South Carolina Republican Primary Thread

After another trouncing in South Carolina last night, Jeb Bush tearfully pulled out of the race. For now.

And all the money behind the Bushes is now shifting to that Whore In Waiting, Marco Rubio.

Trump needs to be really careful. Bombastic as he is, he'd be better than evil Cruz and evil-wannabe Rubio (whom you can just tell is going places, eventually -- he has Latino Reagan written all over him).

And whoever get the Republican nomination better not make Jeb their runningmate, if they're careful.

They've chosen Rubio now for a reason. He's as telegenic and as bright as Reagan, and, likewise, his Faustian personality will permit his gaffes to be overlooked and forgotten instantly --- and he wants it in a way Jeb and the others don't (although Trump does).

Rubio will rise, if not this year then in the future --- and that's why all the superrich cash is now moving there.

Plus, the missing 1990 prostitution bust record is undoubtedly in their hands. Not that Marco would ever consider doing anything to displease the global mega-corporations.

'Cause a good whore does what he's told. And Marco Rubio is a good whore.
Trump's base is white males under 30 with high school, or less, education. Bernie is the same, except they are college kids. Neither candidate has a chance at the convention. I don't know much about Bernie, but I have been around long enough to know that the American public is not collectively stupid enough to elect Trump.
Well you are stupid enough to blow lies out of your pie hole.

In recent polls Trump is winning across all demographics.

SCHRC Poll 2 18.pdf
except no one outside the Right Wing Fever Swamps really thinks she did that. Come on Toro, I expect this sort of thing out of some of the Right Wing Nuts like Crusader Frank or TemplarKormac, but I kind of thought you were more, er, pragmatic.

She is under investigation by the FBI.



This is not a made-up right-wing conspiracy. She really is being investigated by the FBI.

They may not press charges. But the fact that the former Secretary of State for Obama is being investigated by the Department of Justice for Obama speaks volumes, if, at the very least, the poor judgement she exhibited as SoS. At worst, she committed crimes.

That is many, many multitudes worse than using the party credit card to redecorate your house.
why do republicans have fewer delegates to win than democrats have to win?
Democrats have more donators to pay off politically than republicans.

Well, it's true that Republicans don't get their financing in one or two enormous gulps from the likes of the Trial Lawyers Association.
you mean like the oil industry or like wall street or like the Koch Brothers or like the NRA or like the chamber of commerce, or like the bankers or like PHARMA? :lol:

a gazillion enormous gulps I suppose...
She is under investigation by the FBI.



This is not a made-up right-wing conspiracy. She really is being investigated by the FBI.

They may not press charges. But the fact that the former Secretary of State for Obama is being investigated by the Department of Justice for Obama speaks volumes, if, at the very least, the poor judgement she exhibited as SoS. At worst, she committed crimes.

That is many, many multitudes worse than using the party credit card to redecorate your house.

Dr. King was investigated by the FBI. The FBI has a long history of abusing the rights of average and famous Americans alike.

So until you prove to me she did something more serious than "used the wrong email server", all you have is a tiresome investigation of the Clintons... and it isn't like we haven't seen those before.
Dr. King was investigated by the FBI. The FBI has a long history of abusing the rights of average and famous Americans alike.

So until you prove to me she did something more serious than "used the wrong email server", all you have is a tiresome investigation of the Clintons... and it isn't like we haven't seen those before.

King was investigated by the FBI under orders from Bobby Kennedy.
Dr. King was investigated by the FBI. The FBI has a long history of abusing the rights of average and famous Americans alike.

So until you prove to me she did something more serious than "used the wrong email server", all you have is a tiresome investigation of the Clintons... and it isn't like we haven't seen those before.

King was investigated by the FBI under orders from Bobby Kennedy.

Right. And to throw off suspicion, Bobby Kennedy ordered the FBI to investigate himself, as well. :eusa_whistle:
She is under investigation by the FBI.



This is not a made-up right-wing conspiracy. She really is being investigated by the FBI.

They may not press charges. But the fact that the former Secretary of State for Obama is being investigated by the Department of Justice for Obama speaks volumes, if, at the very least, the poor judgement she exhibited as SoS. At worst, she committed crimes.

That is many, many multitudes worse than using the party credit card to redecorate your house.

Dr. King was investigated by the FBI. The FBI has a long history of abusing the rights of average and famous Americans alike.

So until you prove to me she did something more serious than "used the wrong email server", all you have is a tiresome investigation of the Clintons... and it isn't like we haven't seen those before.


Yeah, that's it.

The Clintons are just like MLK.

What a hack.
Dr. King was investigated by the FBI. The FBI has a long history of abusing the rights of average and famous Americans alike.

So until you prove to me she did something more serious than "used the wrong email server", all you have is a tiresome investigation of the Clintons... and it isn't like we haven't seen those before.

King was investigated by the FBI under orders from Bobby Kennedy.

Right. And to throw off suspicion, Bobby Kennedy ordered the FBI to investigate himself, as well. :eusa_whistle:
J Edgar Hoover, when it came to investigating Americans, was definitely a self starter.
except no one outside the Right Wing Fever Swamps really thinks she did that. Come on Toro, I expect this sort of thing out of some of the Right Wing Nuts like Crusader Frank or TemplarKormac, but I kind of thought you were more, er, pragmatic.

She is under investigation by the FBI.



This is not a made-up right-wing conspiracy. She really is being investigated by the FBI.

They may not press charges. But the fact that the former Secretary of State for Obama is being investigated by the Department of Justice for Obama speaks volumes, if, at the very least, the poor judgement she exhibited as SoS. At worst, she committed crimes.

That is many, many multitudes worse than using the party credit card to redecorate your house.
Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
Here's what's wrong with Jeb Bush saying Hillary Clinton is under FBI investigation
By Lauren Carroll on Thursday, January 14th, 2016 at 11:04 p.m.

If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she might find herself preoccupied with an FBI investigation, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said at a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina.

"She’s under investigation with the FBI right now," Bush said Jan. 14. "If she gets elected, her first 100 days — instead of setting an agenda, she might be going back and forth between the White House and the court house."

Actually, Clinton is not under FBI investigation. The inquiry to which Bush refers revolves around the private email server Clinton used while serving as secretary of state. And it is not a criminal investigation.

Here are the facts.

In July 2015, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community sent what is called a security referral to members of the executive branch. A security referral is essentially a notification that classified information might exist in a location outside of the government’s possession. In this case, the location was Clinton’s private email server.

Soon after, the New York Times incorrectly reported that the inspectors general requested a criminal investigation into Clinton’s email use — as opposed to a security referral. But the newspaper later issued two corrections. The referral was in connection with Clinton’s account, not whether Clinton herself mishandled information, and did not allege criminal activity.

Officials told reporters at the time that the FBI was not targeting Clinton specifically.

As part of its inquiry, the FBI has looked into the security setup for Clinton’s home server and a thumb drive that has copies of Clinton’s work emails. But most details of the investigation have remained secret. It’s even unclear at this point whether the FBI probe is just a preliminary inquiry or if it has evolved into a true investigation, according to Politico.

Describing the inquiry, FBI Director James Comey told Congress in October 2015, "The FBI is working on a referral given to us by inspectors general in connection with former Sec. Clinton’s use of a private email server."

He declined to give any more specifics.

Earlier this month, Fox News reported that the FBI was broadening its investigation to look into whether any connection between the State Department under Clinton and the nonprofit Clinton Foundation violated public corruption laws. Clinton denied that FBI was pursuing this line of inquiry.

However, Fox bases its report on unnamed sources, so we cannot independently verify it, nor have any major media outlets.

Bush’s campaign and the FBI did not respond to our requests for comment in time for publication.

Our ruling

Bush said Clinton is "under investigation with the FBI right now."

Not quite. The FBI is conducting a general inquiry into the security of Clinton’s private email server. But law enforcement officials have said Clinton herself is not the target of the inquiry, and it is not a full-blown criminal investigation.

Clinton’s actions are clearly front-and-center in an FBI investigation. But Bush goes too far to claim Clinton herself is under investigation. We rate his statement Half True.
it is the same thing every four years, clueless republicans jumping into the same factless boats as always, only this time there is a boat named trump, who is also hillary clinton's trojan horse! hillary is taking this win all the way home as the GOP implodes on trump.
Look, I can't stress this enough, Donald Trump is an omen for the GOP... in all 3 races now, Marco Rubio wins the question of electability, yet Trump still won. Look, so many people say oh, well Trump says it like it is and I like what he says... You know what, talk is cheap. Look, you have two politically seasoned Democratic candidates, you have two politically seasoned Republican candidates, then theres Donald Trump. When you go to a general election, how is Donald Trumpp going to defend himself when he is talking the way he is. "I'm going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it," "America is going to be great again," "America will win again," you can only say these things so long until people ask how? And back to my argument, talk is cheap. You can say all that people want to hear, but until you prove your point, you have no credibility. Plus the fact, lets all admit this man is not presidential quality. It's a huge joke, and the GOP is in trouble.
I agree with you that Cruz and Rubio are seasoned politicians. That's exactly the problem. Cruz is pulling dirty tricks in the campaign and Rubio wants a path to citizenship, no wall and lots of lobbyists, large donors and special interests to give favors to. Sorry, I am not convinced that politics as usual is the answer.
But an outsider should not be the answer. Experience matters in a job to this magnitude. I'm not saying Cruz's ideas are by any means right, but him, Rubio, and Kasich have experience that running America needs. Donalld Trump wouldn't just sit and say oh I know exactly what to do. America cannot afford to have someone like Trump who threatens the power and diplomacy our government has consistently shown the rest of the world. I cannot trust Trump going to say Iran, and have a civil conversation with him. Trump does not have the demeanor and professionalism it takes to have the most important job in America.
I agree with you about his demeanor, but he is improving.
If John Adams and Thomas Jefferson can come in as outsiders and make the incredible Constitution, I would trust an outsider. I don't think Trump will be owing favors to anyone. And that is big. He won't be in anybody's back pocket. How many politicians can you say that about? I think we should eliminate all congresspeople and start over with term limits!

Improving? Improving?! How do you figure that?

Furthermore, we've already discussed this "Rich donors behind candidates are bad, so let's cut the middleman and make the rich donor the candidate! THAT'LL do away with corporate favoritism!" nonsense line of yours. Trump is going to pursue the same interests and biases as an officeholder as he always pursued as a donor to officeholders and potential officeholders.

When Nelson Rockefeller ran for office, it was trumpeted that he was "buying the office". Ditto John F. Kennedy. Now, suddenly, we consider that a marvelous idea. If Mr. Trump succeeds in gaining the office without anyone’s financial support—from the waitresses, schoolteachers, and garage mechanics—will he owe the voters anything? This, of course, is a question to be asked only if you are still clinging to the laughably false notion that Trump IS entirely self-funding, which he is not, and he certainly will not be if he wins the nomination. So just how far down the road of "Ehrmagerd, he's so RICH and SUCCESSFUL, I just LOVE that!" are you willing to go?

Trump is not John Adams or Thomas Jefferson. He's not only not in the same ballpark, he's not even in the same sport. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and all the other Founding Fathers were brilliant, dignified, respected members of their communities. Trump is a reality-show joke who hasn't figured out that this is real life.
The main stream people are supporting him with as much as a $2700 donation, generally much less. He will, I believe working for the people and not the large donors of special interests.

Yeah, well, a lot of people believe a lot of stupid things without any visible, sensible reason to do so. Humans have been falling for con artists, shysters, and snake oil salesmen for as long as they've existed. Wasn't really expecting that to change.

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