Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice
Actually, that's Old Testament Jewish teaching.

But of course you knew that.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice
Actually, that's Old Testament Jewish teaching.

But of course you knew that.
No Shit Sherlock

Now it is conservative Justice
Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind”
Mahatma Gandhi
Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice
Actually, that's Old Testament Jewish teaching.

But of course you knew that.
No Shit Sherlock

Now it is conservative Justice
Then why lie and say it's islamic when you knew it was Jewish, Einstein.
Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?

That you cannot distinguish between the rape and murder of an innocent child,

and the Just Execution of that child murderer/rapist,

is the lack of moral clarity and commitment to Justice I was talking about.

Why let criminals bring us down to their level?

YOu said that. I addressed it.

Now you repeat it.

You are not engaging in dialog, you are just spouting your talking points, in between my posts.

You are being an asshole..
Such a Snowflake

Can I find you a safe space where you can cool down?

Pointing out that you are being an asshole, is not being a snowflake.

The "snowflake" insult is called for when someone is upset over hearing a truth they don't like, or has to deal with someone they don't like having a right to speak or do something.

Not me rightfully calling you out on being an asshole.

Try to be less of a dishonest asshole.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.
The child rapist murderers don't really live on. They have accidents or eat something that doesn't agree with them. Such unfortunate occurrences aren't subject to appeal.

Perhaps a kindly, gentle U.S. would pay Russia to house our criminals. A nice little Siberian gulag is much more civilized than our accommodations.
Harsh treatment has always been the answer of laymen to violent crime. The problem is that it doesn't work. People that commit these crimes don't expect to be caught and hardly ever consider possible punishment for their crime. Even if these criminals were hanged, drawn, and quartered it would still have little or no deterrent value.

The non-recidivism rate for criminals after execution is very, very good.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice
Actually, that's Old Testament Jewish teaching.

But of course you knew that.
No Shit Sherlock

Now it is conservative Justice
Then why lie and say it's islamic when you knew it was Jewish, Einstein.
Are you daft?

Both use it, along with conservatives
All are wrong

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