Sotomayor says executing child rapist/killer is barbarism

In all my dealings with death row inmates, in all that I have learned from Vonda Pelto, prison psychologist, not one time has a death row inmate ever expressed regret or remorse. Most of them relive the joy that killing gave them.

The death penalty is not an act of revenge. It is conducted with the same dispassion as putting down a rabid animal. It is protecting the other inmates and guards.
In 2017, only eight states used the death penalty
The rest are more civilized
I always thought flushing toilets to be very civilized. Perhaps things are different in your world.

Nah. She's just to much of a coward to want to see murderers get what they deserve.

She'd rather they stay in jail for the rest of their rotten lives so we taxpayers have to support them.

Another bleeding heart, good samaritin who thinks everyone is wonderful and deserves a long life.

What a POS.
In 2017, only eight states used the death penalty
The rest are more civilized
I always thought flushing toilets to be very civilized. Perhaps things are different in your world.

Nah. She's just to much of a coward to want to see murderers get what they deserve.

She'd rather they stay in jail for the rest of their rotten lives so we taxpayers have to support them.

Another bleeding heart, good samaritin who thinks everyone is wonderful and deserves a long life.

What a POS.
Rightwinger's a she?

I find waiting 30 years to flush a toilet uncivilized.
Unlike the gratuitous violence we see in this mediacentric age, public capital punishment is for 'humanity', society at large, Not for some last hedonistic coup against the criminal who perpetrated the crime (against humanity). Punishment meted out has historically been carried out (in our nation) with solemnity and judicial oversight and is for the catharsis & closure for society; (it's also somewhat of a stark disincetivization for the wayward). Why we don't revert back to this method is beyond me...

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Did any of you actually read the reason behind her comments? Or are all just so excited about having an opportunity to toss around your fauxrage that it doesn't matter?

Oh, and she did not say that that "executing a child rapist is barbarism."

At least make an attempt to be honest in your fauxrage...
She objects to the method of execution which borders cruel and unusual

What is more cruel and unusual? Is it putting someone to sleep forever or putting them in a room with a gay man named bubba who is 6ft 7in and works out and being in that cell for the next 15 years?
The man locked in with Bubba will eventually learn to love Bubba and welcome his attentions. Especially if the man knows he will be deprived of women forever. Like Richard Speck, he may even ask for hormones to give him tits so that Bubba will like him more.

Prison is the liberal utopia.

Food, shelter, clothing, medical, no one has to work, its all free, everyone gets the same treatment, and no guns allowed.

The bonus is, every day is gay pride day.
In 2017, only eight states used the death penalty
The rest are more civilized
What is your definition of civility? Is the societal anesthetization to, due punishment, some sort of platitudinous "civility"? Should the MSM, on one hand expound ad infinitum on the gory details of the victim yet when it comes to 'just desserts' for the perpetrator... cloister it away in obscurity? Is that your definition of civility? Is that what best serves society?
Incarcerate them
Just like most of the civilized world does
Bet sotomayor has no problem with the death penalty for innocent unborn children.

It is quite odd that those on the left wrong value the lives of the very worst criminals more than they value the lives of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
Those on left you speak of are mostly intellectuals or those that cast themselves as such. Blue collar democrats are just as ignorant as those on the right when it comes to seeking revenge for horrific crimes.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Most of the civilized world has become decadent and weak.

They look at us as decadent

Is everyone who uses the death penalty decadent? Or just the US?
Who uses it along with us?

Islamic nations, China, India, some countries in Africa
Who has banned it?
The rest of North America, Russia, Europe, Australia
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is done by repeat offenders you stupid little motherfucker... Violent criminal behavior should result in execution of the criminal… End of story —- so shut the fuck up
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life

Far more cruel than the death penalty. It’s also cheaper.

Leaving this asshole to rot in prison for the rest of his life, never to breathe free air again and treated like the parriah he is.

Lethal injection and it’s over. Let’s him off easy.
Progressives strive to let violent criminals out of prison all the time in this country we have no criminal control so shut the fuck up
U.S. Supreme Court will not stop Irick's execution; Sotomayor says we have 'accepted barbarism'

Fucking liberal is a SICK person! This pos SHOULD suffer! Imagine how that child felt! Imagine what her family has had to deal with for TWENTY YEARS!

Her family has known that her killer was arrested and imprisoned for 20 years.

The man has suffered from mental illness all of his life. He was beaten and abused as a child and institutionalize for his illness. It is illegal to execute the mentally ill.

Killing this man doesn’t do anything for anyone. It’s an act just as barbaric and cruel as the original crime. It’s what we’ve come to expect from Americans.

Stupidity, cruelty and dickishness. You used to be better than this.
The Vast majority of violent criminals in this country are repeat offenders getting rid of the motherfuckers is the only way. Dumb ass
Did any of you actually read the reason behind her comments? Or are all just so excited about having an opportunity to toss around your fauxrage that it doesn't matter?

Oh, and she did not say that that "executing a child rapist is barbarism."

At least make an attempt to be honest in your fauxrage...
She objects to the method of execution which borders cruel and unusual

What is more cruel and unusual? Is it putting someone to sleep forever or putting them in a room with a gay man named bubba who is 6ft 7in and works out and being in that cell for the next 15 years?
The man locked in with Bubba will eventually learn to love Bubba and welcome his attentions. Especially if the man knows he will be deprived of women forever. Like Richard Speck, he may even ask for hormones to give him tits so that Bubba will like him more.

Prison is the liberal utopia.

Food, shelter, clothing, medical, no one has to work, its all free, everyone gets the same treatment, and no guns allowed.

The bonus is, every day is gay pride day.
We are expected to pay for their sex change operations!
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it

Show me an executed criminal who has ever committed another crime or cost society money to incarcerate and I’ll think about it. We already spend too much housing these wastes of flesh and oxygen. True Justice requires an eye for an eye.
The death penalty is barbaric

Most of the civilized world forbids it
What do ewe think of child killers/rapists?

I think they should be imprisoned for life
Typical response of a socialist… Spending money that is not theirs

It costs more money to execute a prisoner than it does to jail him for life.

Cases where the death penalty is requested cost $1.26 million to try, and cases without the death penalty cost $740,000. Then there’s the mandatory appeal process, prior to the execution.

Costs of the Death Penalty | Death Penalty Information Center

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