South Carolina GOP offers Sanford no support

i do believe that several HAVE

Fair enough. Can you name one? How about Michael Steele? Isn't he the leader of the GOP? Or how about the defacto leaders of the GOP; Hannity, Limpballs or Beck?
if i actually lived in South Carolina and really cared i would look it up for you
but, since i dont and dont, you have google and bing and dogpile and all the other search engines on the ineternet so you can do your own research if it matters that much to you
i do believe that several HAVE

Fair enough. Can you name one? How about Michael Steele? Isn't he the leader of the GOP? Or how about the defacto leaders of the GOP; Hannity, Limpballs or Beck?
if i actually lived in South Carolina and really cared i would look it up for you
but, since i dont and dont, you have google and bing and dogpile and all the other search engines on the ineternet so you can do your own research if it matters that much to you

Pssssst.... It really doesn't matter to him...:eusa_shhh:
i do believe that several HAVE

Fair enough. Can you name one? How about Michael Steele? Isn't he the leader of the GOP? Or how about the defacto leaders of the GOP; Hannity, Limpballs or Beck?
if i actually lived in South Carolina and really cared i would look it up for you
but, since i dont and dont, you have google and bing and dogpile and all the other search engines on the ineternet so you can do your own research if it matters that much to you

Since I have never asked you directly, and rather than make an assumption, do you support the GOP, divecon?
The better question in my mind is why the GOP, you know the party of family and Christian values and all, IS NOT at all concerned about the comings and goings of Mark Sanford's cock? Or Bob Ensign's for that matter...

Didn't you already say this,
South Carolina GOP offers Sanford no support
Do you have multiple personality disorder or are you just that stupid?

SO, WHEN are they going to request that he step down, dumbass?

The Lieutenant Governor, the state house and the state senate have all asked him to step down. The Lieutenant Governor is a republican, both the speaker of the house and the President Pro Tempore of SC state senate are Republicans. Pull your head out of your ass.
Fair enough. Can you name one? How about Michael Steele? Isn't he the leader of the GOP? Or how about the defacto leaders of the GOP; Hannity, Limpballs or Beck?
if i actually lived in South Carolina and really cared i would look it up for you
but, since i dont and dont, you have google and bing and dogpile and all the other search engines on the ineternet so you can do your own research if it matters that much to you

Since I have never asked you directly, and rather than make an assumption, do you support the GOP, divecon?
i have, but mostly in the mannor of "the lesser of two evils"
not sure they will have my support like that in the future
there are some i will vote for because they do actually seem to support the ideals i support, but i wont be voting for either dem or gop in the upcomming elections for most races
i'll be looking for 3rd party candidates
We are... In your OP you asked a lame-ass bullshit question...

Which, to date, none of you minions have even attempted to answer...

My minions? Cool, I didn'rt even know I had minions...

Listen, PudYanker... This was news months ago and probably has some interest in the state of SC... Nationally, most of us are only concerned with how hot the woman he was with is... Nobody on the right really cares about his politics as he's going bye-bye, either forcibly or on his own... Then you'll never have to hear of him again...

Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...
I can read:
COLUMBIA, South Carolina (CNN) -- South Carolina Republican Party Chairwoman Karen Floyd seemed to suggest Wednesday that the time had come for GOP Gov. Mark Sanford to consider resigning from office.

Gov. Mark Sanford has said it's better for him to keep his governorship to "learn lessons."

"For the past two days, I have been speaking with Republican leaders across South Carolina," she said in a statement. "There is clearly a growing view that the time may have come for Governor Sanford to remove himself and his family from the limelight, so that he can devote his efforts full-time to repairing the damage in his personal life."

The statement comes on the same day as a growing number of GOP state senators called for Sanford to step down.

CNN has learned that GOP Sens. Daniel Verdin, Shane Martin, Ronnie Cromer and Wes Hayes joined the anti-Sanford chorus Wednesday morning, bringing the total number of Republican senators calling for the governor's resignation to 13. There are 27 Republicans in the state Senate.

Another state senator stopped just short of calling for Sanford to step down Wednesday. Glenn McConnell, Senate president pro tempore, didn't explicitly ask Sanford to resign, but he did ask him "to do the right thing for himself, his family and our state."
Sanford and his staff have said repeatedly this week that he will not resign. He wrote in a message to his political action committee e-mail list Monday that while he considered resigning, "I would ultimately be a better person and of more service in whatever doors God opened next in life if I stuck around to learn lessons rather than running and hiding down at the farm."
dem or gop in the upcomming elections for most races
i'll be looking for 3rd party candidates

I admit that I am a little surprised by your answer, and now very glad I asked the question. Good for you.
We are... In your OP you asked a lame-ass bullshit question...

Which, to date, none of you minions have even attempted to answer...

My minions? Cool, I didn'rt even know I had minions...

Listen, PudYanker... This was news months ago and probably has some interest in the state of SC... Nationally, most of us are only concerned with how hot the woman he was with is... Nobody on the right really cares about his politics as he's going bye-bye, either forcibly or on his own... Then you'll never have to hear of him again...

Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...

I thought you were my minion, not the other way around?

And how hot is this chick anyway?
Which, to date, none of you minions have even attempted to answer...

My minions? Cool, I didn'rt even know I had minions...

Listen, PudYanker... This was news months ago and probably has some interest in the state of SC... Nationally, most of us are only concerned with how hot the woman he was with is... Nobody on the right really cares about his politics as he's going bye-bye, either forcibly or on his own... Then you'll never have to hear of him again...

Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...

I thought you were my minion, not the other way around?

And how hot is this chick anyway?

I think we alternate Thursdays... I dont know, I'll have to check the calendar...LOL

I think the chick is smokin', IIRC...
Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...

Not at all House. I am against these flaming "God fearing", "Christian values", "family values" assholes that get caught with THEIR hands in the cookie jar, thank you very much. AND, I had hoped that when Obama got elected, it would FINALLY send a message to the GOP that they needed to straighten up. That message, obviously, has not been received. I continue to wait.
Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...

Not at all House. I am against these flaming "God fearing", "Christian values", "family values" assholes that get caught with THEIR hands in the cookie jar, thank you very much. AND, I had hoped that when Obama got elected, it would FINALLY send a message to the GOP that they needed to straighten up. That message, obviously, has not been received. I continue to wait.

Infidelity knows no party boundaries, numbnuts... Your partisan hackery is showing through swimmingly....
Does anyone recall if the democrats asked William Jefferson to step down when he was busted with his cold cash?

Or William Jefferson Clinton when he was caught with his penis in the fat chick.
Funny, how people seem to forget that Mr Clinton also claimed family values when he was campaigning.
Now, if you were just trying to play gotcha politics about a Republican who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then you're just a flaming, in-your-face hypocrite...

Not at all House. I am against these flaming "God fearing", "Christian values", "family values" assholes that get caught with THEIR hands in the cookie jar, thank you very much. AND, I had hoped that when Obama got elected, it would FINALLY send a message to the GOP that they needed to straighten up. That message, obviously, has not been received. I continue to wait.

Charlie Rangel....?
It took an election to get William "Cold Cash" Jefferson out of office in 2008.
Don't tell me how rightous the democrats are... :cuckoo:
It is just a "gotcha" on your end, no bones about that.
Infidelity knows no party boundaries, numbnuts... Your partisan hackery is showing through swimmingly....

No shit, asswipe. Hence the additional hypocrisy shown by the GOP and their "Christian and family values" bullshit..

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