South African Data Suggests Covid May Be Ending

The only ignorance here is on your part. You have no earthly clue what you are talking about
Have you had covid? Then STFU. I speak from personal knowledge--not what I get from the MSM or DNC/Fauci/Biden minions. You live in denial. You speak one lie in one post and pull a Fauci and deny it in the next and then say "It was a joke, didn't you see the emoji?" (dripping with sarcasm). Anyone can review this thread or any other you post on and see that is true.
Good news. But don't extrapolate that directly for the US. We are a much larger nation with many more people in it, and it will take longer to burn through our population.
Have you had covid? Then STFU. I speak from personal knowledge--not what I get from the MSM or DNC/Fauci/Biden minions. You live in denial. You speak one lie in one post and pull a Fauci and deny it in the next and then say "It was a joke, didn't you see the emoji?" (dripping with sarcasm). Anyone can review this thread or any other you post on and see that is true.

Sorry little man, but your one case does not trump the 100s of COVID patients my wife has treated since last year.
Sorry little man, but your one case does not trump the 100s of COVID patients my wife has treated since last year.
Yup, those people run over by eighteen wheelers, heart attacks, cancer patients, terminal assisted living residents, obese, diabetics that died WITH covid are all good stats for the CDC and get that hospital tons of free money, eh? Take it down the road--more of the same old shit that Fauci and the CDC have been promoting for the last two years. You're just not real quick on the uptake are you. You just spout, "Fauci said it--must be true." Moron.
Yup, those people run over by eighteen wheelers, heart attacks, cancer patients, terminal assisted living residents, obese, diabetics that died WITH covid are all good stats for the CDC and get that hospital tons of free money, eh? Take it down the road--more of the same old shit that Fauci and the CDC have been promoting for the last two years. You're just not real quick on the uptake are you. You just spout, "Fauci said it--must be true." Moron.

Nope, none of those people end up in the ICU. She works for the VA, they get no extra money so that lie fails as well.

I have said multiple times that Facui is an idiot, yet you keep lying about me.

Why bother to post if all you are going to do is post lies?
Answer your own question, liar.

you are the only one posting lies. I say multiple times Fauci is an idiot and you keep saying I listen to what he says. I just do not get why people like you have to lie so much, is your position so very weak that this is all that you have?
you are the only one posting lies. I say multiple times Fauci is an idiot and you keep saying I listen to what he says. I just do not get why people like you have to lie so much, is your position so very weak that this is all that you have?
You also say that hospitals--and now it comes out you are talking about VA hospitals which makes it all the worse, and you lie and say they don't follow Fauci's guidance. Yup--you are a LIAR!
Why are VA hospitals worse? Are you one of those fucks that hates veterans?
Yeah, in your dementa addled brain. I am a disabled veteran of a foreign war and a regular at a VA hospital, moron. VA hospitals are required to follow mandates and policies of the federal government, dumb ass. As such, all of Fauci's policies are adhered to. SMFH.
Yeah, in your dementa addled brain. I am a disabled veteran of a foreign war and a regular at a VA hospital, moron. VA hospitals are required to follow mandates and policies of the federal government, dumb ass. As such, all of Fauci's policies are adhered to. SMFH.

VA hospitals do not do anything differently than civilian hospitals as far as the actual medicine is concerned. My wife worked for 8 years at a local hospital before joining the VA. What she does has not changed, all that changed was the peripheral things.
And yet, all of the medical professionals you quote follow his guidance and YOU promote it. SMH.

Nope, not a one does, that is just one more lie you made up because I refused to agree with you.

Whatever happened to "you do you"....oh that was a lie also.

Well at least you are consistent.
The same day they release the news that the earth is actually flat.

how many more of the party you support will use a crisis “to shape their vision”? Even if you people get the draconian controls you want, how many of your leaders will get busted violating the rules those same rules they love to shove up US ass?
how many more of the party you support will use a crisis “to shape their vision”? Even if you people get the draconian controls you want, how many of your leaders will get busted violating the rules those same rules they love to shove up US ass?
Too many, no doubt. Turning detached, rich elitists into normal people isn't a feature of covid safety measures. Sorry.
VA hospitals do not do anything differently than civilian hospitals as far as the actual medicine is concerned. My wife worked for 8 years at a local hospital before joining the VA. What she does has not changed, all that changed was the peripheral things.
If the federal government says shit, VA hospitals squat, moron. You aren't a nurse, doctor or any other kind of healthcare professional, so you can't speak to anything concerning the VA with any authority at all so just shut your pie hole. You are spouting shit. Next you'll be saying that your neighbors kid who is a nephew of a nuclear physicist just told you how to make a nuclear bomb. You are beyond stupid.
Covid is an influenza weaponized into a depopulation drug.
Since the latest influenza labelled as "Covid" is not scaring people, the Druggers & their politicians & news guru buddies have to work much harder and faster. Injecting their population elimination drugs into more children, shows that they are in a bit of panic and rushing to do as much damage as possible and at a faster pace.
Too many, no doubt. Turning detached, rich elitists into normal people isn't a feature of covid safety measures. Sorry.
People should be sorry for supporting rich, elitists like Pelosi and Newsome. Then you have the likes of John Kerry floating his yacht down river to avoid taxes. How about mayors in Chicago who bring the hammer on Covid restrictions only to get a haircut while the masses cannot??

YOUR wealthy elite are playing you like a fool.
People should be sorry for supporting rich, elitists like Pelosi and Newsome.
Well that is some flowery prose my man, but people don't vote for everything a person is, balls to bone. We aren't talking about the Trump cult. Just typical voters.

So what people actually support are ideas. Unfortunately, the choices we have are typically dictated to us by a system that is owned lock stock and barrel by corporations.

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