Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list
Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do
They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?
And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.
Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?

That you cannot distinguish between the rape and murder of an innocent child,

and the Just Execution of that child murderer/rapist,

is the lack of moral clarity and commitment to Justice I was talking about.
Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?

That you cannot distinguish between the rape and murder of an innocent child,

and the Just Execution of that child murderer/rapist,

is the lack of moral clarity and commitment to Justice I was talking about.

Why let criminals bring us down to their level?
Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.

Russia knows the death penalty is wrong
So does Mexico

We side with Islamic countries in eye for an eye justice

YOu did not address anything I said. You are being an asshole.
Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?

That you cannot distinguish between the rape and murder of an innocent child,

and the Just Execution of that child murderer/rapist,

is the lack of moral clarity and commitment to Justice I was talking about.

Why let criminals bring us down to their level?

YOu said that. I addressed it.

Now you repeat it.

You are not engaging in dialog, you are just spouting your talking points, in between my posts.

You are being an asshole..
Throw that useless ass Sotomayor off the SC,
Brilliant!! Just fucking brilliant. Get rid of a Supreme Court Justice for having an opinion.

I see you're back in your usual persona. Justices are there to interpret the law. What she thinks is "barbaric" is not only about as useful as what Robert DeNiro thinks of House Bill 1972, but it disqualifies her from being able to dispassionately enforce the law and do her job. She's not hired to have an opinion on what punishment is barbaric, but rather, make a ruling on THE LAW. Sotomayor is there to uphold THE LAW, not to try to MAKE IT, fool. I need a justice full of preconceived PREJUDICE about as much as I need yours, jackass.
Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.
The child rapist murderers don't really live on. They have accidents or eat something that doesn't agree with them. Such unfortunate occurrences aren't subject to appeal.

Perhaps a kindly, gentle U.S. would pay Russia to house our criminals. A nice little Siberian gulag is much more civilized than our accommodations.
We are judged by the company we keep
Not an impressive list

Letting a children rapist/murderer live, is not Justice.

Anyone who thinks it is, is a coward who is not willing or able to do something unpleasant but Right.

A society that, as a whole, has reached that point, is decadent.

YOu are a fool.
Why sink to their level?

That you cannot distinguish between the rape and murder of an innocent child,

and the Just Execution of that child murderer/rapist,

is the lack of moral clarity and commitment to Justice I was talking about.

Why let criminals bring us down to their level?

YOu said that. I addressed it.

Now you repeat it.

You are not engaging in dialog, you are just spouting your talking points, in between my posts.

You are being an asshole..
Such a Snowflake

Can I find you a safe space where you can cool down?
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

The idea of punishment is to deter crime. When you have an act as barbaric as child rape and murder, and idiots who think quiet lethal injection is "barbaric," we stand no chance of holding up against much less defeating true barbarism in the world. Such people have simply lost the will to defend themselves against true tyrants should one attack us. You want to save future children from these acts, treat the crime for what it is. Throw that useless ass Sotomayor off the SC, then take the child murderer and feed him feet first into a tree shredder.

You'll save the taxpayer money and I guarantee you you'll deter at least SOME future child rapists!
The certainty of being caught is a vastly more powerful deterrent to violent crimes than the punishment. Today, 75% of career criminals and 90% of violent criminals perceive no risk of apprehension. The only way punishment would be a deterrent is if apprehension was certain which it will never be.

In the 70's American prisons entered what is now called the punitive era, longer sentences, less emphasis on rehabilitation and more on punishment. The results are not exactly what was expected. Making prisons more punitive has certainty not been much a deterrent because recidivism rates have nearly doubled going from 38% to 75%. During the same period, the incarceration rate in the US has increased by over 600%, making the US the highest in world.

What this tells us is that punishment is not much of a deterrent but separating criminals from the general population does have a positive effect on crimes rates. Maybe we should consider more rehabilitation to lower the recidivism rates since punishment doesn't seem to be working very well.
List of countries by incarceration rate - Wikipedia
I found prison data going back to 1880. This is how mass incarceration looks in context.
United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2016
Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
OK, I’ll say it

Islamic nation’s still have a death penalty because they are controlled by religious zealots.

US states that still resort to a death penalty suffer from the same influence

Russia last used the death penalty in 1996. Was it controlled by religious zealots in 1995?

Your argument just reveals your bigotry against religious people, especially Christians.
It is embarrassing to admit that Russia, a country built on Gulags, has more civilized justice than we do

Your refusal to answer a simple, clear and direct question shows that you know you are in the wrong on this.

Russia repealed the death penalty, because the oligarchs in charge, were willing to shitcan Justice in order to get a bit of positive pr in the Western media.

It was stupid of them. Now their child rapist murderers can live on while their victims rot in the ground.
The child rapist murderers don't really live on. They have accidents or eat something that doesn't agree with them. Such unfortunate occurrences aren't subject to appeal.

Perhaps a kindly, gentle U.S. would pay Russia to house our criminals. A nice little Siberian gulag is much more civilized than our accommodations.
Harsh treatment has always been the answer of laymen to violent crime. The problem is that it doesn't work. People that commit these crimes don't expect to be caught and hardly ever consider possible punishment for their crime. Even if these criminals were hanged, drawn, and quartered it would still have little or no deterrent value.

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