES along with LIBERALS--are more than certain to pass legalization of if it were ever to be put up to a ballot--and it has absolutely nothing to do with Soros.

Now conservatives such as you can stand on the side-lines while getting your behinds kicked--or be true to the colors of conservativism meaning regulate it--and tax it--while creating American jobs--and relish in the stance of legalizing marijuana in this country--with overwhelming approval of both democrats and republicans in this country.

Right now--it's just which party is SMART enough to do it. In my state of Colorado-- which I am a 3rd generation CONSERVATIVE native and we're going to see Colorado go back to DEEP red again this election cycle-which they normally are--except for BO in 2008.

Rasmussen: 49% Of Coloradans Think Marijuana Should Be Legal

This poll was months--ago and most Coloradoans don't even know who George Soros is--nor do they care.
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Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.
Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

We do all ready with it illegal.

He should donate 1M to the Shintao foundation where I diligently attempt to change the will of cons by exposing their ethics and morals and shaming them unmercifully. :clap2: No, no need to clap. I do it as a favor to the world, seeking only to go to the great beyond with a clean mind and heart.

If the Shintao foundation changed the will LEFTWINGNUTS by exposing their ethics and morals and shame the left unmercifully ... oh yeah, but they make the rules for the left ... I might donate.

If you need to make it to the great beyond, please send me the letter requesting admin assistance unlike the one Blanco DIDN'T send to Bush requesting Federal Assistance before Katrina?

Gee, let's all stand and watch a Cat 5 hurricane roll in on us.:cuckoo:
Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

We do all ready with it illegal.

So the enforcement cost is a moot point.

Would having more stoned people be a good thing?

Is having more drunk people a good thing?
Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

If you really stand for a "civil" society--then you should bring out the drum and marching band --to put alcohol back into prohibition--and see how far that gets ya---:lol:
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Conservatives stand for a civil society.

Yes, a civil society where they chain & detain innocent women & children and rape, torture and murder them, as they clap in joy. A society where they want freedom protected by anyone else but themselves. A society where wealth is put before humanity. Some civil society you want.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

No doubt the legalization & selling it. Or maybe he is a user tired of seeing people be manipulated with christian morals.
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Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

We do all ready with it illegal.

So the enforcement cost is a moot point.

Would having more stoned people be a good thing?

Is having more drunk people a good thing?

People are going to smoke post with it legal or Illegal, That is the truth. There will not be a huge surge in new users just because you make it legal to posses and grow. Tax it's sale and regulated it.

Between the Savings from Enforcement costs, and the Revenue for Taxing it. Selling Licenses what ever. You would see a big Net drop in the cost it has on society. money you could spend to try and keep the Harder drugs off the street.

I don't think people who are still opposed to this understand just how different Pot is from hard drugs. How many more people do it I mean. From all across the political and social spectrum. It's a plant, a mild euphoric. Not a Narcotic, or heaven forbid Alcohol. :)
Conservatives stand for a civil society.

You'll spend that much and more dealing with the enforcement aspects I already specified, and the cost of ruined lives, careers, and families. You'll need entire new treatment programs and hospitals to deal with this stuff.

And other drugs will be next.

I want to know why George Soros donated $1M to get pot legal, in the interest of staying on topic. He can do whatever he wants with his money. What's in this for him.

We do all ready with it illegal.

So the enforcement cost is a moot point.

Would having more stoned people be a good thing?

Is having more drunk people a good thing?

First thing that any police officer will tell you-that they would much prefer to deal with someone that is stoned on marijuana versus DRUNK on alcohol.

But ignorance and propoganda still rule the day when it comes to marijuana.

Our Declaration of Independence is written on a by-product produced by the marijuana plant called hemp paper. In fact, our forefathers were actually fined if they didn't grow it--because it made so much--tents--paper and other products that was critical to pioneer survival. This was George Washington's biggest crop--the marijuana plant.


Marijuana was actually legal in this country on two different occasions until--FDR ran into a man who was very power and influencial--and in the news paper business who owned a forest- who saw a financial opportunity and-who no longer wanted to use hemp paper as a source--and his name was Randolf Hearst.

HEMP aka Marijuana then became ILLEGAL.

Secondly the largest corporation in this country that is also the biggest LOBBYIST against legalizing marijuana is none other than the Pharmacutical industry in this country--which is also the most wealthy--and even more influencial and powerful than the oil industry. This while they have been PUSHING on us over the last several years every pill for every single complaint in America--and whom is also the NUMBER one reason why medical insurance is no longer afforable in this country. We have erectile dysfunction pills--dry eye syndrome pills--restless leg syndrome pills. You get a 10 second advertisement of what this new pill is for--and then a 45 second WARNING of the side effects--which include DEATH--SUICIDAL THOUGHTS--NASEAU--HEADACHES--HEART--LIVER--KIDNEY DAMAGE--JOINT AND MUSCLE ACHES--BLINDESS--DEAFNESS--ADDICTION etc. etc. etc.

Just a little note here--there has never been one single recorded incidence of anyone ever overdosing on marijuana.

Now you conservatives can keep throwing BILLIONS in this futile effort to save people from themselves--or wake to the fact--that marijuana should be legalized--regulated and taxed--just like alcohol. Because we have 60 YEARS and 1.3 TRILLION dollars later that prohibition has not worked--in fact it hasn't even put a DENT into the flow of marijuana--and it is STILL the 2nd most used drug of choice and 2nd only to alcohol.
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We already spend billions on wrecked lives due to alcohol and tobacco use, and are making an effort to have less of it in society.

You want to pretend the same thing would not happen all over again with pot?

Less booze and cigs, more pot?
Really, more people won't smoke when it's easier to obtain?

You are not a libertarian attempting to ban MJ are you? Aren't you suppose to be telling gov. to get out of peoples lives, and if they want to die from H, let them do it in the name of freedom? I figure if you cut society loose on the hard drugs, there will be a definite shift away from them as the hard-core kill themselves off. Holland has it under control, yes?
We already spend billions on wrecked lives due to alcohol and tobacco use, and are making an effort to have less of it in society.

You want to pretend the same thing would not happen all over again with pot?

Less booze and cigs, more pot?

So you want facist authoritarian control over people's lives, in your civil society huh?? Geeze, even a Liberal wishes Americans more freedom than you would offer. What part of stay the F out of peoples lives don't you undertsand? That your rights end where anothers rights begin.:lol:
We already spend billions on wrecked lives due to alcohol and tobacco use, and are making an effort to have less of it in society.

You want to pretend the same thing would not happen all over again with pot?

Less booze and cigs, more pot?

Well--then maybe we should send out the "fat" police to slap that Whopper out of that overweight person's hand--because in reality--they and obesity--and diabites type 2 are our NOW number ONE health issue--and the most EXPENSIVE problem we have in the United States today and even bigger than tobacco smoking? Maybe you don't mind spending tax payer dollars sending them to private fat farms--to get over their addiction to food?

You appear to want to spend trillions more in this futile effort of trying to save people from themselves--instead of benefitting from the tax revenue that legalizing marijuana could bring in?

Please in the future--do not refer to yourself as a CONSERVATIVE to me.
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