Sorry Bernie people but Nordic countries are not Socialist

How's that working out?
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
How's that working out?
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
The differences between where we are and where they are aren't terribly vast. It's just someone left on the spectrum.
What the Nordic countries are based on is actually compassionate capitalism. ... :cool:

"If the left insists on naming a system of generous government benefits combined with a free market democratic socialism, I cannot stop them. That seems unnecessarily confusing since the government is actually running no industries other than education (and meddling somewhat in healthcare). It certainly isn’t socialism. In fact, the only reason most such countries can afford those benefits is that their market economies are so productive they can cover the expense of the government’s generosity."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
I don't have to 'imagine', I've dealt with Bernie personally at our State House on many occasions. The rabidly progressive enclave of VT's legislature is actually holding, at bay, Bernie's unbridled communistic ideology...
How's that working out?
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
The differences between where we are and where they are aren't terribly vast. It's just someone left on the spectrum.

Well you don't live in the same America that I do, it's impossible we can't get along on anything, we can't even control kids from killing other kids in the streets of Chicago wearing the wrong style of shoes or over a Snickers bar.

No one is on the same page.
What the Nordic countries are based on is actually compassionate capitalism. ... :cool:

"If the left insists on naming a system of generous government benefits combined with a free market democratic socialism, I cannot stop them. That seems unnecessarily confusing since the government is actually running no industries other than education (and meddling somewhat in healthcare). It certainly isn’t socialism. In fact, the only reason most such countries can afford those benefits is that their market economies are so productive they can cover the expense of the government’s generosity."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

On many occasions I've rebutted claims by idiot moonbats that the Nordic countries are examples of socialism working well by pointing out the fact that Nordic countries are not socialist in the first place.

A lot of the time they will say that some idiot wingnut told them that Norway was a socialist country.

Seems to me that popular "conservative" talk radio pundits such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck etc,etc... are the ones who spreaded the falsehood that Nordic countries were socialist states in the first place.

They are the same blowhards that somehow convinced millions of RWNJs that the Democrats are "liberals", when nothing could be further from the truth.

It's fuckin' pathetic.
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

How's that working out?
Haiti is capitalist
How is that working out?

Gawd you're fucking stupid.

Hati has always been a shithole...think very hard why.
Haiti is proof that Capitalism doesn’t work
Same way Venezuela shows Socialism doesn’t work

Easy when you cherry pick isn’t it?

Google Jean-Claude Duvalier, moron

Once again you're in over your head
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

The ones who pay taxes??? I am getting 10 grand plus out of that deal.

Who's pocket got lined with obamas almost trillion dollars stimulous ?

I only got a lousy $400 bucks

How's that working out?
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
The differences between where we are and where they are aren't terribly vast. It's just someone left on the spectrum.

Well you don't live in the same America that I do, it's impossible we can't get along on anything, we can't even control kids from killing other kids in the streets of Chicago wearing the wrong style of shoes or over a Snickers bar.

No one is on the same page.
That's our choice. We're choosing to act like this.
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

The ones who pay taxes??? I am getting 10 grand plus out of that deal.

Who's pocket got lined with obamas almost trillion dollars stimulous ?

I only got a lousy $400 bucks

The ones who benefit the most from our country
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

The ones who pay taxes??? I am getting 10 grand plus out of that deal.

Who's pocket got lined with obamas almost trillion dollars stimulous ?

I only got a lousy $400 bucks

The ones who benefit the most from our country
The ones who pay 90% of the federal taxes and provide jobs?

Sounds good to me
How's that working out?
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
The differences between where we are and where they are aren't terribly vast. It's just someone left on the spectrum.

Well you don't live in the same America that I do, it's impossible we can't get along on anything, we can't even control kids from killing other kids in the streets of Chicago wearing the wrong style of shoes or over a Snickers bar.

No one is on the same page.
That's our choice. We're choosing to act like this.

Ya can't legistrate morality now can you? And once again when you have a huge melting pot of people it's impossible
Terribly. Many here would prefer the social democracies of Canada, Germany, Australia, Norway, et al.

And how could we do that in America?

We don't have 15 million or so white swedes or a billion China men living here, we have 330 million Mexicans, blacks, whites, Asians and all the rest from different cultures and all sides of the life.
The differences between where we are and where they are aren't terribly vast. It's just someone left on the spectrum.

Well you don't live in the same America that I do, it's impossible we can't get along on anything, we can't even control kids from killing other kids in the streets of Chicago wearing the wrong style of shoes or over a Snickers bar.

No one is on the same page.
That's our choice. We're choosing to act like this.

Ya can't legistrate morality now can you? And once again when you have a huge melting pot of people it's impossible
I don't know what you mean by "morality" in this context. Unless you think that morality is tied to ethnicity.

A social democracy lies to the left of the spectrum from where are are now. There would be a larger safety net, more government services and costs.
What the Nordic countries are based on is actually compassionate capitalism. ... :cool:

"If the left insists on naming a system of generous government benefits combined with a free market democratic socialism, I cannot stop them. That seems unnecessarily confusing since the government is actually running no industries other than education (and meddling somewhat in healthcare). It certainly isn’t socialism. In fact, the only reason most such countries can afford those benefits is that their market economies are so productive they can cover the expense of the government’s generosity."

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Correct. They're social Democracies.

Why can't the Right see the difference? Is it really that difficult?
Still, they aren't exactly what they advertise.
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

Oh, bullshit. The "poor" in this country have it pretty fucking good compared to most of the world. I've stood in the middle of villages in third world countries where people were living in tin shacks and chickens and goats were roaming the dirt paths they call streets. Get back to me when our "poor" are living in that kind of squalor and then maybe I'll feel bad.
I've stood in the middle of villages in third world countries where people were living in tin shacks and chickens and goats were roaming the dirt paths they call streets. Get back to me when our "poor" are living in that kind of squalor and then maybe I'll feel bad.
I have been in such places in Hawaii and West Virginia.
Exactly what Bernie is advocating

Imagine a country that actually does things for........people
The "country" doesn't have a dime to its name. It's coming out of my pockets and my fellow countrymen. Theft.
Ya know what? I pay real estate taxes that fund schools. I have no kids. I have earned my diploma and my degree. Yet I pay taxes to others can get an education.

I pay taxes that fund police and fire departments. The cops spend more time in poorer neighborhoods than the one I live in. The fire department puts out fires all over town, but, thank Fod, they have never been called by me to put out a fire in my house.

Your lopsided logic would say I am being robbed of my taxes because I do not directly benefit from them. That's lunacy.

If you would deny a senior citizen of a life of dignity and not a life of utter poverty because you are not a senior citizen, you do not understand the perils of not granting Social Security. If you would deny someone of affordable healthcare, you do not understand the perils of not having healthcare.

Is our system set up so the wealthy can horde their wealth while the vast majority must struggle to make ends meet?
We don’t have a dime?

We just borrowed $1.5 trillion for tax cuts for billionaires
We have no problem finding money to form a Space Command or build a wall

But for programs to help people?
Our pockets are empty

How much more help you want to give them to line Democrat politicians pockets with votes and gold?

Whose pockets got lined with Trumps $1.5 trillion tax cut?

The ones who pay taxes??? I am getting 10 grand plus out of that deal.

Who's pocket got lined with obamas almost trillion dollars stimulous ?

I only got a lousy $400 bucks

The ones who benefit the most from our country
The ones who pay 90% of the federal taxes and provide jobs?

Sounds good to me
They make profits off those jobs
Not much trickles down

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