South Carolina Republican Primary Thread

The GOP Establishment wants Marco Rubio...

Hey GOP Do Not Go Full "Hornswoggled Sodomize" On The Donald .... You Never go Full "Hornswoggled Sodomize" on the Donald....He will sue your ass; ogle your daughter and run a third party up your "Jersey Highway"...........
The GOP Establishment wants Marco Rubio...

Hey GOP Do Not Go Full "Hornswoggled Sodomize" On The Donald .... You Never go Full "Hornswoggled Sodomize" on the Donald....He will sue your ass; ogle your daughter and run a third party up your "Jersey Highway"...........
Only establishment they have no choice..........It is a lack of options.
Trump has the highest negatives amongst Republicans of the remaining candidates in a poll done earlier this week.
View attachment 64232

But according to your chart, he also has the highest favorables...

By the logic of your chart, you should nominate James Gilmore, as he has the lowest unfavorables, as no one actually knows who he is....

Here's the real question. Now that Rubio has finally become the anointed of the establishment, because all their other options truly sucked and have dropped out, will he hold up to the scrutiny when it is shined on him?

Such as his using his influence to get his convicted coke dealing brother in law a realtor's license in Florida.

Or his running up huge credit card debts...on a card owned by the Florida GOP...

Yes, so far, the establishment demolition derby has been busy destroying Bush and Christie and Rubio has so far escaped any real look at his personal and political baggage, but I don't think that's going to last.

Here's the real problem you guys have. Trump's supporters are enthusiastic. They really believe in their guy. Cruz's supporters are enthusiastic. They really believe in their guy.

Rubio's supporters are, "meh, well, Jeb turned out to be a dud, and Christie got caught up in Bridgegate... so I guess I'll go with Rubio. He's Hispanic, that's a good thing, right?"

Rubio's transgressions are small potatoes compared to Hillary's.
Rubio's transgressions are small potatoes compared to Hillary's.

Right... the Right Wing has spent 70 million dollars trying to prove Hillary's "transgressions". I'm willing to bet that most people consider "abusing a credit card for personal gain" tobe more serious than "Used the wrong e-mail server".

Call us when Rubio is under investigation by the FBI for abusing a credit card.

FBI's Hillary Clinton email investigation not letting up
Call us when Rubio is under investigation by the FBI for abusing a credit card.

It's not a matter of investigations, it's a matter of optics.

Most reasonable people wouldn't want to be prosecuted for what might show up in their e-mail, and they probalby don't think Hillary should be, either.

Most reasonable people don't get to charge personal expenses on company credit cards.

But you keep hoping on Rubio. After he loses, the Cons will say, "Well, if only you ran a REAL conservative!!!"
Cruz and rubio are not electable period. What anyone sees in them is thee question.

I was asking the same question about Trump. I can only assume that the entire state of South Carolina got drunk and went to vote as a goof.

You do realize that that reaction is mentally unhealthy for you, right?

It is called schizophrenia, the reality around you is not as important as the fantasy in your noggin.


Ahhh, yes. The standard Cult of Personality voter response: "You don't like my candidate, so you're evil, and MUST be a supporter of the other party, and crazy! There is no world in which my candidate isn't the sane, brilliant, received-wisdom-from-on-high!"

And then they start foaming at the mouth and showing the white all around their irises, and have to go have a lie-down.
Problem is, there's no reason whatsoever to reassess my feelings about Trump AS a candidate, let alone *shudder* President.
Yeah, nothing like winning two primaries in a row, no, wait, he has won ALL primaries so far, none of that should spur you to give the guy a second look because, well that is so hard and all and you might break a nail. :)

Yeah, um, "All the primaries" would be the same as two. And he lost the caucus. I know you DESPERATELY want to declare him the winner and the race over, but if I were you, I wouldn't be in such a rush for the time when the media stops enjoying his little carnival sideshow and buckles down to seriously dismantling him.
Look, I can't stress this enough, Donald Trump is an omen for the GOP... in all 3 races now, Marco Rubio wins the question of electability, yet Trump still won. Look, so many people say oh, well Trump says it like it is and I like what he says... You know what, talk is cheap. Look, you have two politically seasoned Democratic candidates, you have two politically seasoned Republican candidates, then theres Donald Trump. When you go to a general election, how is Donald Trumpp going to defend himself when he is talking the way he is. "I'm going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it," "America is going to be great again," "America will win again," you can only say these things so long until people ask how? And back to my argument, talk is cheap. You can say all that people want to hear, but until you prove your point, you have no credibility. Plus the fact, lets all admit this man is not presidential quality. It's a huge joke, and the GOP is in trouble.
I agree with you that Cruz and Rubio are seasoned politicians. That's exactly the problem. Cruz is pulling dirty tricks in the campaign and Rubio wants a path to citizenship, no wall and lots of lobbyists, large donors and special interests to give favors to. Sorry, I am not convinced that politics as usual is the answer.
But an outsider should not be the answer. Experience matters in a job to this magnitude. I'm not saying Cruz's ideas are by any means right, but him, Rubio, and Kasich have experience that running America needs. Donalld Trump wouldn't just sit and say oh I know exactly what to do. America cannot afford to have someone like Trump who threatens the power and diplomacy our government has consistently shown the rest of the world. I cannot trust Trump going to say Iran, and have a civil conversation with him. Trump does not have the demeanor and professionalism it takes to have the most important job in America.

I don't have a problem with the concept of "outsider", but I think the lunatic fringe has taken over and defined as something ludicrous and ultimately harmful to the country, no matter which way you slice it.

If rank-and-file Republicans had brain one left in their heads, rather than just mindless, directionless rage, they'd be looking for a someone outside the GOP establishment who's actually sober, serious, and reliable, not just some bloviating conspiracy theorist white-trash twit who's going to do God-knows-what in office, and in the most crass, undignified, globally embarrassing fashion he can possibly concoct.
Look, I can't stress this enough, Donald Trump is an omen for the GOP... in all 3 races now, Marco Rubio wins the question of electability, yet Trump still won. Look, so many people say oh, well Trump says it like it is and I like what he says... You know what, talk is cheap. Look, you have two politically seasoned Democratic candidates, you have two politically seasoned Republican candidates, then theres Donald Trump. When you go to a general election, how is Donald Trumpp going to defend himself when he is talking the way he is. "I'm going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it," "America is going to be great again," "America will win again," you can only say these things so long until people ask how? And back to my argument, talk is cheap. You can say all that people want to hear, but until you prove your point, you have no credibility. Plus the fact, lets all admit this man is not presidential quality. It's a huge joke, and the GOP is in trouble.
I agree with you that Cruz and Rubio are seasoned politicians. That's exactly the problem. Cruz is pulling dirty tricks in the campaign and Rubio wants a path to citizenship, no wall and lots of lobbyists, large donors and special interests to give favors to. Sorry, I am not convinced that politics as usual is the answer.
But an outsider should not be the answer. Experience matters in a job to this magnitude. I'm not saying Cruz's ideas are by any means right, but him, Rubio, and Kasich have experience that running America needs. Donalld Trump wouldn't just sit and say oh I know exactly what to do. America cannot afford to have someone like Trump who threatens the power and diplomacy our government has consistently shown the rest of the world. I cannot trust Trump going to say Iran, and have a civil conversation with him. Trump does not have the demeanor and professionalism it takes to have the most important job in America.
I agree with you about his demeanor, but he is improving.
If John Adams and Thomas Jefferson can come in as outsiders and make the incredible Constitution, I would trust an outsider. I don't think Trump will be owing favors to anyone. And that is big. He won't be in anybody's back pocket. How many politicians can you say that about? I think we should eliminate all congresspeople and start over with term limits!

Improving? Improving?! How do you figure that?

Furthermore, we've already discussed this "Rich donors behind candidates are bad, so let's cut the middleman and make the rich donor the candidate! THAT'LL do away with corporate favoritism!" nonsense line of yours. Trump is going to pursue the same interests and biases as an officeholder as he always pursued as a donor to officeholders and potential officeholders.

When Nelson Rockefeller ran for office, it was trumpeted that he was "buying the office". Ditto John F. Kennedy. Now, suddenly, we consider that a marvelous idea. If Mr. Trump succeeds in gaining the office without anyone’s financial support—from the waitresses, schoolteachers, and garage mechanics—will he owe the voters anything? This, of course, is a question to be asked only if you are still clinging to the laughably false notion that Trump IS entirely self-funding, which he is not, and he certainly will not be if he wins the nomination. So just how far down the road of "Ehrmagerd, he's so RICH and SUCCESSFUL, I just LOVE that!" are you willing to go?

Trump is not John Adams or Thomas Jefferson. He's not only not in the same ballpark, he's not even in the same sport. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and all the other Founding Fathers were brilliant, dignified, respected members of their communities. Trump is a reality-show joke who hasn't figured out that this is real life.
It's not a matter of investigations, it's a matter of optics.

It's a matter of optics about being under investigation by the FBI for compromising national security.

Lots of people have had problems with credit cards. Not many people can relate to being under investigation by the FBI for mishandling classified material.

I mean, you're not even making a serious argument.
And once again more than 60 percent of republicans vote for someone other than Trump.
Once again, Trump takes most of the votes, proving there is a movement in this country that we don't like how our politics work. We want a change from the Establishment Rule.

That is exactly right. That is why I think Trump gets most of Cruzes people except the cadre, and almost all of Carsons people too. These are anti-establishment candidates.

Kasich is not getting out before Ohio, which is like March 15th I think. That will already have more than half the delegates awarded and Trump a mathematically insurmountable lead by then.
Trump won't get the Cruz voters that listen to the Blaze's Glenn Beck. Trump is Satan to Beck.

I doubt Trump is ever going to get more than 1/4 - 1/3 of right-wing voters.
Trump's base is white males under 30 with high school, or less, education. Bernie is the same, except they are college kids. Neither candidate has a chance at the convention. I don't know much about Bernie, but I have been around long enough to know that the American public is not collectively stupid enough to elect Trump.
Look, I can't stress this enough, Donald Trump is an omen for the GOP... in all 3 races now, Marco Rubio wins the question of electability, yet Trump still won. Look, so many people say oh, well Trump says it like it is and I like what he says... You know what, talk is cheap. Look, you have two politically seasoned Democratic candidates, you have two politically seasoned Republican candidates, then theres Donald Trump. When you go to a general election, how is Donald Trumpp going to defend himself when he is talking the way he is. "I'm going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it," "America is going to be great again," "America will win again," you can only say these things so long until people ask how? And back to my argument, talk is cheap. You can say all that people want to hear, but until you prove your point, you have no credibility. Plus the fact, lets all admit this man is not presidential quality. It's a huge joke, and the GOP is in trouble.
I agree with you that Cruz and Rubio are seasoned politicians. That's exactly the problem. Cruz is pulling dirty tricks in the campaign and Rubio wants a path to citizenship, no wall and lots of lobbyists, large donors and special interests to give favors to. Sorry, I am not convinced that politics as usual is the answer.
But an outsider should not be the answer. Experience matters in a job to this magnitude. I'm not saying Cruz's ideas are by any means right, but him, Rubio, and Kasich have experience that running America needs. Donalld Trump wouldn't just sit and say oh I know exactly what to do. America cannot afford to have someone like Trump who threatens the power and diplomacy our government has consistently shown the rest of the world. I cannot trust Trump going to say Iran, and have a civil conversation with him. Trump does not have the demeanor and professionalism it takes to have the most important job in America.
I agree with you about his demeanor, but he is improving.
If John Adams and Thomas Jefferson can come in as outsiders and make the incredible Constitution, I would trust an outsider. I don't think Trump will be owing favors to anyone. And that is big. He won't be in anybody's back pocket. How many politicians can you say that about? I think we should eliminate all congresspeople and start over with term limits!

Improving? Improving?! How do you figure that?

Furthermore, we've already discussed this "Rich donors behind candidates are bad, so let's cut the middleman and make the rich donor the candidate! THAT'LL do away with corporate favoritism!" nonsense line of yours. Trump is going to pursue the same interests and biases as an officeholder as he always pursued as a donor to officeholders and potential officeholders.

When Nelson Rockefeller ran for office, it was trumpeted that he was "buying the office". Ditto John F. Kennedy. Now, suddenly, we consider that a marvelous idea. If Mr. Trump succeeds in gaining the office without anyone’s financial support—from the waitresses, schoolteachers, and garage mechanics—will he owe the voters anything? This, of course, is a question to be asked only if you are still clinging to the laughably false notion that Trump IS entirely self-funding, which he is not, and he certainly will not be if he wins the nomination. So just how far down the road of "Ehrmagerd, he's so RICH and SUCCESSFUL, I just LOVE that!" are you willing to go?

Trump is not John Adams or Thomas Jefferson. He's not only not in the same ballpark, he's not even in the same sport. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and all the other Founding Fathers were brilliant, dignified, respected members of their communities. Trump is a reality-show joke who hasn't figured out that this is real life.
The main stream people are supporting him with as much as a $2700 donation, generally much less. He will, I believe working for the people and not the large donors of special interests.
It's a matter of optics about being under investigation by the FBI for compromising national security.

except no one outside the Right Wing Fever Swamps really thinks she did that. Come on Toro, I expect this sort of thing out of some of the Right Wing Nuts like Crusader Frank or TemplarKormac, but I kind of thought you were more, er, pragmatic.

Lots of people have had problems with credit cards. Not many people can relate to being under investigation by the FBI for mishandling classified material.

People have problems with their OWN credit cards.

Of course, the Credit Cards are probably the least of Rubio's problems. Getting a special deal for his coke-dealing Brother In Law is probably a bigger one.
Trump's base is white males under 30 with high school, or less, education. Bernie is the same, except they are college kids. Neither candidate has a chance at the convention. I don't know much about Bernie, but I have been around long enough to know that the American public is not collectively stupid enough to elect Trump.

i wouldn't go that far. They weren't supposed to elect Ventura or Schwarzeneger, either. But they did... in liberal states.

We live in a society that equates celebrity with merit.
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
Your Avatar, is that a picture of your bride?
On the site I was on Rubio was 1,100 votes ahead of Cruz with 98.7% of the vote in. A few minutes later, the totals showed Cruz UP by over 600 votes.. I about FREAKED. Had Creepshow Cruz pulled a Franken and found 2K votes in the truck of a car, in a restroom stall? I was seething....then I refreshed the page and Rubio was back in control...whatever happened, it was corrected and I cracked open a victory beer. :alcoholic:
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
Your Avatar, is that a picture of your bride?

your avatar is jesus ? :ahole-1:

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