South Carolina Police Officer

i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT matters...
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?
You've gone off the deep end.
Seems to me the only people against the Police are the ones who themselves might face an unpleasant encounter with Police. Those who're law-abidding don't have a problem. Just the bad guys who seem to.

The "bad guys"? Despite what the majority of people choose to believe, we do not live in a world of black and white... just countless shades of grey.

No, that's the world as we wish it could be.

Reading this message board is proof that many do see only black and white and believe black people should be killed because they MIGHT break the law.
i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT matters...
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?

So, does mudwhistle get the prize for being the first to blame President Obama for this cop's actions?

Or has some other incredibly ignorant fool beat him to it?

How about the belief that the cop is the victim? Who gets THAT prize?

i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT matters...
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?
You've gone off the deep end.

One of my brothers was a cop......and the other a criminal. He did 8 years in the big house for armed robbery, accessory to murder, drugs....etc. .

I have a unique perspective on this subject.
i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT matters...
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?
You've gone off the deep end.

One of my brothers was a cop......and the other a criminal. He did 8 years in the big house for armed robbery, accessory to murder, drugs....etc. .

I have a unique perspective on this subject.
You mean you have a knee jerk response on this subject.
like i said... useless.
What's useless is trying to show both sides of any issue to a liberal.

They only see what they want to see...or are told to see...

you post from blind talking points and reactionary emotion.

i posted in support of the officer from ferguson, which was an entirely different situation.
Nope. You assumed I did. My thoughts are based on my experiences. What really pisses me off is you libs will base an agenda off of a closed-minded approach to an issue and discard extenuating circumstances. All you know is what has been reported thru filters. You don't care about knowing what led up to this event. This cop is guilty of murder. Then we look back and realize that UC Berkeley invited a convicted cop-killer to speak to it's students last year. Bet they won't ever in a million fucking years invite a killer cop, even if he's Muslim or Gay. This is just liberals tearing away at our society from within. Once respect for authority is gone, so is that society.
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?
You've gone off the deep end.

One of my brothers was a cop......and the other a criminal. He did 8 years in the big house for armed robbery, accessory to murder, drugs....etc. .

I have a unique perspective on this subject.
You mean you have a knee jerk response on this subject.
Absolutely not...but you obviously do....witnessed by your simple-minded approach.
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
he panicked because he was a coward...

Yes.....and you have obviously been in numerous struggles with people resisting arrest....and you were right there when this happened........try getting a clue before you comment....
He was running away. Jesus quit making shit up.

Not making it the people who have actually been in fights and in gun fights....then tell me I'm wrong...till should think before you post....
You are an idiot. :thup:

And you are clueless fucking moron with out any knowledge of what the fuck you are talking about......with all due respect....
Massasd Ayoob tells how in a fight where the defender shoots someone, it is very possible to start shooting at someone facing you and as you are drawing and pulling the trigger they have turned...the actual threat was there, but the time to stop your action isn't.....and he gets hit in the back...that is one of the effects of adrenaline and it's effect on vision, hearing and time perception....

That is why you often have cops and defenders emptying their guns and not knowing is also how you have two men shooting at each other from within 10 ft and both of them empty their guns and miss every shot.........

One of the famous duty police officer is knocked to the ground in a Bank ATM booth...the criminal standing on one side of the booth....both empty their guns at each other...both miss every shot....and a room of no more than about 10 feet.....

Study gun fights and combat.......then you will have a clue.......
Piss off, you moron. The cop shot him 5 times in the back.

Fuck head...I am explaining how it happened....obviously with the new tape you can see the cop didn't go in to commit murder....there wasn't a shouting match leading to a fight......where the cop simply drew his gun....the guy started running, there is a gap in the tape and the only witness said there was a physical confrontation before he started filming.........

So you could get a fucking clue you brainless twit before you talk about something you know nothing about......moron...
I understand the don't understand combat.......try investigating it.....broaden your percpective a little....

these men were not in combat, dummy... are a fucking twit........since you don't realize that when a cop is pursuing a suspect they get the same chemical dump....and then add in a possible wrestling match and it is even worse....
Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

irrational is a better word than cowardly, as that C word only gets the overly emotional way too defensive...
I don't know if he is a coward or not. But he certainly murdered the man.

Murder...probably not...manslaughter....more likely....but he will be convicted of murder because of the video....
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....

No excuse. The officer is a trained professional. And he wasn't pumped in the stills I've seen.

The son of a bitch is cool as a cucumber as he's unloading into Scott as he is running in the distance.

He even paused before taking the last shot. Cold blooded murder.

Sorry.....were you the one fighting the suspect....thought yourself a the issue...
Nor was the cop shot at.
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
You aren't making sense.

That's because I wasn't talking to you. you understand what I am pointing out.....?
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
You aren't making sense.

That's because I wasn't talking to you. you understand what I am pointing out.....?
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
You aren't making sense.

That's because I wasn't talking to you. you understand what I am pointing out.....?
My first question would be...why did this guy run in the first place.

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