Soundwave/Highlights: Media/Manga (Free-Speech)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-era parable inspired by Oleanna and Toys and The Candidate.

I included in this parable a doodle-drawing of Soundwave (fictional espionage-warrior robot from Hasbro's Transformers) I made this weekend and a Grad the Blue-Dragon drawing (from a popular video-game adapted manga) a friend presented to me...

A blue dragon, incidentally, represents bad character and immortal self-resolve...




Abishai was a comic book fan and fantasy-adventure Christianity-oriented short-story writer and Internet-blogger who was also an Ivy League graduate. Abishai (aka, 'Iceman') made a child-like doodle of the fictional A.I. robot Soundwave (from Hasbros' A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers), which became a big-hit on US Message Board. Iceman's drawing drew the attention of a dragon-artist and children's short-story writer named Damien who created a special blue-dragon to complement Abishai's fun Soundwave doodle(!). The Soundwave/Blue-Dragon pairing became very popular on the Internet and drew the attention of American actress-celebrity Susan Sarandon and First Lady Melania Trump who called the drawings symbolic of modern pedestrian graffiti. It wasn't Basquiat-hour, but it certainly was reminiscent of Thomas Nast, since the Soundwave/Blue-Dragon pairing was being called modernism-paranoia catalysed 'fantasy-world' backlash drawings.


Well, Susan Sarandon shared the drawings with her actress-celebrity friend Kate Hudson who showed the drawings to her celebrity-actor friend Leo DiCaprio who showed the drawings to his Bollywood actor-celebrity friend Shah Rukh Khan (India). Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) decided to talk about the impact of 'pedestrian prose' on modern media and hence culture during a special lecture he gave at Yale University (a prestigious Ivy League school). Susan Sarandon likewise talked about the role of pedestrian critics in new age news at a special Howard Gottlieb Archival Research Center (Boston University) conference. Suddenly, Abishai (aka, 'Iceman') and Damien were media-circle 'celebrities' just because of their pedestrian-accessible fun drawings of Soundwave and Blue-Dragon. It was a true media circus.


Abishai had a dream one night soon thereafter and imagined that the Blue-Dragon actually visited him (in his dream) to ask him about modern civilization and modern media (and celebrity!).

ABISHAI: I'm so proud of the Soundwave/Blue-Dragon pairing...
BLUE-DRAGON: Modern media is a circus!
ABISHAI: What about Wikipedia, Facebook, and
BLUE-DRAGON: Maybe peer-editing/monitoring is commercially beneficial.
ABISHAI: It is beneficial! It's what Highlights Magazine (for kids) reflects.
BLUE-DRAGON: Highlights Magazine was simply an academic Mad Magazine.
ABISHAI: Well, both Highlights and Mad speak to modern intellectual freedom.
BLUE-DRAGON: Free-speech values go to nouveau-chic pornography!
ABISHAI: Explicit 'journalism' is a timeless tradition going back to Socrates.
BLUE-DRAGON: Americans like graffiti and pornography...
ABISHAI: They also appreciate dissecting films such as Celebrity.
BLUE-DRAGON: I foresee a popularity of Medieval Times themed pornography.
ABISHAI: I don't think the Lady of the Lake (from Arthurian legend) will be exploited.
BLUE-DRAGON: I disagree; youngsters are fascinated by 'explicit superstition.'


Abishai woke up from his dream in a panic and recounted the ominous message of the Blue-Dragon who spoke with him in his dream. Abishai realized Blue-Dragon was correct about intellectual freedom and free-speech values/observations in modern media/Internet would draw American masses towards pornography. Abishai wondered if pornography, like slang, was somehow a 'metaphysical by-product' of new age pluralism-traffic(!). Abishai wondered why Susan Sarandon and Shah Rukh Khan were interested in talking about the Soundwave/Blue-Dragon drawings (the ones he and Damien made) at Boston University and Yale(!). Abishai (aka, 'Iceman') decided to contact the eco-conscious political organization the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to talk about 'eco-activism graffiti' and its relation to Sesame Street, Highlights Magazine, comic books, and modern education. Would TrumpUSA sort out this media melee and turn child-like activism/prose into meaningful consumerism-related media vigilance? How would future archaeologist talk about censorship from this era?




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