South Carolina Police Officer

What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.

The unknown is a bitch. It's easy to say all of that once it's over. The unknown is what scares you the most.

It may be exactly what you claim. A cop that gets pissed off because a perp bolted, was run down, resisted, and tried to get away. Then again, the cop didn't know if this perp was trying to evade capture for a more serious crime.
The cop was in no danger from a guy jumping out of his car and fleeing.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

In point of fact, in some places, no training is required at all.
Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....
Please people study police training, yeah, I've had it, it's not a "combat" situation as the military are trained for, yeah had that too, the officer executed the suspect and IAD would agree, it's perfectly obvious to any police officer worth his or her salt.
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....

You haven't seen the video?
Police documents describe Sager as "enthused" when he reported for duty, with subsequent reports from that month on the job praising the new officer's work in handling and searching suspects. Slager demonstrated "great officer safety tactics" when encountering suspects and "kept calm" in a tricky situation, another document from March 2010 reports.

"At the North Charleston Police Department, Slager was subject to annual in-service mandatory training — on everything from First Aid to firearms and Taser use. Slager routinely passed his certifications — even earning a perfect score on Taser Certification test questions in February 2011. His 2014 annual training — on subjects including ethics, bias base profiling and Taser use — and was signed off on in May 2014, and Slager re-passed a firearms qualification as recently as August 2014."

"In addition to those certifications, documents also show that Slager was recertified by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in March 2013 having "met and successfully completed the in-service requirements" for a Class 1 Law Enforcement Officer — and that he completed a separate 10-hour "active shooter incident response training" course in December 2013."

Walter Scott Shooting What We Know About Officer Michael Slager - NBC News

IF this is a "training issue" then I guess the only solution to prevent a so-called panic attack with officers is to send them to actual war (because apparently not even basic training with the military is enough.) I really don't think there is much more the police trainers could have done to prepare him for a so-called "combat situation."
You aren't making sense.

That's because I wasn't talking to you. you understand what I am pointing out.....?

Thanks Mudwhistle.....
Always good to see the clueless thank the clueless. :thup:

Or the clueless jumping to conclusions on a regular basis and congradulating themselves..... give each other awards for their cluelessness.
Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....
Please people study police training, yeah, I've had it, it's not a "combat" situation as the military are trained for, yeah had that too, the officer executed the suspect and IAD would agree, it's perfectly obvious to any police officer worth his or her salt.

Its different. "Combat" in military is a large war. But there is "1 on 1" combat. Combat is just humans fighting. Where ever that may be.

But yes. This shooting was absolutely unjust. All cops should agree. All the ones I know do.
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....

You haven't seen the video?
I've seen two different videos. Neither tells the whole story.
It sure
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....
Please people study police training, yeah, I've had it, it's not a "combat" situation as the military are trained for, yeah had that too, the officer executed the suspect and IAD would agree, it's perfectly obvious to any police officer worth his or her salt.

Its different. "Combat" in military is a large war. But there is "1 on 1" combat. Combat is just humans fighting. Where ever that may be.

But yes. This shooting was absolutely unjust. All cops should agree. All the ones I know do.

It sure looks that way......but then we're dealing with the mainstream media here. A nest of snakes if there ever was one.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

In point of fact, in some places, no training is required at all.
For CCW? I got mine after a week of "training" and the national average for cops is 9 weeks training. They could certainly use more.
Police documents describe Sager as "enthused" when he reported for duty, with subsequent reports from that month on the job praising the new officer's work in handling and searching suspects. Slager demonstrated "great officer safety tactics" when encountering suspects and "kept calm" in a tricky situation, another document from March 2010 reports.

"At the North Charleston Police Department, Slager was subject to annual in-service mandatory training — on everything from First Aid to firearms and Taser use. Slager routinely passed his certifications — even earning a perfect score on Taser Certification test questions in February 2011. His 2014 annual training — on subjects including ethics, bias base profiling and Taser use — and was signed off on in May 2014, and Slager re-passed a firearms qualification as recently as August 2014."

"In addition to those certifications, documents also show that Slager was recertified by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in March 2013 having "met and successfully completed the in-service requirements" for a Class 1 Law Enforcement Officer — and that he completed a separate 10-hour "active shooter incident response training" course in December 2013."

Walter Scott Shooting What We Know About Officer Michael Slager - NBC News

IF this is a "training issue" then I guess the only solution to prevent a so-called panic attack with officers is to send them to actual war (because apparently not even basic training with the military is enough.) I really don't think there is much more the police trainers could have done to prepare him for a so-called "combat situation."
Annual in-service mandatory trainings are mostly a dog and pony show, all one has to do is show up and you're re-certified.
Wonder what their minimum score is for firearms requal? Obviously Slager did well though, eight shots, 8 hits........
Active shooter training train on how to deal with active shooters, not even sure if the threat level response training is covered though it should be if it isn't, in active shooter you're already starting out at the lethal force level.
All I know is Slager better have a damn good explanation and proof to back up his actions.
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....

You haven't seen the video?
I've seen two different videos. Neither tells the whole story.
i think what you really mean is you cant find something that makes it a good shoot yet.
It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.

The unknown is a bitch. It's easy to say all of that once it's over. The unknown is what scares you the most.

It may be exactly what you claim. A cop that gets pissed off because a perp bolted, was run down, resisted, and tried to get away. Then again, the cop didn't know if this perp was trying to evade capture for a more serious crime.
The cop was in no danger from a guy jumping out of his car and fleeing.
Nope, from the guy who somehow got a hold of his Tazer. It didn't just float into his hand.

This video was edited..... I think for a reason.

If you liberals weren't caught lying so many times in the past I wouldn't question what has been made public so far.......but then the other shoe drops and we discover that we've been lied to once again...... and MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and the rest refuse to admit it was a faked scenario. The damage is already done. As Harry Reid proudly proclaimed, we won, or Hillary, what difference does it make. Your Hands Up Don't Shoot was based on a lie.

I say wait for the investigation..... and fuck Al Sharpton ...
irrational is a better word than cowardly, as that C word only gets the overly emotional way too defensive...
You're right.

The word coward is over-used, vastly misunderstood, and wholly inappropriate in this situation. Patrolman Slager's action had nothing to do with courage but rather with judgment and his pre-conscious orientation, which is plainly flawed.
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....

You haven't seen the video?
I've seen two different videos. Neither tells the whole story.
i think what you really mean is you cant find something that makes it a good shoot yet.

There is no good shoot in the video. The officer is very clearly not in danger. We all saw the drop. Yet, we are supposed to ask that question. The dash cam video is also very clear.

We can't say the man died over a tail light. It's disingenuous and after a couple rounds of that it becomes untrustworthy. In fact, we can't even say the man died over warrants. At this point, we don't even know if there was enough time for the officer to even realize that the guy even had warrants.

No registration, no insurance and a change of story from the get go. Then he runs. Then there is a "scuffle". I think it's fair to ask what the hell between point A and point B simply to understand what happened.

There has been enough BS by the media and some of the responses to the shootings that hit national stage that make people pause. There have been cases of the media editing or we are supposed to edit out confrontations.

I don't agree with Mud on most everything but there is absolutely nothing wrong with his line of questioning OR not trusting something being edited out. In fact, that should be the first question asked with any video.
gawd, these 'discussions' here are totally useless...
Actually they can be constructive exercises when their purpose is to apply reason and objective comprehension to the topic. It's not hard to ignore the frivolous and plainly stupid contributions and focus on the intelligent efforts to reach a conclusion.

Exercise is as important to the brain as it is to the body. So USMB may be thought of as an intellectual gymnasium.
I support cops as passionately as anyone.

But this time...cops was wrong.

You do NOT shoot a man in the back who is fleeing......unless he is an IMMEDIATE and certain threat to others.

A guy shooting up a school...sees a cop...turns to run? Hell yes. Hes likely to kill more kids if you dont stop.him immediately.

A guy shows up to.his ex wifes home after threatening to kill her...jumps out with a shotgun and runs towards her house and you're too far away to catch him....probably. Hes likely killing her if you dont do it.

But not this one. Suspect posed no immediate threat and no known threat. He was only fleeing to escape.

Bad shoot.

His shooting is one of the 0.1% of cops who kill someone. But unlike most...his is absolutely unjust.
The condemnation about shooting someone in the back is only in TV westerns. The cop had reason to shoot him fleeing from an unlawful act of resisting arrest and possible attempt of murder (struggling with the cop to take his tazer.)

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