Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

And what if you get it wrong? Now you've killed an innocent person and the real killer still walks the streets. Is that justice?

In this day and age if you’re so incompetent that you can’t prove your innocence of a Felony worthy of capital punishment you probably need to be removed from the gene pool anyway.
AS you wish. But consider the possibility that someone who is crazy enough to rape and murder anyone, especially a child is going to be deterred by the possibility of their own death. The common sense answer my friend is that they wont be

I view the death penalty as an eye for an eye first and any addt'l upside as deterrence is gravy.

And what if you get it wrong? Now you've killed an innocent person and the real killer still walks the streets. Is that justice?
I really think with the appeals process and DNA we are not likely to convict an innocent person.
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.
Horse shit. If LWOP was worse than death, people on death row wouldn't be appealing their executions.

People are appealing their death sentences because the LAW REQUIRES them to do so. They must exhaust all possible appeals before that state can murder them.
Horse shit. They can, if they wish, waive their appeals. (Best-known example of that, of course, being Gary Gilmore.)
Gary Gilmore could not waive his appeal. The pro bono lawyers refused to stop the process. Gilmore went to court and got a court order stopping the appeals.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.
Demeaning to a civilized society

Maybe we’ve become too “civilized” for some of us.
Well, there are places in world
The greater the suffering the more the deterrent. I will give Saudi Arabia credit...they chop the hand off a thief...they don’t have near larceny problem we have. They chop the heads off of criminals...they don’t have near the crime problem we have.
One thing we do know from a number of studies is a punishment is a deterrent only if the perpetrator considers the punishment before committing the crime and believes there is a strong likelihood of suffering that punishment. However, most criminals never consider the punishment before committing the crime because they don't plan on getting caught. However, let's assume they do in the case of 1st degree murder and we will ignore all the murders that are never discovered.

Today only 61% of 1st degree murder cases will be cleared (charged). Of that number on 40% will be convinced. This low rate is due mostly to plea bargains. Of the 40%, only 3% will receive a death sentence and of those sentenced only 25% will be executed.

What this means is if a person that commits a cold blooded premeditated murder will stand a chance of only 1 in 650 of being executed. By comparison cancer is about 50 times more likely.

And you think the death penalty is a deterrent?:cuckoo:
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Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

Because most of us value the lives of innocent children more than we value the lives of murderous criminals.

It is those of you who values the lives of the very worst criminals more than those of the most innocent and defenseless children who have some explaining to do.
Demeaning to a civilized society

Maybe we’ve become too “civilized” for some of us.
Well, there are places in world
The greater the suffering the more the deterrent. I will give Saudi Arabia credit...they chop the hand off a thief...they don’t have near larceny problem we have. They chop the heads off of criminals...they don’t have near the crime problem we have.
There is no way knowing whether dealt row inmate or the lifer suffers more.

The overwhelming majority of criminologists do not believe that the death penalty is a proven deterrent. 87% believe that abolition of the death penalty would not have any significant effect on murder rates. You would think that all research that has been would settle the issue. However, there is serious flaws in all the research. Consequently, claims that research demonstrates that capital punishment decreases or increases the homicide rate by a specified amount or has no effect on the homicide rate should.

The support for the death penalty is not based on scientific studies of deterrence but rather societies desire for revenge.

One thing we do know from a number of studies is a punishment is a deterrent only if the perpetrator believes there is a strong likelihood of suffering that punish if caught. Consider 1st degree murder. Today only 61% will that clears, which means 61% will be charged with the crime. Of that number on 40% will convinced. This low rate is due to plea bargains. Of the 40%, only 3% will receive a death sentence of those sentence only 25% will be excited. What this means is if a person commit a cold blooded premeditated. The likely of being executed is about 1 chance in 1500 making dying of cancer about 50 times more likely. And you think it's a determine?:cuckoo:
The problem is anti-death penalty, pro-crime liberal lawyers make it so expensive to weed out the shit and scum because of appeals process. Liberals are sick fucking bastards.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.

Your belief that a zygote is a baby doesn’t make it true.

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The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.

Your belief that a zygote is a baby doesn’t make it true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's a human zygote, a human fetus, a human being.

The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.

Your belief that a zygote is a baby doesn’t make it true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How would you know about zygotes, you will never get pregnant swishy...I don’t care how many guys pop-off in your six o’clock?
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe
It's simple and I suspect you heard it before. Abortion is the killing of an innocent. The death penalty is administered to a person found guilty in a court of law. You knew that.

Your belief that a zygote is a baby doesn’t make it true.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your belief that a zygote isn't a baby doesn't make it true. Fact is, both a zygote and a baby are stages of development for human beings. In no case is a zygote or a fetus a separate species.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try, and cases without the death penalty cost $740,000. Then there’s the mandatory appeal process, prior to the execution.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Only when you keep them on Death Row for 30 years and offer endless appeals.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try,

Once the trial is over, I can solve the problem for less than $100.
Two appeals, done. That's 3 strikes, y
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

A barbarian act deserves a barbarian punishment. Doesn't mean Americans are barbarians. What a dumb Latina.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty.

The difference between a perfectly innocent baby and a murderer or rapist may be too subtle for the typical progressive.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Yet according to you regressives abortion is civilized.

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty. I suspect that you are one of them Donnie wannabe

Before you imply that anyone is a hypocrite , please explain why many of the same people who are anti abortion are pro death penalty.

The difference between a perfectly innocent baby and a murderer or rapist may be too subtle for the typical progressive.
Yes, that concept requires some common sense. That's gonna leave a mark on the average leftist that lets CNN or MSNBC tell them what to think.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.
Horse shit. If LWOP was worse than death, people on death row wouldn't be appealing their executions.
The goal of most prisoners on death row is not LWOP and it's not what they are seeking. They are appealing their conviction or petitioning for a new trial.
Two appeals, done. That's 3 strikes, y
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

A barbarian act deserves a barbarian punishment. Doesn't mean Americans are barbarians. What a dumb Latina.
There is nothing barbaric about capital punish today. It's counter productive and serves no real purpose but it's not barbaric in comparison to the forms of capital punishment of the past.

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