Sorry Bernie people but Nordic countries are not Socialist

We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

Oh, bullshit. The "poor" in this country have it pretty fucking good compared to most of the world. I've stood in the middle of villages in third world countries where people were living in tin shacks and chickens and goats were roaming the dirt paths they call streets. Get back to me when our "poor" are living in that kind of squalor and then maybe I'll feel bad.
Actually, considering we are the wealthiest nation on earth and have the most to give, the status of our poor is a national disgrace.
Middle class aren’t much better
What the Nordic countries are based on is actually compassionate capitalism. ... :cool:

"If the left insists on naming a system of generous government benefits combined with a free market democratic socialism, I cannot stop them. That seems unnecessarily confusing since the government is actually running no industries other than education (and meddling somewhat in healthcare). It certainly isn’t socialism. In fact, the only reason most such countries can afford those benefits is that their market economies are so productive they can cover the expense of the government’s generosity."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Bernie advocates democratic socialism. Which matches what they have in Nordic Countries quite closely.
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

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