SOTU What Regrets Obama Should Have..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Obama's only regret mentioned, "rancor and suspicion" in Congress

1) He should regret being the race baiter in chief, divisive on race.

2) He should regret his policies are a failure in the middle-east

...and there's more, so, what you got?

He should regret that he didn't receive a Nobel Peace Prize for every sovereign nation he bombed without Congressional approval.



He should regret that he didn't receive a Nobel Peace Prize for every sovereign nation he bombed without Congressional approval.



You're just pizzed cause Ronald Raygun got dissed by the Nobel Committee...


Actually I would now join the ranks of people who have refused the prize if the Nobel committee ever thought I was worthy of their award.


- Adding more than $6 trillion in debt in only 4 years

- 1st Ceedit Rating downgrade

- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in 0ver 500 dead, including 2 Amwricans

- Calling the Ft Hood Attack a case of 'workplace violence'

- Failung to stop the Boston Marathon attack despite being warned in time to stop it

- Failing to prevent 5 successful tertorust attacks, the last one involves his giving a terrorist a Visa...

- The needless deaths of a US Ambassador & 3 other Americans in Benghazi and his administration's lie about a video

- Using the IRS to target citizens he considered enemies and political threats

- Working more for illegals than Americans

- Bypassing Congeess and taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida, who slaughtered over 1,000 Ameticans on 9/11/01, take over their own country

...that's a good 'START"...
- Adding more than $6 trillion in debt in only 4 years

- 1st Ceedit Rating downgrade

- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in 0ver 500 dead, including 2 Amwricans

- Calling the Ft Hood Attack a case of 'workplace violence'

- Failung to stop the Boston Marathon attack despite being warned in time to stop it

- Failing to prevent 5 successful tertorust attacks, the last one involves his giving a terrorist a Visa...

- The needless deaths of a US Ambassador & 3 other Americans in Benghazi and his administration's lie about a video

- Using the IRS to target citizens he considered enemies and political threats

- Working more for illegals than Americans

- Bypassing Congeess and taking the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida, who slaughtered over 1,000 Ameticans on 9/11/01, take over their own country

...that's a good 'START"...

Great list .. umm .. short thread ...:laugh:

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