South Carolina Police Officer

Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....

A novel excuse: it was a "combat situation".

I'm of a time when shooting a man in the back was the worst kind of cowardice and hardly a "combat situation".

Gotta love RWs.

All we hear from them is that women are solely responsible for pregnancy and should keep their legs closed. Now, suddenly, being behind in child support is a capital offense. Apparently, running away is also punishable by death, on the spot, no due process.

Some RWs have even said Scott deserved to be shot because he might have committed a crime.

And above, where Obama is blamed. With the rabid right, its always someone elses fault/responsibility - preferably, the president.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.

Sorry.....there is a gap in the video....where the witness said they engaged in a struggle before he started video more than likely was not an execution but inability to control his actions during the struggle....and yes...there was distance between the two....but we see the distance from the side....from the comfort of our chairs in front of our computers......

A completely different point of view in the middle of it......

Please people shooting and the chemica reaction to combat.....then you would have some clue other than as people sitting at their computers.....

A novel excuse: it was a "combat situation".

I'm of a time when shooting a man in the back was the worst kind of cowardice and hardly a "combat situation".

Gotta love RWs.

All we hear from them is that women are solely responsible for pregnancy and should keep their legs closed. Now, suddenly, being behind in child support is a capital offense. Apparently, running away is also punishable by death, on the spot, no due process.

Some RWs have even said Scott deserved to be shot because he might have committed a crime.

And above, where Obama is blamed. With the rabid right, its always someone elses fault/responsibility - preferably, the president.

Luddly, you have again proven yourself a fool.....
Here is one for you are standing in a room doing something, thinking you are alone....someone taps you on the shoulder and you jump out of your socks....why? I mean, you aren't in combat, you aren't excited and it was just a tap on the shoulder...right? Now multiply that by about 1000....
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
I'm not buying the panic theory, sorry. I believe is incorrect to assume that Slager did not have military combat training:

"Slager spent six years in the U.S. Coast Guard and also served as a waiter at a New Jersey restaurant before becoming a police officer, according to personnel files released by authorities." ~ Walter Scott SC Shooting Draws New Scrutiny to Michael Slager s Record - ABC News

He was in the Coast Guard...not the you know how many jobs in the Coast Guard involve "Combat Training"....might want to look into that.....
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......

Where's the part about these people being trained professionals?

I get your point and agree its valid in SOME situations. I just don't believe its a valid excuse for what we saw on that video.

And, Bill, I know a hell of a lot more about this than you have any clue. You always talk like guns are pretty bunch the same as spitballs. If you ever have occasion to actually use your gun, actually take a life, you will finally know how wrong you are.
The officer shot him, handcuffed him, planted evidence on him and watched aloof as he died...

...over a broken taillight.

Psychopaths like that need to be locked away.
That's what the media wants you to believe. We've been down this road too many times to simple trust the media to be honest.

Wait till the investigation is finished....
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......

Where's the part about these people being trained professionals?

I get your point and agree its valid in SOME situations. I just don't believe its a valid excuse for what we saw on that video.

And, Bill, I know a hell of a lot more about this than you have any clue. You always talk like guns are pretty bunch the same as spitballs. If you ever have occasion to actually use your gun, actually take a life, you will finally know how wrong you are.

What have I ever posted that even comes close to implying this.....please read more carefully in the future.....
Now that the dash cam's public we see the reality of what happened. The guy ran. If you're innocent you don't run. This "black terror of police" is utter nonsense. Everything was fine and calm up until that point. More we hear about this supposed legitimate fear of police blacks have, the more likely this is going to happen again as more run.

Did the guy deserve to be shot? Yes. Because he ran. In many countries if you flee from police you can be shot at. The assumption is you have a good reason to run and it's not that you're a sweet little angel but some kind of violent offender the world's better off without.

While I fear the officer's going to be figuratively hanged to prevent another Ferguson, he'd always be welcomed here and have a place to crash at. As would anyone who puts on a badge and stands a watch on the wall so the rest of us can sleep.

Go back to North Korea or whatever police state from which you came.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

No...actually, the don't.....and most don't maintain the training after they qualify at the academy........
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

And at what point did I say the CCW was complete firearm more carefully....
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should. will tell you what you need to know about cops and guns....

Leave Guns To The Police They re Professionals - The Truth About Guns
Not a his job he approaches cars with who knows what sort of person is in it....his job is not one for cowards............and actual combat and hand to hand as well as gun have no clue what you are saying because you don't know anything about it.....

He dropped the tazer because he knew he was screwed...again...he panicked......
What gun fight do you speak of? The guy didn't have a gun.

It was a physical confrontation.....the adrenaline is pumping and we have a gap in the video.....the guy who took the video says they were struggling on the ground, I saw a still image of the cop holding the guys wrist........once the adrenaline starts vision, hearing and time perception are completely screwed up.....

Combat of any nature, unarmed or armed, or unarmed leading to armed is a chemical dump.......and people can't always overcome it.....
Again, cops should be trained to act in a rational manner.

They are...and then they are put in a life or death situation......changes should try it....see how you do.....
Hey, idiot. The cop was not in a life or death situation. And if he was, he should have been properly trained to face that experience.

The unknown is a bitch. It's easy to say all of that once it's over. The unknown is what scares you the most.

It may be exactly what you claim. A cop that gets pissed off because a perp bolted, was run down, resisted, and tried to get away. Then again, the cop didn't know if this perp was trying to evade capture for a more serious crime.
At the class I took for CCW the instructor owned the range....they did experiments on the effect of adrenaline on vision, hearing and time of the things they did was get a guy on the firing line....his instruction was to draw and fire twice when he heard the buzzer....then they started screaming at him,may have even jostled him a little and got him amped up.....the buzzer went off he shot, and lowered his weapon keeping it down range....

They asked him how many times did you fire...he said 2....they said emptied your weapon.....he looked down and sure enough his weapon was breached locked open and his magazine was empty....then they asked him did you hear us use the air horn......he thought they were of them pulled the air horn from behind his back...and showed him the vided (almost all ranges have video cameras covering the firing line)

They got the he is shooting, one of the instructors puts the air horn next to his head and sounds it off........he flinches, but keeps shooting....part of his brain acknowleged the sound, but didn't distract the part that was shooting.......

He swears he never heard the air horn......

Another example....a friend and I were instructors at a martial arts school in the 90s...he was the executive chef at a banquet facility in Lake day the woman from personel goes to his office and tells him his dishwasher's Social Security numbers aren't working....he goes down and tells them...look, I don't care if they are fake, you just have to get it straightened this point he had been told that none of the latinos spoke English......

Later in the day he is out on the loading dock smoking when the guy in charge of the latinos drives up and confronts him about the issue....this is the guy who drops off the workers at the start of the shift and picks them up at the end....

He tells my friend to mind his own business and to not talk to the guys he brings.....not a smart friend...the guy in charge, grew up rough and told the guy to fuck off and who did he think he was, and to get his ass off the property....
Well...the guy lunges and grabs my friend around the throat with both friend and I are instructors at a martial arts friend told me he tried to break the choke by bringing his forearm down on the guys arms....that didn't work.......

Now here is the part for the rest of you......

He then told me the next thing he knew...the guy was on his back, on the dock, and my friend had him by the throat with one hand, his other hand ready to punch his lights out, and his knee on the guys chest.....the guy gave up at that point....

The friend told me he has no idea how the guy got on the ground from the standing second they were standing and he was being choked, the next thing the guy is on the ground about to be punched out..... these things...before you talk out of your ass.......
CCW training is a joke. Cops get much more training than that, or they should.

No...actually, the don't.....and most don't maintain the training after they qualify at the academy........
Yes, actually they do. I see you are talking out of your ass again.

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