South Carolina Police Officer

Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.

He was apparently fighting with someone running from the police...someone who didn't want to be taken into since you are a fucking mind reader, perhaps you can tell a police officer in the middle of a fight exactly how far that criminal is willing to go to avoid capture......can you do that moron?
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

No...actually, the don't.....and most don't maintain the training after they qualify at the academy........
Yes, actually they do. I see you are talking out of your ass again.

Yeah, I have a relative who is a cop...I specifically asked him the training they get, and how often they have to qualify.....when he got out of the academy they sent him to officer survival school....that was close to 20 years ago, and as far as qualifying...they are on the honor system...each year they go to their range and qualify on their own......

and outside of that....they don't have to shoot.......


Read the article. It actually has some information instead of the craziness in your head.....
It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.

The unknown is a bitch. It's easy to say all of that once it's over. The unknown is what scares you the most.

It may be exactly what you claim. A cop that gets pissed off because a perp bolted, was run down, resisted, and tried to get away. Then again, the cop didn't know if this perp was trying to evade capture for a more serious crime.
The cop was in no danger from a guy jumping out of his car and fleeing.

There was a physical altercation...according to the guy who shot the video and a tazer was fired...that is what drew his attention to the situation in the first place.....meaning 1) the cop just didn't draw his gun meaning he didn't plan on executing the guy and 2) a less lethal means of arrest was used before the shooting...

Add to that the photo of the cop holding the guy by the wrist means at some point they were in very close proximity to each other....
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

In point of fact, in some places, no training is required at all.
For CCW? I got mine after a week of "training" and the national average for cops is 9 weeks training. They could certainly use more.

Yeah moron....cops get more than fire arm training....they get a crash course in the law, physical training, police procedures....and on and on..and once they qualify with their weapon it is up to the dept. to keep them trained....and that costs time and money.....which is in short supply in a lot of places....
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....

You haven't seen the video?
I've seen two different videos. Neither tells the whole story.
i think what you really mean is you cant find something that makes it a good shoot yet.

There is no good shoot in the video. The officer is very clearly not in danger. We all saw the drop. Yet, we are supposed to ask that question. The dash cam video is also very clear.

We can't say the man died over a tail light. It's disingenuous and after a couple rounds of that it becomes untrustworthy. In fact, we can't even say the man died over warrants. At this point, we don't even know if there was enough time for the officer to even realize that the guy even had warrants.

No registration, no insurance and a change of story from the get go. Then he runs. Then there is a "scuffle". I think it's fair to ask what the hell between point A and point B simply to understand what happened.

There has been enough BS by the media and some of the responses to the shootings that hit national stage that make people pause. There have been cases of the media editing or we are supposed to edit out confrontations.

I don't agree with Mud on most everything but there is absolutely nothing wrong with his line of questioning OR not trusting something being edited out. In fact, that should be the first question asked with any video.

Agreed, there is not enough information available to say one way or the other yet.

IF the guy attacked the officer, then the officer had reason to shoot, period. And more so because the officer had attempted to tazer the suspect - and more so again if the officer thought the suspect had his tazer.

We don't know if the item that was dropped by the body is the tazer; someone on here said the tazer got knocked behind the officer - therefore the officer may indeed have thought that the suspect took his tazer.

I've not seen anything that disproves the officers original statement about what happened; there was a pursuit and the suspect tried to take his tazer - there isn't anything that disproves those key bits.

The witness says they were on the ground but he thought the officer had control, clearly that is not the case and there was indeed a struggle or the suspect would have cuffed on the ground, end of story. However, the phone video shows both of them standing with the officer's hand around the suspect's wrist, the suspect has been tazed from the look of the wires (not only does this imply there was a struggle, but it shows that tazer'ing the guy didn't work), then the suspect runs again.

NONE of that precludes that the suspect attempted to take the officers tazer, that the officer /thought/ the suspect had his tazer, nor disproves/proves that the officer picked up the tazer and moved it next to the suspects body after the shooting.
Welp, I take that back, I think peeps might be right about the officer moving the tazer.

See the set of stills on this site: Accused killer cop Michael Slager fired remains in jail - NY Daily News They are about midwayish, below the picture of the suspect's family hugging (captioned: Anthony Scott, left, hugs visitors outside his home near North Charleston, S.C., on Wednesday. His brother Walter Scott was killed by a North Charleston police officer after a traffic stop Saturday.)

The item that was in front of the officer in the phone video appears to be a baseball cap (still 1) and based on the positioning of the officer when he picked up the unknown item (still 3) not on the pavement, but in the dirt, and the ballcap is still on the pavement in the first picture where the shot suspect is cuffed - as well as the solid, rather than fabric look, of the item being dropped (still 4 and 5) - the officer picked up whatever was knocked back behind him and dropped it next to suspect - an item that one of the members here identified as the tazer.

Possible it wasn't the tazer, but idk.
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I wonder if the video could be inadmissible due to eavesdropping statutes?
:lmao: You racists will stop at nothing to find a way to get a not guilty verdict for this anti-American killer cop! Please give me one example of where a video of a crime was inadmissable because of an eavesdropping statute Please be sure to compare apples to apples.
I guess I was in England too long. It was a dumb violation brake light but the video I saw it looked like it worked. Anyway I think cops should do what they do in England, just send you a letter in the mail with the fine. Every time I was ever pulled over in the US the cop/cops were jerks. I can't stand them to be honest. But I am always nice and polite but their attitude pisses me off so I can see where someone could get angry. And I have driven in almost every state and I know they love to pull over out of state licenses, and look for any excuse even made up ones. I actually got pulled over in a parking lot because I did not have a seatbelt on yet. Lol

Never met an honest cop ever. One cop tried to tell me he would do me a favor and say he clocked me at 65 instead of 70. Lol i told him so you would lie on an official governement document? hell, say I was going 100, a lie is a lie. I told him if he had the evidence then he would have to charge me for the ticket of which he clocked me at. But you don't have the evidence and want me to pay a fine with just your word and I will tell the judge you were about to lie on an official gov document so why would you not lie in court? He left me with a warning and called me an asshole. I had taped the conversation so I was hoping to go to court!!!
In other news, watching the phone video, specifically the bit after the shooting, here

It appears that the suspect was possibly NOT dead at the scene? Around 2:00 it looks like he moves his foot, can't tell for sure though because the camera is bouncing all over and the officer has his hands on the suspect too... At 2:35 the officer with the blue gloves on checks Scott's back then takes off running to the left out of frame, Slager checks Scott's pulse again at 2:47. The recording is then cut and we have a completely different scene with four officers around the body (one kneeling, one running up with a box, and two others standing off to the side, Scott's shirt has been cut off him, and the officers are pulling what appears to be bandages out of a chest/box. Then the video ends.

My first question is why is the video cut THERE of all places (SIGH), then picking up with the four officers? (There was also a cut at 1:27 JS) Also, why was his shirt cut off, did they have to defib him and need to cut off his shirt?

Why are they pulling out what appear to be bandages if he's already dead (is that standard procedure?)
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There was no need to chase the guy, they had his car they had his address. The cop exasperated the situation and killed the man in cold blood. They could had waited at his apartment or house and picked him up if he had an arrest Warrent. I don't know about any of you but if someone was going to shoot me with a taser I would react and run or try to get the taser, the shit hurts like hell and nobody would just stand there and take it. Your not normal if you do. Got shocked with one before as a demo in the military. They pointed that shit at me again and I grabed the guy and knocked it from his hand. Screw that.
Well we don't even know what the officer /knew/ when the chase started or not do we? I mean maybe he ran the plates on the car first or something? Do we even know if the car was his/soon to be his or stolen? We really don't know, all we know is that the officer was still looking up the information when the suspect ran.

On the other though, the suspect appears to have tazer wires coming off his arm before he was shot, so I'm guessing he was hit with the tazer. Maybe it didn't work, but if it did and the suspect kept running and shrugged off the tazer zap, then the suspect would be "not normal" yea? Hopped up on drugs perhaps? I mean who knows.
If the car was stolen...don't you think that would be all over the news by now?
No. I don't think so. That's what a lot of people are currently asking though.
The family said it was his car. I am assuming he didn't have insurance and that's why he lied.
There was no need to chase the guy, they had his car they had his address. The cop exasperated the situation and killed the man in cold blood. They could had waited at his apartment or house and picked him up if he had an arrest Warrent. I don't know about any of you but if someone was going to shoot me with a taser I would react and run or try to get the taser, the shit hurts like hell and nobody would just stand there and take it. Your not normal if you do. Got shocked with one before as a demo in the military. They pointed that shit at me again and I grabed the guy and knocked it from his hand. Screw that.

He had no registration and he had no insurance. He had an ID or a Driver's license and it is not known at this time if the correct address was on the ID. People move but don't update the address. He had warrants. So, there is no reason to believe that the address would be updated.

We are talking about a guy almost fifty. He knew better than to run. There is no excuse for that. NONE.
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