Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.

Inject him!
she's another racist hater that should never have been nominated
a racist--on the SC!!!!
a BLATANT racist
o--that's ok--she's not white
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Any country that lowers itself to corporate executions is showing they have no morals

An eye for an eye was suitable a hundred years ago but modern societies know better
why is justice wrong for modern times?
hangings were public with lot's of people and kids going
this is how it should be done
......all these anti-death people--let them have a daughter raped and killed...let's see what they say then
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.

A .45 round is more expensive than thirty years on death row?
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

Her family has known that her killer was arrested and imprisoned for 20 years.

The man has suffered from mental illness all of his life. He was beaten and abused as a child and institutionalize for his illness. It is illegal to execute the mentally ill.

Killing this man doesn’t do anything for anyone. It’s an act just as barbaric and cruel as the original crime. It’s what we’ve come to expect from Americans.

Stupidity, cruelty and dickishness. You used to be better than this.
Did any of you actually read the reason behind her comments? Or are all just so excited about having an opportunity to toss around your fauxrage that it doesn't matter?

Oh, and she did not say that that "executing a child rapist is barbarism."

At least make an attempt to be honest in your fauxrage...
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

Her family has known that her killer was arrested and imprisoned for 20 years.

The man has suffered from mental illness all of his life. He was beaten and abused as a child and institutionalize for his illness. It is illegal to execute the mentally ill.

Killing this man doesn’t do anything for anyone. It’s an act just as barbaric and cruel as the original crime. It’s what we’ve come to expect from Americans.

Stupidity, cruelty and dickishness. You used to be better than this.
Tough shit. It is our country our call. Don’t like it? Scratch!
im pro death penalty because i value my life to such a degree that it keep me from murdering you sickos



i am pro d.p., though
Most nations look at capital punishment as cruel and unusual punishment

Eventually, our courts will do the same
"In refusing to grant Irick a stay, the Court today turns a blind eye to a proven likelihood that the state of Tennessee is on the verge of inflicting several minutes of torturous pain on an inmate in its custody, while shrouding his suffering behind a veneer of paralysis," Sotomayor wrote in her dissent.

Who ever said the death penalty was supposed to be pain free?

"I cannot in good conscience join in this 'rush to execute'

1986......rush to execute? WTF!

In her dissent, Sotomayor notes the expert testimony that held Irick may feel "sensations of suffocation and of burning that 'may well be the chemical equivalent of being burned at the stake'."

That's easy. Give him the knockout injection. Then shoot him in the head.
Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

Then it's a barbarism I'm willing to accept. A lot.
Amen to this. If they don't want such things done to themselves, why do they go messing with kids or anyone else in the first place?

God bless you always!!!


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