South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Calls For Confederate Flag To Be Removed: Agree Or Disagree?

Agree Or Disagree With Removing Confederate Flag

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South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Confederate flag has 'no place' on statehouse ground

What say you?
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.
Don't think it won't be brought up when the next racist shoots a group of people. I intend to ask that very pointed question, "But I thought removing the flag was supposed to stop all of this!?"
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites. To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Like i said, African Americans strongly disagree. That flag represents horror to them. Think about that for a bit.
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites.

Actually it signifies that because it is the battle flag of a nation founded on white supremacy.

But hey, don't let facts interrupt your day.

To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Define "vast majority" and show me the polling results. How can someone be proud of white supremacy unless they are a white supremacist?
How many of you on the left have complaned about the mexican flag being flown over schools and public buildings in the southwest?
HELL YES, by all means. It harms no one. When is the last time a flag fell and injured someone? All a flag does is wave in the wind.

Are you being serious? Can't tell.
Hell yea, I'm serious. Very serious. Today is Tuesday, and I rarely joke on Tuesdays. Now, tomorrow I may crack a few jokes, but not on a Tuesday.

There's been no reports of anyone being injured by a falling ISIS or Al Qaeda flag either.
Correct. Flags do NOT harm anyone. I agree. Thanks for pointing that out.

So you won't mind ISIS and Al Qaeda flying their flags here? Ok, as long as you're consistent.
Hell, we have Mexican flags flying here, Black Panther flags flying, and many others flying here on American soil. How many of them have causes harm, devastated someone to the point of bankruptcy, cause severe health issues, and sent someone to the mental institutions? Pleeeeeeeaseeee .. get real here.
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

A flag not waiving in the wind does no harm either, by your own logic it shouldn't matter to you.
You're correct. A flag does no one any harm. It's just something that waves in the wind, nothing more.

So if it doesn't matter to you one way or another why are you here whining?
FYI - I'm NOT whining about a damn thing. And, certainly not about something as harmless as a flag waving in the wind.

You are. You are here whining about people wanting to take down a flag.

There're much bigger fish to fry than someone pissing and moaning about a flag waving in the wind, don't you think?
If you think so, leave this thread, and go fry those fish.

Pretty sure he'll have a big problem when or if ISIS or Al Qaeda decide to fly their flags here. Flags do mean something. They represent something.
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.

There was no "outrage" until some mentally ill kid shot up a church and had a photo of himself holding the flag on the internet. If that hadn't happened the outrage would be directed at another current event.

Don't see many pictures of black men burning the Confederate flag,

Not nearly as many as I find of people burning the US Flag
"Removed" from what? If the lawmakers don't want the Confederate flag on state property then the citizens will abide by he decision but it seems kind of strange that everyone is worried about a piece of cloth rather than the freaking shooter.
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

The opinions of the blacks are irrelevant to the bigots who support that flag.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites. To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Like i said, African Americans strongly disagree. That flag represents horror to them. Think about that for a bit.
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

A flag not waiving in the wind does no harm either, by your own logic it shouldn't matter to you.
You're correct. A flag does no one any harm. It's just something that waves in the wind, nothing more.

A flag does mean something. How do you feel about someone burning an American Flag?
I think it would be stupid, pathetic, unnecessary and damn ridiculous.
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites. To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Like i said, African Americans strongly disagree. That flag represents horror to them. Think about that for a bit.

I fully understand, but that is the result of indoctrination by the biased media and academia.

I said that I do not think it should fly over any state capital.
Are you being serious? Can't tell.
Hell yea, I'm serious. Very serious. Today is Tuesday, and I rarely joke on Tuesdays. Now, tomorrow I may crack a few jokes, but not on a Tuesday.

There's been no reports of anyone being injured by a falling ISIS or Al Qaeda flag either.
Correct. Flags do NOT harm anyone. I agree. Thanks for pointing that out.

So you won't mind ISIS and Al Qaeda flying their flags here? Ok, as long as you're consistent.
Hell, we have Mexican flags flying here, Black Panther flags flying, and many others flying here on American soil. How many of them have causes harm, devastated someone to the point of bankruptcy, cause severe health issues, and sent someone to the mental institutions? Pleeeeeeeaseeee .. get real here.

Well, we do know they don't represent the awful horrors inflicted on African Americans for centuries in the South. However, the Confederate Flag does represent those horrors. Think about it from an African American's perspective.
I say damn ridiculous and pathetic, to say the least.

Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.

There was no "outrage" until some mentally ill kid

"Mentally ill" ? Seriously? He knew exactly what he was doing. Why are you defending him?

...shot up a church and had a photo of himself holding the flag on the internet. If that hadn't happened the outrage would be directed at another current event.

Are you 4 years old? People have been trying to get the confederate flag removed from government property all over the South for at least 50 years.
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

A flag not waiving in the wind does no harm either, by your own logic it shouldn't matter to you.
You're correct. A flag does no one any harm. It's just something that waves in the wind, nothing more.

A flag does mean something. How do you feel about someone burning an American Flag?
I think it would be stupid, pathetic, unnecessary and damn ridiculous.

Bothers you, no?
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.
What about the African flag? Didn't their own people sell them to slave traders? Are they protesting the African flag also? What about the skull and cross bone flag that was flown on the ships that brought them here? Are they also protesting that flag? In other words, what doesn't offend them?

What the hell is the "African flag" ?

What state capitol grounds has a skull and cross bones flying over it?
Africa has many flags. And, some of those flags are flown in places that sold slaves to slave traders. And, I never said that the skull and cross bones were flown from any state capitol building. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
Because it harms no one. A flag waving in the wind does no one any harm. It's a part of American history. It's NOT a statement about slavery. Slavery in modern times is all in one's mind. That shit has been over with for way over a hundred years. Is that flag taking food off of someone's table? Is that flag causing anyone financial hardships? Is that flag causing health issues? It's just something that gives people something to piss, bitch, and moan about. It does no one any harm.

It's manufactured outrage and a diversion

I don't think so. The Confederate Flag is very offensive to African Americans. And i can understand that. It's not a 'manufactured' outrage. It's very real.

There was no "outrage" until some mentally ill kid

"Mentally ill" ? Seriously? He knew exactly what he was doing. Why are you defending him?

...shot up a church and had a photo of himself holding the flag on the internet. If that hadn't happened the outrage would be directed at another current event.

Are you 4 years old? People have been trying to get the confederate flag removed from government property all over the South for at least 50 years.

You're becoming annoying.
Hell yea, I'm serious. Very serious. Today is Tuesday, and I rarely joke on Tuesdays. Now, tomorrow I may crack a few jokes, but not on a Tuesday.

There's been no reports of anyone being injured by a falling ISIS or Al Qaeda flag either.
Correct. Flags do NOT harm anyone. I agree. Thanks for pointing that out.

So you won't mind ISIS and Al Qaeda flying their flags here? Ok, as long as you're consistent.
Hell, we have Mexican flags flying here, Black Panther flags flying, and many others flying here on American soil. How many of them have causes harm, devastated someone to the point of bankruptcy, cause severe health issues, and sent someone to the mental institutions? Pleeeeeeeaseeee .. get real here.

Well, we do know they don't represent the awful horrors inflicted on African Americans for centuries in the South. However, the Confederate Flag does represent those horrors. Think about it from an African American's perspective.

What about the horrors inflicted on African Americans by the modern left? Slavery is slavery, whether it be working the fields or trapped in generational poverty.
Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites. To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Like i said, African Americans strongly disagree. That flag represents horror to them. Think about that for a bit.

I fully understand, but that is the result of indoctrination by the biased media and academia.

I said that I do not think it should fly over any state capital.

So you believe black people are incapable of thinking for themselves?
Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.

it only signifies that because of the left wing narrative that has been created by the media and hollywood elites. To the vast majority of southerners it signifies nothing more than regional pride.

but having said that, I think it should not fly over any state capital.

Like i said, African Americans strongly disagree. That flag represents horror to them. Think about that for a bit.

I fully understand, but that is the result of indoctrination by the biased media and academia.

I said that I do not think it should fly over any state capital.

and it doesn't.

It flies over a memorial.
Well, most African Americans would disagree 100% with you on that. They do see it as a Government endorsement of what the South did to them. The South lost the war a long long time ago. Probably best to just move on. There's no harm in removing it from Government grounds.
Personally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they think, or don't think. Hell, people are going to piss and moan about something all the time. The flag is just their bitch today, tomorrow it'll be something else. You're always going to have headlines about someone's complaint. Next year, it may be protests about the wrong books in our schools, or TV commercials that offend someone. People are going to stir shit until it stinks regardless of what anyone does.

Well, you're probably not African American. But you should still care. That flag does signify bloody horror for African Americans. I think it would be wise and just to consider that.
What about the African flag? Didn't their own people sell them to slave traders? Are they protesting the African flag also? What about the skull and cross bone flag that was flown on the ships that brought them here? Are they also protesting that flag? In other words, what doesn't offend them?

What the hell is the "African flag" ?

What state capitol grounds has a skull and cross bones flying over it?
Africa has many flags. And, some of those flags are flown in places that sold slaves to slave traders.
Which ones?

And, I never said that the skull and cross bones were flown from any state capitol building. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
You were asking why aren't people protesting it. Why would people be protesting for the removal of a skull and cross bones that does not exist? That doesn't make any sense.

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