Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

There are those who think locking a man up in a cage for the rest of his life is more barbaric than painlessly ending it.
Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty.

The difference between a perfectly innocent baby and a murderer or rapist may be too subtle for the typical progressive.

Especially a sociopath who rejects the distinction between good and evil.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs
Kill people because it’s cheaper?
Morons....I am surrounded by morons
Kill violent criminals... They don’t deserve to be alive
Please explain what purpose -in terms of making the world a better and safer place - the death penalty serves.

If serves as a deterrent to save one child's life its worth it.
Criminal Justice research says that it does not.

Failure to Deter Crime Archives - NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

Some of the people are actually trying to get executed. Others care as little about their own life as that of others. Sexual predators are driven by their perversion and no threat of punishment will deter them
The only way to fix a sexual predator is a bullet to the head
Demeaning to a civilized society

Maybe we’ve become too “civilized” for some of us.
Well, there are places in world
The greater the suffering the more the deterrent. I will give Saudi Arabia credit...they chop the hand off a thief...they don’t have near larceny problem we have. They chop the heads off of criminals...they don’t have near the crime problem we have.
One thing we do know from a number of studies is a punishment is a deterrent only if the perpetrator considers the punishment before committing the crime and believes there is a strong likelihood of suffering that punishment. However, most criminals never consider the punishment before committing the crime because they don't plan on getting caught. However, let's assume they do in the case of 1st degree murder and we will ignore all the murders that are never discovered.

Today only 61% of 1st degree murder cases will be cleared (charged). Of that number on 40% will be convinced. This low rate is due mostly to plea bargains. Of the 40%, only 3% will receive a death sentence and of those sentenced only 25% will be executed.

What this means is if a person that commits a cold blooded premeditated murder will stand a chance of only 1 in 650 of being executed. By comparison cancer is about 50 times more likely.

And you think the death penalty is a deterrent?:cuckoo:
Execution of violent criminals is the deterrent, The vast majority of violent crime is down by repeat offenders… You kill the motherfuckers they don’t repeat
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty.

The difference between a perfectly innocent baby and a murderer or rapist may be too subtle for the typical progressive.
All Progressives are fucked in the head, hypocrisy is all they have.
Progressive let criminals go free all the time, because they are fucked in the head
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

It’s not difficult. Babies are innocent beings, while convicted murderers are the worst of society. The fact that the far left are unable to make that distinction shows that they are psychopaths.
Sotomayor, like most extreme leftists, never comments on the barbaric nature of the actual crimes.

if they did, I might believe in their sincerity.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.

Your belief that a zygote is a baby doesn’t make it true.

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Your belief that a zygote isn't a baby doesn't make it true. Fact is, both a zygote and a baby are stages of development for human beings. In no case is a zygote or a fetus a separate species.

He won’t care. Biology-deniers like theRegressiveTraitor don’t believe that DNA determines a human’s gender, so why not just go all the way and claim an unborn baby isn’t a human being? Biology-deniers are completely delusional and cannot be reasoned with.
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

The idea of punishment is to deter crime. When you have an act as barbaric as child rape and murder, and idiots who think quiet lethal injection is "barbaric," we stand no chance of holding up against much less defeating true barbarism in the world. Such people have simply lost the will to defend themselves against true tyrants should one attack us. You want to save future children from these acts, treat the crime for what it is. Throw that useless ass Sotomayor off the SC, then take the child murderer and feed him feet first into a tree shredder.

You'll save the taxpayer money and I guarantee you you'll deter at least SOME future child rapists!
Progressive let criminals go free all the time, because they are fucked in the head

It’s either they are mentally ill, or they know exactly what they are doing is wrong but do it anyway because they hate our country so much.

Either way, they are fucked in the head.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

You libtards have no common sense...……..

Most of the civilized world and most of the civilized US no longer uses it

What you call civilized is actually cowardice…

Without a strong deterrent criminals will be criminals….

We execute more than any other civilized nation, yet our murder rate is four to five times higher

Doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent

Even a liberal like you must admit,

the ones we execute will never hurt anyone else ever again.

If we really got tough on crime we could put one hell of a dent in it.

Criminals laugh at the liberal justice system we have now…

The all know they can get away with murder….
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs
Kill people because it’s cheaper?
Morons....I am surrounded by moronUOTE]


You liberals are the morons.

You are the ones that have flocked it all up.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?

I don't think he can bring himself to clearly say something bad, about nations that are mostly brown.

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