South African Data Suggests Covid May Be Ending

how many more of the party you support will use a crisis “to shape their vision”?

can you give me some examples of the Libertarian party doing this? That is the only party I support

If the federal government says shit, VA hospitals squat, moron. You aren't a nurse, doctor or any other kind of healthcare professional, so you can't speak to anything concerning the VA with any authority at all so just shut your pie hole.

You are correct I am not, but I do sleep with one and she can speak to anything concerning the VA with all sorts of authority. Far more than you can
Neither did I. I got a vaccine because my wife, the ICU nurse, and her fellow medical professionals recommend I do so since I have COPD and COVID and COPD do not get along.

But you are the fucking moron that thinks that COVID does not even exist. And you base this one talking heads on TV telling you so, while I base my view of COVID on what I have learned from my wife how has been treating COVID patients since April of 2020.

Trust me, they exist, they are really there and they really have COVID
I went to nursing school because I found our military medical care--well deadly...which a whole lot of other people are sadly finding out for themselves that government managed care means well crappy care with a collection of idiotic doctor and nurses able to keep in practice because the insurance companies will force people to go them.

My husband was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago---and I unfortunately was minding my own business sitting at his bedside when some silly LPN came in and started a conversation out of the blue about working on the Covid ward with an agenda which I think was simply to pimp the vaccines. She wasn't his nurse and did nothing but start this conversation. She started talking about the new South African Covid Strain--and I said you mean Omicron? Which of course she didn't even know the name of---she then went on to tell me how we had to get vaccines because of this deadly virus coming. I was like don't you know its targeted victims are the vaccinated? In short, she knew nothing about the virus---other the basic propaganda spewed for the last couple of years---she told me she knew all about covid because she worked the covid ward but couldn't answer basic questions or even hold a simple conversation with me who was being uncharacteristically polite to kind to an idiot. Medical mistakes are the #3 killer officially-------think that in truth though if they knew about all the medical mistakes, it would be the #1. Doctors and nurses aren't all-knowing---hell I think many know very very little.
You are correct I am not, but I do sleep with one and she can speak to anything concerning the VA with all sorts of authority. Far more than you can
I have been treated in many VA facilities for the past 30 years. The VA has undergone many changes, good and bad, during that time. How long did you say your wife has been with the VA? How many facilities?
Well that is some flowery prose my man, but people don't vote for everything a person is, balls to bone. We aren't talking about the Trump cult. Just typical voters.

So what people actually support are ideas. Unfortunately, the choices we have are typically dictated to us by a system that is owned lock stock and barrel by corporations.
Your cult votes for the likes of Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, and now, Harris and Biden. The corporations you refer to are their masters as well. Trump used to own them too when he was writing checks to them….. back when they were the Trump cult.

just remember, people support ideas.
I went to nursing school because I found our military medical care--well deadly...which a whole lot of other people are sadly finding out for themselves that government managed care means well crappy care with a collection of idiotic doctor and nurses able to keep in practice because the insurance companies will force people to go them.

My husband was in the hospital a couple of weeks ago---and I unfortunately was minding my own business sitting at his bedside when some silly LPN came in and started a conversation out of the blue about working on the Covid ward with an agenda which I think was simply to pimp the vaccines. She wasn't his nurse and did nothing but start this conversation. She started talking about the new South African Covid Strain--and I said you mean Omicron? Which of course she didn't even know the name of---she then went on to tell me how we had to get vaccines because of this deadly virus coming. I was like don't you know its targeted victims are the vaccinated? In short, she knew nothing about the virus---other the basic propaganda spewed for the last couple of years---she told me she knew all about covid because she worked the covid ward but couldn't answer basic questions or even hold a simple conversation with me who was being uncharacteristically polite to kind to an idiot. Medical mistakes are the #3 killer officially-------think that in truth though if they knew about all the medical mistakes, it would be the #1. Doctors and nurses aren't all-knowing---hell I think many know very very little.

I agree that doctors and nurses are not all all-knowing, nobody is. Sounds like the LPN was a moron, sadly there are too many of those around. Also, LPN are basically just glorified PCTs, they do not have 1/4 of the responsibilities of an RN.

My wife did not just work in the "ward", she was in a negative pressure area wearing the full suit and helmet. She would be one of two nurses in the area along with, sometimes, a PCT. There was no doctor in there, they would come spend their 15 mins twice a day and the rest was up to the two nurses. She could barely walk some nights when she got home she worked so hard in that area.

I am a big fan of with experience comes knowledge. So, in the end it comes down to me having to choose to believe what my wife has told me over the past two years or what people pushing a political agenda on a forum have told me.

Which way do you think I will go?
Doctors and nurses aren't all-knowing--
Correct, they follow the recommendations of professional medical societies, which base their recommendations on scientific research.

Which is why a doctor is either unethical or incompetent, for example, if he is not recommending full vaccination for all of his patients who don't have rare medica conditions that put them at risk from vaccinations.
Your cult votes for the likes of Pelosi, Kerry, Obama, and now, Harris and Biden.
An idiotic comparison. The Trump cult is just a faction of the GOP.

And aslong as the alternative is worse, then those people will continue winning. That's how proto-Trump Joe Biden mopped the floor with the orange retard.
I have been treated in many VA facilities for the past 30 years. The VA has undergone many changes, good and bad, during that time. How long did you say your wife has been with the VA? How many facilities?

She has been with the VA for going on 3 years now, all at the same facility. She is on the inside, you are on the outside looking in. You also have a HUGE FUCKING political agenda to push, she only cares about the Vets and giving them the best possible care she can....

I wonder which one I am going to go with.....
What is the Libertarian Party? How relevant are they?

They might be the last hope for our county if you think that out of control spending and debt is a problem.

If you do not, then keep voting for your beloved Repubs
An idiotic comparison. The Trump cult is just a faction of the GOP.

And aslong as the alternative is worse, then those people will continue winning. That's how proto-Trump Joe Biden mopped the floor with the orange retard.
Why and how is it an idiotic comparison? You people trash the wealthy elite yet you vote for the wealthy elite? Why?
They might be the last hope for our county if you think that out of control spending and debt is a problem.

If you do not, then keep voting for your beloved Repubs
What about the Democrat elites?
An idiotic comparison. The Trump cult is just a faction of the GOP.

And aslong as the alternative is worse, then those people will continue winning. That's how proto-Trump Joe Biden mopped the floor with the orange retard.

Yet you people get mopped by the the elites you complain about. When your wish comes true and Trump and all of the conservatives are gone, it is you who are going to be made the fool by the politicians you have been supporting.
Yet you people get mopped by the the elites you complain about. When your wish comes true and Trump and all of the conservatives are gone, it is you who are going to be made the fool by the politicians you have been supporting.
We all get mopped up by the elites.

In what bizarre fabtasyland do you reside, where I personally picked any of those candidates?

Come back to reality. Maybe, just maybe, there isn't anything for you to whine about, this time. Have you considered that?
She has been with the VA for going on 3 years now, all at the same facility. She is on the inside, you are on the outside looking in. You also have a HUGE FUCKING political agenda to push, she only cares about the Vets and giving them the best possible care she can....

I wonder which one I am going to go with.....
As I have told you more times than I wish to count. I don't GAF if you shove that jab up your ass or if you live or die. I am not pushing a political agenda--once again you lie, because you definitely are--every time you push Fauci's agenda and spout that this scamdemic is more than what it is. Why do you do this? Because the gov't says "get the jab" and you have been parroting that for two days now. I don't GAF if someone you know knows somebody who says they know or not. Quit pushing your agenda and looking for validation of your actions on this board. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one--yours just smells worse than most.
As I have told you more times than I wish to count. I don't GAF if you shove that jab up your ass or if you live or die.

You say that, and then attack people for doing so. Your words do not match your other words.

I am not pushing a political agenda

Oh please, do not insult our intelligence.

every time you push Fauci's agenda and spout that this scamdemic is more than what it is.

I have not done this once. I post what I know about the virus that I learned from my wife and her fellow medical professionals.

Because the gov't says "get the jab" and you have been parroting that for two days now.

Nope, as I told you at the start of this discussion, I fully support your decision not to get it and I am 100% against the government trying to force you to. I would never insult you for not getting it, sadly you cannot offer the same courtesy.
You say that, and then attack people for doing so. Your words do not match your other words.

Oh please, do not insult our intelligence.

I have not done this once. I post what I know about the virus that I learned from my wife and her fellow medical professionals.

Nope, as I told you at the start of this discussion, I fully support your decision not to get it and I am 100% against the government trying to force you to. I would never insult you for not getting it, sadly you cannot offer the same courtesy.
Well thank goodness I am here, then.

get the vaccine, because you are selfish idiot if you do not.
Well thank goodness I am here, then.

get the vaccine, because you are selfish idiot if you do not.

And you are just as big an idiot as CA.

It is a personal choice, people should not be beaten into submission over it. I was hesitant, hell my wife did not even want to get it at first and did not for a while till she was able to get some more information on them. I held out longer than that, but she convinced me it would be in my best interest due to my COPD, which does not mix well with COVID. I very rarely question her medical knowledge and did not with this.

But that was my own personal choice, one we should all be allowed to make

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