South Carolina Police Officer

Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....

No excuse. The officer is a trained professional. And he wasn't pumped in the stills I've seen.

The son of a bitch is cool as a cucumber as he's unloading into Scott as he is running in the distance.

He even paused before taking the last shot. Cold blooded murder.
I understand the don't understand combat.......try investigating it.....broaden your percpective a little....

these men were not in combat, dummy...

Guess you've never been shot at ......
Nor was the cop shot at.
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I understand the don't understand combat.......try investigating it.....broaden your percpective a little....

these men were not in combat, dummy...

Guess you've never been shot at ......
Nor was the cop shot at.
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT actually matters...
Massasd Ayoob tells how in a fight where the defender shoots someone, it is very possible to start shooting at someone facing you and as you are drawing and pulling the trigger they have turned...the actual threat was there, but the time to stop your action isn't.....and he gets hit in the back...that is one of the effects of adrenaline and it's effect on vision, hearing and time perception....

That is why you often have cops and defenders emptying their guns and not knowing is also how you have two men shooting at each other from within 10 ft and both of them empty their guns and miss every shot.........

One of the famous duty police officer is knocked to the ground in a Bank ATM booth...the criminal standing on one side of the booth....both empty their guns at each other...both miss every shot....and a room of no more than about 10 feet.....

Study gun fights and combat.......then you will have a clue.......
Piss off, you moron. The cop shot him 5 times in the back.

Only because he missed the first three......
these men were not in combat, dummy...

Guess you've never been shot at ......
Nor was the cop shot at.
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
You aren't making sense.
Guess you've never been shot at ......
Nor was the cop shot at.
Not this time....but we weren't simply talking about this time....were we?
Yes, we were talking about this time.
I wasn't..... I don't know who else you were talking to. ..
You aren't making sense.

That's because I wasn't talking to you.
i'm gonna go discuss with the coffee maker and see if something useful comes out of it.. :coffee:
Geeeeeze, how many threads ????!!!!
And you post in this one. Delta is expressing a legitimate point of view and I heartily agree with him. If running away from a cop who has you detained is all it takes to beat a charge, then everyone would be doing it.

GOFUNDME needs to give this man an account. He needs a good lawyer. Let's not sacrifice one of the men in blue just to avoid a riot.

Even if what Delta said is true - that the US is now a third world country where running away is a crime even though you have not yet been accused of a crime, the fact is, the cop shot 8 times, in the back.

It is now known that there was a bench warrant for Scott's arrest but, just as we've seen before, the cop did not know that and even if he did, he did not have the right to serve as judge, jury and executioner.

The cop did not have him "detained". It was not a felony stop. The cop did not fear for his life. The cop lied in his call for back up and then planted evidence.

His defense attorney quit when he saw the videos.

As usual, the rabid RWs will twist this around to somehow make it the victim's fault but they're wrong. As usual.
Rodney King shouldn't have been beaten, but he was a drunk, wife beating lowlife.

Now we have Walter Scott. The black man that ran from an officer and was shot in the back. He shouldn't have been killed, but all I am hearing is once again the young father of 4 had such a bright future.

The dash cam video shows Mr. Scott getting stopped for a LEGIT violation and then taking off running without warning. First, running the way he did would make any cop think he had something pretty bad on him or did something bad. The reason he ran is because he is like the majority of black men (yes the majority look at the facts) in the ghetto, a deadbeat dad of multiple children with multiple women and he had paid child support in years. Therefore there was a warrant on him.

The got who shot the video said there was a scuffle before the shooting. The shooting was wrong and the officer will have to face justice, but that doesn't take away the fact that Walter Scott's actions set the events in action that lead to his death. If he wasn't a scumbag deadbeat dad he would have received a citation for a broken tail-light and would have gone on his merry way.

What a disgusting and really very sad point of view - that because he was black, because he ran, he MIGHT have done something "pretty bad".

Fact is, these days, being black is crime enough for a cop to gun you down.

No, Scott did not "set in motion the events". The cop did.
i guess you think whether or not any of us has ever been SHOT AT matters...
It does. Or if you've ever been the victim of a violent act such as a mugging, rape, armed robbery, attempted murder, been in a struggle fighting to stay alive.

I have.
wtf? None of those things were happening.
Not in in this case....but cops deal with this kind of thing every day.

You just want to fuck them over because some racist in the Whitehouse hates whites and hates cops. He's a criminal.... why wouldn't he?

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