South Carolina Republican Primary Thread

Trump has the highest negatives amongst Republicans of the remaining candidates in a poll done earlier this week.
GOP favorability.png
If democrats win and establish majorities on the court, will they get rid of the 2nd amendment? Will they outlaw all guns once and for all? Will our taxes raise to 90%. Will there be single payer by Court edict?

Well- Um.

No, they won't get rid of the second Amendment. They may rediscover that part about "Well-regulated Militias" and realize that Joker Holmes and the San Bernadino Shooter don't constitute one of those.
Isn't it strange that the Founder's Bill of Rights all applied to the rights of the People, but the 2nd only applied to the military?
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Get a movement to overthrow your radical leaders and I'll endorse you..........don't see that happening....


we did it
A Documentary about Iran + Green Movement ... - YouTube
upload_2016-2-21_16-46-31.jpeg▶ 48:08
Jun 13, 2012 - Uploaded by ava s
A Documentary about Iran + Green Movement, "30+1" ... History of Modern Iran Rogue State - BBC ...

even we called usa for help .but usa didnt help us
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Get a movement to overthrow your radical leaders and I'll endorse you..........don't see that happening....


we did it
A Documentary about Iran + Green Movement ... - YouTube
View attachment 64236▶ 48:08
Jun 13, 2012 - Uploaded by ava s
A Documentary about Iran + Green Movement, "30+1" ... History of Modern Iran Rogue State - BBC ...

even we called usa for help .but usa didnt help us
What kind of help....................I'm not watching that movie..............Your leadership chants death to america..................supports terror groups around the region...........and is attempting to get a Nuke............

Eventually you will get help that you don't the Nuke sites are taken out................will your people overthrow them to end this...............................
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
If I posted in english on that board,would I get a response? I understand that many Iranians speak English..
it is fact
isnt it?

1: trump
2: rubio
3: cruz
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
If I posted in english on that board,would I get a response? I understand that many Iranians speak English..

تالار گفتگوی هم میهن - Hammihan Forum
Introduce Yourself topic
Yet you have a habit of posting the other sides talking points.......

No, i point out just how far the GOP has strayed from common sense.

Dwight Eisenhower would be called a "RINO" today. Ronald Reagan would be called a RINO today. YOu guys have gone so far off the crazy edge that no one can see you anymore.
Given our 19 trillion dollar debt, what is common sense in either Hillarys or Bernies platform of spending and higher taxes?
Trump has the highest negatives amongst Republicans of the remaining candidates in a poll done earlier this week.
View attachment 64232

But according to your chart, he also has the highest favorables...

By the logic of your chart, you should nominate James Gilmore, as he has the lowest unfavorables, as no one actually knows who he is....

Here's the real question. Now that Rubio has finally become the anointed of the establishment, because all their other options truly sucked and have dropped out, will he hold up to the scrutiny when it is shined on him?

Such as his using his influence to get his convicted coke dealing brother in law a realtor's license in Florida.

Or his running up huge credit card debts...on a card owned by the Florida GOP...

Yes, so far, the establishment demolition derby has been busy destroying Bush and Christie and Rubio has so far escaped any real look at his personal and political baggage, but I don't think that's going to last.

Here's the real problem you guys have. Trump's supporters are enthusiastic. They really believe in their guy. Cruz's supporters are enthusiastic. They really believe in their guy.

Rubio's supporters are, "meh, well, Jeb turned out to be a dud, and Christie got caught up in Bridgegate... so I guess I'll go with Rubio. He's Hispanic, that's a good thing, right?"
Isn't it strange that the Founder's Bill of Rights all applied to the rights of the People, but the 2nd only applied to the military?

Yet for most of our history, up until Heller, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpretted the second. It applies to regulation of Militias, NOT personal gun ownership.

That said, I really don't care what the guys who said "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home to whip and rape their slaves thought when they wrote it down. I live in 2016, NOT 1787.

In 2016, does it make sense to allow a guy like Joker Holmes to buy a machine gun with a 100 round magazine when the guy is clearly out of his mind?
Congrats to Iranian starting a the tracking thread for an US primary election! The wonders of the Internet age! Now if we can just get him to run for Ayatollah.........yo.

breaking news : deltex1 endorses dani67 :biggrin:
Is there anything similar to USMB in Iran...where Iranians can openly criticize political/religious leaders? ......or where foreigners can join in you are free to comment on US leaders?
yes .you can but persian

+ khamenei is redline . you cant say very .... comment against khamenei :flameth:
but others like ahamadinejad ...... no problem

+ im defending trump in persian board now :biggrin:
تبریک به همه :ترامپ برنده انتخابات ایالت کاریلونا جنوبی شد/داداش بوش کناره گیری کرد
title: Congratulations To Everyone:trump won south carolina :biggrin:
If I posted in english on that board,would I get a response? I understand that many Iranians speak English..

تالار گفتگوی هم میهن - Hammihan Forum
Introduce Yourself topic
I will try that soon. A bit early now. Need more coffee....
Isn't it strange that the Founder's Bill of Rights all applied to the rights of the People, but the 2nd only applied to the military?

Yet for most of our history, up until Heller, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpretted the second. It applies to regulation of Militias, NOT personal gun ownership.

That said, I really don't care what the guys who said "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home to whip and rape their slaves thought when they wrote it down. I live in 2016, NOT 1787.

In 2016, does it make sense to allow a guy like Joker Holmes to buy a machine gun with a 100 round magazine when the guy is clearly out of his mind?
No it doesn't make sense...but neither does your solution. Good guys can have guns. Bad guys should not. Fix it.
Isn't it strange that the Founder's Bill of Rights all applied to the rights of the People, but the 2nd only applied to the military?

Yet for most of our history, up until Heller, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpretted the second. It applies to regulation of Militias, NOT personal gun ownership.

That said, I really don't care what the guys who said "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home to whip and rape their slaves thought when they wrote it down. I live in 2016, NOT 1787.

In 2016, does it make sense to allow a guy like Joker Holmes to buy a machine gun with a 100 round magazine when the guy is clearly out of his mind?
No it doesn't make sense...but neither does your solution. Good guys can have guns. Bad guys should not. Fix it.
Drugs are bad................let's make a law that makes drugs illegal..............that will fix it.....................
Isn't it strange that the Founder's Bill of Rights all applied to the rights of the People, but the 2nd only applied to the military?

Yet for most of our history, up until Heller, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpretted the second. It applies to regulation of Militias, NOT personal gun ownership.

That said, I really don't care what the guys who said "All Men are Created Equal" and then went home to whip and rape their slaves thought when they wrote it down. I live in 2016, NOT 1787.

In 2016, does it make sense to allow a guy like Joker Holmes to buy a machine gun with a 100 round magazine when the guy is clearly out of his mind?
No it doesn't make sense...but neither does your solution. Good guys can have guns. Bad guys should not. Fix it.
Drugs are bad................let's make a law that makes drugs illegal..............that will fix it.....................
Yeah...I get your drift...enforcing laws is key.
Trump won by a landslide. Hillary barely squeaked out a win. The Democrats have an enthusiasm problem. I realize that problem can change but I also understand that neither Hillary nor Bernie possess any real charisma. They are both dull. Even the Liberal news media mentioned that voter turnout was far less in Iowa and New Hampshire on the Democrat side than on the Republican side. We will have to wait to compare the voter turnouts in Nevada and S. Carolina. I'm betting the results will be similar with a greater turnout favoring the Republicans.

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