Source: $14-Billion Auto Bailout Plan Headed Toward Death in Senate

True Dat, blood.

Those who don't get it mostly have not yet felt the lash of FREE TRADE.

They'll get it when some third worlder is writing code instead of them, believe me.

They'll get it when so many Americans are out of work that the lights go out for all of us because there aren't enough people left to keep the system going.

Their shortsighted class arrogance is going to come back and bite them on their treasonous asses soon enough.

They all profess to love America, but they hate their fellow Americans.

tick tock,

Everything people like me have been screaming about on these boards for years is coming to a head, now.

People like you and I Sealy will be proven right, but we won't be taking much pleasure from having been proved right, will we?

We're all in this together, amigo.

Even the people who currently think we're socialists or communist or whatever they're telling themselves, are going to get it soon enough.

Be kind to them.

They were lied and lied and lied to, and it's not really their faults that they couldn't evision what the net results of the lies they bought into would really be.

We're all in this mess together, folks.

Sooner or later most of you are going to realize what a nation really is.

It is NOT just a buch of individuals, who happen to be in the same nation, its an interactive interdependent system that MUST take care of ALL the plaeyrs in it.

And when you show them that Honda was given Billions to go to Alabama, they don't care. Nothing free about that trade.

Here is a perfect example of an arrogant American. My cop buddy. He's got a secure job. Recession proof, really. Gonna get his pension. No chance the city will ever go chapter 11, right? At least not unless something like THE BIG THREE GO BANKRUPT!!!! We'll always need cops, so I guess he feels safe, but they most certainly could go after his pension. But he is racist and arrogant enough to think it won't go that far. So it's ok, until it happens to him.

Oh, and his wife's dad has a few million. He think's he'll enherit that and be a HAVE one day, rather than what he is now, which is just one of us.

They say 60% don't want the Big 3 to get the bailout? I don't believe that. If that's true, we need to have a very serious discussion to make sure people aren't under informed.
pssst, air traffic controllers don't work for the airlines, ace.
i have no problem with how much they make.
were you bounced on your head a lot as a child?
do you continue the practice?
you should consider stopping; it's having a deleterious effect on what passes for your intellect.

Janitor at a peep show? Do you make tips?
Why I love my local representative:

Congressman Allen Boyd :: Press Release

"My top priorities are to grow our economy and protect the taxpayers, and I am not convinced that bailing out the U.S. auto industry will do either of those things,” said Congressman Boyd. “I believe that American capitalism is the greatest economic system in the world, and we have to let the markets work. The U.S. auto industry has been struggling for quite some time, and it’s very clear that they need to make substantive, structural changes so that they can compete in a global economy.”

“Our nation is facing serious economic challenges, and there is a role for the federal government to play in stimulating our economy,” Boyd said. “However, committing taxpayer dollars to a specific industry without any clear strategy that the money will be put to good use or repaid is not the appropriate role for the federal government.”

“I am hopeful that this economic downturn will result in a renewed interest in Washington to clean up the federal budget and address our long-term fiscal challenges,” Boyd continued. “The first step is for our government to stop spending more than it has and start living within its means. I look forward to working in the next Congress to implement fiscal policies that will put our country back on a path toward economic prosperity for years to come.”

Boyd is one of the leaders of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE democrats.

Want to know who will be standing against Pelosi and her ilk? These guys.
You don't know what you just did to yourself. Middle class people like you have been sticking it to yourselves now for 30 plus years. Started when you let Reagan bust the air traffic controllers union. Now the guys keeping us safe when we take off and land are low wage workers. No longer is it a professional career job. And why not go along with letting them break the unions. You and I aren't in unions, so what do we care? Besides the fact that all the things you think are your right, like benefits/dental/days off/good pay/overtime/workman's comp/pensions. All those things, Unions got for you.

And take notice that Alabama has all the foreign car companies there, so they stand to win if the Big 3 loses. Take notice that it's Republicans on their way out that voted against the loan. And remember, they didn't mind giving the foreign car companies BILLIONS of your tax dollars inviting them to come to their state. So it doesn't make sense not to give the Big 3 AMERICAN car companies the money they want. They will at least pay the money back, with interest.

So it's all about busting the unions and lowering our wages even more. And still you feel safe from this ever happening to you. Or you feel safe from this affecting your job. Fine. But many of you are wrong.

This is the Robber Baron's flooding the market with cogs. You and I are cogs. When they have more cogs than they need, then they can pay each cog less and they'll have to pay you even less in the future because it's all about maximizing profits. No hard feelings. Suckers. :cuckoo:

No business has the right to demand tax money period. What is it that you don't understand about that? It is not good policy for the government to prop up failed businesses.

This could be a fantastic opportunity for thousands of formerly middle-class (whatever that means. but that's another discussion) people to start their own companies. Thousands more can become highly placed executives in those companies. Innovation not stifled by the 3 major car companies could take place.

There is a ton of capital owned by the current car company top executives that could be immediately put to work starting new American car companies that will actually have a chance without competition from GM, Chrysler et al.

But, you keep thinking inside the box, I'm sure it's much more comfortable there.
True Dat, blood.

Those who don't get it mostly have not yet felt the lash of FREE TRADE.

They'll get it when some third worlder is writing code instead of them, believe me.

They'll get it when so many Americans are out of work that the lights go out for all of us because there aren't enough people left to keep the system going.

Their shortsighted class arrogance is going to come back and bite them on their treasonous asses soon enough.

They all profess to love America, but they hate their fellow Americans.

tick tock,

Everything people like me have been screaming about on these boards for years is coming to a head, now.

People like you and I Sealy will be proven right, but we won't be taking much pleasure from having been proved right, will we?

We're all in this together, amigo.

Even the people who currently think we're socialists or communist or whatever they're telling themselves, are going to get it soon enough.

Be kind to them.

They were lied and lied and lied to, and it's not really their faults that they couldn't evision what the net results of the lies they bought into would really be.

We're all in this mess together, folks.

Sooner or later most of you are going to realize what a nation really is.

It is NOT just a buch of individuals, who happen to be in the same nation, its an interactive interdependent system that MUST take care of ALL the plaeyrs in it.

The Sky Is Falling

Why I love my local representative:

Congressman Allen Boyd :: Press Release

Boyd is one of the leaders of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE democrats.

Want to know who will be standing against Pelosi and her ilk? These guys.

oh yess, Alan Boyd,, he's the one whose son snuck illegals across the border one was a child selling them at 3 grand a head,, guns, drugs, contraband, and the honorable Mr. Boyd had said son put in rehab instead of prison,, oh yes I respect him enormously.. oh yes I do,, just another corrupt Democrat. for fuck's sake.
He think's he'll enherit that and be a HAVE one day, rather than what he is now, which is just one of us.

Why is it you assume we all make what you do? I'll bet there is more than one "have" on this board. (Again, whatever that means).
In this instance, the ineptitude of the American companies and the UAW is legendary. Some businesses deserve to fail. We as taxpayers should not be propping up poorly run companies that cannot compete in the marketplace.

you need to dress that cranky looking cat up for Christmas! :lol:
Why is it you assume we all make what you do? I'll bet there is more than one "have" on this board. (Again, whatever that means).

I know Tech. But I'm going based off sheer odds.

Many times I say, you are a god damn stupid Republican,

and then I end with,

unless you are rich, then you are greedy.

That's why I always ask what people do. I can't tell if you are greedy or stupid without knowing.
oh yess, Alan Boyd,, he's the one whose son snuck illegals across the border one was a child selling them at 3 grand a head,, guns, drugs, contraband, and the honorable Mr. Boyd had said son put in rehab instead of prison,, oh yes I respect him enormously.. oh yes I do,, just another corrupt Democrat. for fuck's sake.

Here is the gist of the stories I should find:

Want to prove your statements with a link? Or just talk out of your ass?'

From everything I can tell about him, the man is pure as the new-driven snow compared to the rest of the clusterfuck known as congress:

And people here LOVE HIM.
Last edited:
True Dat, blood.

Those who don't get it mostly have not yet felt the lash of FREE TRADE.

They'll get it when some third worlder is writing code instead of them, believe me.

They'll get it when so many Americans are out of work that the lights go out for all of us because there aren't enough people left to keep the system going.

Their shortsighted class arrogance is going to come back and bite them on their treasonous asses soon enough.

They all profess to love America, but they hate their fellow Americans.

tick tock,

Everything people like me have been screaming about on these boards for years is coming to a head, now.

People like you and I Sealy will be proven right, but we won't be taking much pleasure from having been proved right, will we?

We're all in this together, amigo.

Even the people who currently think we're socialists or communist or whatever they're telling themselves, are going to get it soon enough.

Be kind to them.

They were lied and lied and lied to, and it's not really their faults that they couldn't evision what the net results of the lies they bought into would really be.

We're all in this mess together, folks.

Sooner or later most of you are going to realize what a nation really is.

It is NOT just a buch of individuals, who happen to be in the same nation, its an interactive interdependent system that MUST take care of ALL the plaeyrs in it.

Seriously, I don't have a problem with what you say, I just don't think we can do it anymore. If we institute a large protectionist tariff right now to protect American industry from competition (Smoot-Hawly much?) what do you think the result would be? A depression like the last time we did it. Worse, a long drawn out trip to the World Court who would tell us to stop it? Tariffs against our goods would immediately go up all around the world. What would that do to workers and businesses here?

So you end up slapping down one set of workers in order to save another. That's just playing favorites. In the meantime, one thing we do produce a lot of here, that we are competitive with around the world is agricultural goods. We throw up a high tariff and I hope you are hungry, cuz you're gonna have a lot to eat bud. Oh, on the way to bankrupting ADM, ConAgra and the tens of thousands of workers they employ.

It is correct to say that free trade is imperfect. But it needs to be fixed with a screw driver, not a sledge hammer.
So you end up slapping down one set of workers in order to save another. That's just playing favorites. In the meantime, one thing we do produce a lot of here, that we are competitive with around the world is agricultural goods. We throw up a high tariff and I hope you are hungry, cuz you're gonna have a lot to eat bud. Oh, on the way to bankrupting ADM, ConAgra and the tens of thousands of workers they employ.

It is correct to say that free trade is imperfect. But it needs to be fixed with a screw driver, not a sledge hammer.

I do think that we can levy tax penalties on American companies that send jobs overseas.
Here is the gist of the stories I should find:

Rep. Boyd's son accused of smuggling illegal immigrants - St. Petersburg Times

Want to prove your statements with a link? Or just talk out of your ass?'

From everything I can tell about him, the man is pure as the new-driven snow compared to the rest of the clusterfuck known as congress:

Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News - Allen Boyd

And people here LOVE HIM.

I'm not talking outta my ass thanks but no thanks, I posted a link when the story first broke,, you want it? look for it, it's right here on the message board and said the son was going to rehab..
I'm not talking outta my ass thanks but no thanks, I posted a link when the story first broke,, you want it? look for it, it's right here on the message board and said the son was going to rehab..

John Boyd NEEDS to go to rehab, but I don't believe that was in lieu of sentencing. I don't believe this case has even gone to court except maybe a preliminary hearing to charge him.
I know Tech. But I'm going based off sheer odds.

Many times I say, you are a god damn stupid Republican,

and then I end with,

unless you are rich, then you are greedy.

That's why I always ask what people do. I can't tell if you are greedy or stupid without knowing.

Do you really live in Michigan?

I mean what? you didn't get the memo? Your state has been in a recession for over a decade! Is you car broke? Your leather personnel carriers don't work?

Why on Earth would you stay in a broken ass state like Michigan? You like seeing despair and desolation all around you? There are winner states out there where life is generally good pretty much everywhere. Why someone would choose to be stuck in a rusted shell of civilization I have no idea.

unless you are rich, then you are greedy.

Really, so if I bust my ass more than you all my life, our outcomes should be the same?
John Boyd NEEDS to go to rehab, but I don't believe that was in lieu of sentencing. I don't believe this case has even gone to court except maybe a preliminary hearing to charge him.

if I remember the facts of the case,, boy Boyd was in an Arizona drug rehab, checked himself out and was caught doing this.. now you and I both know if it were our children they'd be visiting the Maricopa County sheriff dressed all in pink instead of lounging in drug rehab.. yep.
And, I was correct:

Congressman's son pleads guilty

John Boyd, the son of a Florida Congressman caught smuggling illegals near Willcox, entered a guilty plea on October 2, 2008. He was charged him with conspiracy to transport and/or harbor illegal aliens for financial gain. This is a felony punishable up to 10 years in prison, a $250,000 fine, or both.
Boyd will continue to reside at a residential drug treatment center until he is sentenced before Chief Judge John Roll in Tucson on December 18, 2008 at 9:05 a.m.

KVOA News 4, Tucson, Arizona - Congressman's son pleads guilty

The local U.S. attorney plea-bargained him, but he won't be sentenced until next week.

And for the record, this has NOTHING to do with Alan Boyd's record. John Boyd is a grown man with a drug problem. That isn't a reflection on his dad.
No business has the right to demand tax money period. What is it that you don't understand about that? It is not good policy for the government to prop up failed businesses.

This could be a fantastic opportunity for thousands of formerly middle-class (whatever that means. but that's another discussion) people to start their own companies. Thousands more can become highly placed executives in those companies. Innovation not stifled by the 3 major car companies could take place.

There is a ton of capital owned by the current car company top executives that could be immediately put to work starting new American car companies that will actually have a chance without competition from GM, Chrysler et al.

But, you keep thinking inside the box, I'm sure it's much more comfortable there.

Look at how many people started business' in the 90's and look at the fucking numbers today. It's pathetic. Bush was supposed to be all about starting business', buying homes, less government spending, etc.

Clearly I would not take a fools advice if they told me to go out in this economy and start a business. Clearly you are a fool.

And clearly people like Bern who have their own business don't appreciate that the economy was probably in much better shape when they started their business'.

You could fail at a business and just go find a job if that happened. Clearly Bern has not looked for a job lately.

Or maybe he likes that the market is flooded with workers who all need jobs.

I'll work for $8 hr if my unemployment runs out. Better than nothing.

But that doesn't mean I'm only worth $8.

You GOP'ers suck as Americans.

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