Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

You libtards have no common sense...……..

Most of the civilized world and most of the civilized US no longer uses it

What you call civilized is actually cowardice…

Without a strong deterrent criminals will be criminals….

We execute more than any other civilized nation, yet our murder rate is four to five times higher

Doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent
It gets rid of fucked up violent criminals, execute them motherfuckers... That is the deterrent
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try, and cases without the death penalty cost $740,000. Then there’s the mandatory appeal process, prior to the execution.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center
A 22lr to the head costs pennies
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try, and cases without the death penalty cost $740,000. Then there’s the mandatory appeal process, prior to the execution.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center
A 22lr to the head costs pennies

It’s not the execution that costs the money, idiot.
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try, and cases without the death penalty cost $740,000. Then there’s the mandatory appeal process, prior to the execution.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center
A 22lr to the head costs pennies

It’s not the execution that costs the money, idiot.
My point is it should not cost more to execute somebody then putting them in prison, There is no reason for violent criminals to even exist
It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

That’s why we need to make it EASIER and FASTER to execute people. Two appeals maximum - State Supreme Court then SCOTUS. Those whose appeals fail to be executed 2 days later. Oh, and we need to extend the DP to cover ALL Felonies.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Did any of you actually read the reason behind her comments? Or are all just so excited about having an opportunity to toss around your fauxrage that it doesn't matter?

Oh, and she did not say that that "executing a child rapist is barbarism."

At least make an attempt to be honest in your fauxrage...
She objects to the method of execution which borders cruel and unusual

It's not so much the method, as I understand the issue, it's that the first drug administered may not perform as advertised. That is, it may not necessarily render the condemned unconscious and unable to feel pain. Some argue that would constitute cruel and unusual punishment, I can't say they're wrong. To those that would say, "So what? What about what he did to the little girl?" You're right, but don't want us, as a society, to be better than these scumbags?

Personally, I have no opinion on the death penalty one way or another, but I will say, if the law is on the books, and the state wants impose the death penalty, I want them to be GOD damned sure they have the right person. They should, in my opinion, be forced to have DNA, hair, fibers, and fingerprints... and a picture of the accused standing over the body holding the weapon if possible... before they kill hi or her...

The truth is, there are some people out there who just need killing, they are not fit to live among the rest of us. They usually make themselves known when the commit horrific and heinous crimes. Putting them to death certainly guarantees they will not be repeat offenders...

Ban the death penalty, don't ban it, makes no difference to me, but if you don't, change the standards for its implementation.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head
Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia

And the lefty can't answer a simple question.

Right over your head

Listen lefty. You guys are too dishonest for subtlety, I can make assumptions about what point you are trying to make, because the moment I crush it, you vile liars, claim that that was not what you meant.

SO, if you have something to say about Islamic nations, say it.
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!
Just about the same as the Media report that MS 13 are nothing but a bunch of kids who ride bikes. It is to bad they don't post the dead bodies of the victims.
Please explain what purpose -in terms of making the world a better and safer place - the death penalty serves.

If serves as a deterrent to save one child's life its worth it.
Criminal Justice research says that it does not.

Failure to Deter Crime Archives - NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty

Some of the people are actually trying to get executed. Others care as little about their own life as that of others. Sexual predators are driven by their perversion and no threat of punishment will deter them
Please explain what purpose -in terms of making the world a better and safer place - the death penalty serves.

If serves as a deterrent to save one child's life its worth it.
The death penalty has never been a deterrent to anything. Possible punishment is not even a thought. The DP prevents a future of misplaced sympathy letting him go. It prevents a devoted copy cat from forming a personal relationship. It prevents attacks on guards and other prisoners.

We need better criteria for imposing the DP. Simple guilt or innocence should not be the sole determination. That is subject to error and that's where an innocent might be convicted.

The most important question is did the killer enjoy the killing? Once a killer kills for the joy of it, he has lost all humanity. He has become a virus, a bacteria. He needs to be excised. Put him down like a rabid animal, cut him out like a cancer. It is no more barbaric to do so then it is to turn a laser on a cancerous tumor.
In all my dealings with death row inmates, in all that I have learned from Vonda Pelto, prison psychologist, not one time has a death row inmate ever expressed regret or remorse. Most of them relive the joy that killing gave them.

The death penalty is not an act of revenge. It is conducted with the same dispassion as putting down a rabid animal. It is protecting the other inmates and guards.
How many innocent people are you willing to kill to sate your bloodlust?

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