Soros Pulling Snowflake Puppet Strings


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Soros Groups Behind Massive Anti-Trump Tax Day Protest Plot

"The news media has been reporting on plans by a coalition of activist groups to hold a massive anti-Trump Tax March in Washington and at least 60 other locations on April 15.

Unreported by the news media is that most of the listed partners and support organizers of the march are openly financed by George Soros or have close links to Soros financing."

'Dance for me, my little snowflake puppets, DANCE!
Soros is behind all the anti-Trump protests. He understands: if he doesn't stop Trump right now, pretty soon it will be "Game Over!" for him and his buddies Globalists.

NY Times:
To understand the march better, I stayed up through the nights this week, studying the funding, politics and talking points of the some 403 groups that are ā€œpartnersā€ of the march. Is this a non-partisan ā€œWomenā€™s Marchā€?

By my draft research, which Iā€™m opening up for crowd-sourcing on GoogleDocs, Soros has funded, or has close relationships with, at least 56 of the marchā€™s ā€œpartners,ā€ including ā€œkey partnersā€ Planned Parenthood, which opposes Trumpā€™s anti-abortion policy, and the National Resource Defense Council, which opposes Trumpā€™s environmental policies. The other Soros ties with ā€œWomenā€™s Marchā€ organizations include the partisan (which was fiercely pro-Clinton),ā€¦

Other Soros grantees who are ā€œpartnersā€ in the march are the American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more than 50 ā€˜partnersā€™ of the Womenā€™s March on Washington
Soros needs to be investigated and brought to court for his subversive activities aimed to destroy America from within. Many oath of office includes " protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic..." George Soros is the embodiment of domestic enemy.

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