South Carolina Police Officer

he panicked because he was a coward...

Yes.....and you have obviously been in numerous struggles with people resisting arrest....and you were right there when this happened........try getting a clue before you comment....
He was running away. Jesus quit making shit up.

Not making it the people who have actually been in fights and in gun fights....then tell me I'm wrong...till should think before you post....
You are an idiot. :thup:
Now that the dash cam's public we see the reality of what happened. The guy ran. If you're innocent you don't run.
Not always true. People are stupid.

Did the guy deserve to be shot? Yes. Because he ran.
Please cite me the statute in any state where fleeing from the police carries the death penalty. Or that even for cases where the crime is a capital one, the officer can summary execute. Shooting a fleeing man is clearly not self defense and unless there were clear indications that Scott was armed, dangerous, and/or a specific threat, then shooting was uncalled for.

In many countries if you flee from police you can be shot at. The assumption is you have a good reason to run and it's not that you're a sweet little angel but some kind of violent offender the world's better off without.
Yeah, except in this country we have the presumption of innocence.

Didn't say it was legal. Said he deserved to be shot.
We all deserve it.
he panicked because he was a coward...

Yes.....and you have obviously been in numerous struggles with people resisting arrest....and you were right there when this happened........try getting a clue before you comment....

i'll comment what i want, when i want...

clue yourself into the law, like the rest of his officer colleagues who immediately recognized how wrong he was.
Let's get something very clear here. Trayvon Martin's character as being prone to violence was brought out as part of the case because it was pertinent to the defense.

Ditto Michael Brown. But only because this aspect of their character was crucial to the defense.

AND neither "deserved" to die; but unfortunate events that they participated in and were active in led to their deaths.

Not so Garner or Scott. And one more time I don't care if they declared bankruptcy one or were arrears in child support it doesn't make them low life scum for crying out loud.

And in both those cases it was an out of control over the top officer who killed them.

I don't give a flying rats ass if Scott was running away from this rogue cop. The policeman is supposed to be a professional and be able to deal with situations like this.

Scott was no threat whatsoever to the policeman. Neither was Garner.

Both in my mind were murdered by rogue cops.
Massasd Ayoob tells how in a fight where the defender shoots someone, it is very possible to start shooting at someone facing you and as you are drawing and pulling the trigger they have turned...the actual threat was there, but the time to stop your action isn't.....and he gets hit in the back...that is one of the effects of adrenaline and it's effect on vision, hearing and time perception....

That is why you often have cops and defenders emptying their guns and not knowing is also how you have two men shooting at each other from within 10 ft and both of them empty their guns and miss every shot.........

One of the famous duty police officer is knocked to the ground in a Bank ATM booth...the criminal standing on one side of the booth....both empty their guns at each other...both miss every shot....and a room of no more than about 10 feet.....

Study gun fights and combat.......then you will have a clue.......
He probably ran, knowing he would be going to jail for nonpayment of child support. He could have gotten a year.
The cop is finished.....the video is enough for that, add in the dropping of the way will anyone understand what the possible dynamic was involved and planting evidence finishes him off.......
he panicked because he was a coward...

Yes.....and you have obviously been in numerous struggles with people resisting arrest....and you were right there when this happened........try getting a clue before you comment....

i'll comment what i want, when i want...

clue yourself into the law, like the rest of his officer colleagues who immediately recognized how wrong he was.

I understand the don't understand combat.......try investigating it.....broaden your percpective a little....
you should study combat and fighting and the bodies chemcial reactions to that situation

Now can you do the same reasoning for someone confronted by police or are the citizens supposed to have more composure of their bodies chemical reactions more than cops

Yeah....why do you think the guy ran instead of just complying....adrenaline would say...he panicked.....

I dunno why but I'm always curious why people think only cops have these adrenaline dumps and other humans dont or its not considered
Massasd Ayoob tells how in a fight where the defender shoots someone, it is very possible to start shooting at someone facing you and as you are drawing and pulling the trigger they have turned...the actual threat was there, but the time to stop your action isn't.....and he gets hit in the back...that is one of the effects of adrenaline and it's effect on vision, hearing and time perception....

That is why you often have cops and defenders emptying their guns and not knowing is also how you have two men shooting at each other from within 10 ft and both of them empty their guns and miss every shot.........

One of the famous duty police officer is knocked to the ground in a Bank ATM booth...the criminal standing on one side of the booth....both empty their guns at each other...both miss every shot....and a room of no more than about 10 feet.....

Study gun fights and combat.......then you will have a clue.......
Piss off, you moron. The cop shot him 5 times in the back.

I hope this cop is executed. Perhaps that will serve as an example to other cops facing the temptation of slaughtering someone who doesn't deserve it.

Did the guy deserve to be shot? Yes. Because he ran.

Focus on this logic
He should put that up for a GOP campaign slogan.
Delta 4 is a Dummycrap....
I guess that's why he supports so many GOP ideals.

Other than having various positions, I'm completely apolitical with US politics. My only connection to the GOP comes from having the phone number of someone who apparently donated to them once and for the first 10 years or so having the number got fund-raising solictation calls for the guy. :) "No there's no XXXX here, think he musta been the previous lease holder of this number." :)

Consider myself a moderate. Have a few Republican positions, a few Democrat ones, and a lot of 'act locally, think globally ones.'

If you're a moderate, I'm Gandhi....
Guess we know which side of the law you guys are on huh.

(goes from condition 3 to condition 1 is a very overt manner) :)
I`m against shooting a man 8 times in the back, always have been. Perhaps this cop is a Chris Kyle wannabe who joined the police force for all the wrong reasons.

Police are trained to empty their weapons if they fire. Under combat stress most will revert to whatever they've been trained to do.
Police are trained in levels of threat response to situations, escalation/deescalation, the suspect was running from the officer with no obvious weapon therefore no longer posed threat, the officer was supposed to follow his training and deescalate not escalate to the use of deadly force. The officer basically was caught committing an illegal execution, i.e. he intentionally murdered the subject.
Holy toledo! Stop with this shit of blaming this victim because his character doesn't warrant being killed in cold blood.

What are we ISIS? Behind in child support now makes you a low life scum that deserves to die by cop?

No way. How many men in America then need to be shot today because they are in arrears in child support?

What next? Overdue credit cards means you need to eat a bullet?

Mortgage payments not up to date? You need to die?

Let's get real here.

Who are you and what did you do with the real tinydancer

QUOTE="Luddly Neddite, post: 11161109, member: 32558"]
Holy toledo! Stop with this shit of blaming this victim because his character doesn't warrant being killed in cold blood.

What are we ISIS? Behind in child support now makes you a low life scum that deserves to die by cop?

No way. How many men in America then need to be shot today because they are in arrears in child support?

What next? Overdue credit cards means you need to eat a bullet?

Mortgage payments not up to date? You need to die?

Let's get real here.

Who are you and what did you do with the real tinydancer ?? You always blame the victim.

You might want to read this thread -

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ah luddly. You must have missed all the threads I put up about the over militarization of police forces.
I've been on the case way before the night the fools sent in the police to disburse the peaceful protest in Ferguson. The nightmarish situations of officers murdering family pets just because they could has had me spitting bullets and tracking this for the past few years.

One case in particular that stuck in my craw and I put up in a thread was when over some marijuana these wise guys cops instead of just waiting to bust a man coming out of the house he was in, decided to launch a full scale swat team raid and threw a flash grenade that landed in a baby's crib and almost killed the baby.

And not only did I put up the thread but I worked comment sections and protested as best I could via this old box in the middle of nowhere.

Oh and just last night in Current Events I put up this horrible case that just happened yesterday where 8 policemen tazered and kicked and punched a victim in the head and groin WHILE a bloody NBC helicopter filmed the whole damn thing.

I'm from the "power to the people" days luddly.


I've never changed. And I'm very passionate about over reach whether it's government or by extension the police. And I still take action as best I can.
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