South Carolina teen sent home over disgusting t-shirt then throws fit

Teen Sent Home Over ‘Disruptive’ Shirt — but Did the School Go Too Far?

No surprise...I knew as soon as I saw the tiny headline on yahoo news it HAD to have something to do with homosexuality or race mixing...only kind of stupid stories the mainstream media runs...little bitch needs to learn her place. Wear the disgusting shirt elsewhere school is NOT your political platform mmk?

When students were sent home for wearing shirts with the NRA logo, or a variety of firearms, because it was 'disruptive',

did you think that automatically had something to do with homosexuality?
When yahoo news whines about this the way it was worded its a pretty good indication that its a homosexual shirt.I have no problem with a 2nd amendment or NRA shirt...hell we used to shoot guns in school!
Was it a homo shirt? Because SC schools have banned confederate flag shirts also. Which I'm ok with. I assume liberals will agree that both should be banned to prevent disruptive thoughts.
Yes it was a homo shirt. They ban our confederate flag stuff time to start banning theirs.
The school has wide lattitude on what they consider proper attire

A "Nobody knows I am a lesbian" shirt can lead to the student being bullied or harassed. The school doesn't need the headache

Schools do it all the time with T shirts that have political, provocative or offensive messages
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.

There in no case MDK, SCOTUS has ruled on this repeatedly, students , and indeed teachers, do NOT enjoy their full first amendment rights while on school campus.
Why are all these faggots so compelled to advertise their sexual perversion?

It is the 'ME' generation! everyone wants attention, not just 'equal treatment', 'justice', blah, blah, blah...

Also, with Liberals, it is not enough to try to get their way...they always seem to want to 'stick it in your face' on top of it.
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.

There in no case MDK, SCOTUS has ruled on this repeatedly, students , and indeed teachers, do NOT enjoy their full first amendment rights while on school campus.

You're right. I totally forgot about Morse v. Frederick. It was a 5-4 decision so perhaps another case could overturn that precedent. After reading a bit more on this story, I don't believe this will be the case that overturns the aforementioned case.
I'm sorry guys, the school did not go overboard. She wore an inappropriate shirt, she wanted to attract attention to herself. The school said no, sent her home and that was it. She still wants attention and thinks she is all that and a bag of chips and is now making a big deal out of nothing. She is a kid, the school is right, the kid is wrong.
mdk What is it with these radical LGBT people? Why do they feel like they have to throw thier sexual identituy into every ones face?
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.

There in no case MDK, SCOTUS has ruled on this repeatedly, students , and indeed teachers, do NOT enjoy their full first amendment rights while on school campus.

You're right. I totally forgot about Morse v. Frederick. It was a 5-4 decision so perhaps another case could overturn that precedent. After reading a bit more on this story, I don't believe this will be the case that overturns the aforementioned case.

Here's my real question.

Where the fuck are the parents? No way I'd let my child wear that shirt to school. Not because I'd be ashamed if she were a lesbian, but because it is FUCKING INAPPROPRIATE TO WEAR TO SCHOOL.
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.
I dont find the shirt offensive, I find her actions offensive. She wanted to stir up shit...she got what she wanted.
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.
I dont find the shirt offensive, I find her actions offensive. She wanted to stir up shit...she got what she wanted.

And that is PRECISELY why the t shirt isn't allowed. It stirs up shit. School isn't the place for stirring up shit.
mdk What is it with these radical LGBT people? Why do they feel like they have to throw thier sexual identituy into every ones face?

I wouldn't really classify wearing a t-shirt as radical. lol. If it was something graphic, pornographic, or encouraged illegal activity perhaps. She wanted to cause a stir and she did. Teenagers are attention whores.
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.
Are you ready for God Hates Fags shirts worn by the student body? This was a good call by the admin. No sense starting up a turf war. People are pissed off enough already. Gays need to back it down.
mdk What is it with these radical LGBT people? Why do they feel like they have to throw thier sexual identituy into every ones face?

I wouldn't really classify wearing a t-shirt as radical. lol. If it was something graphic, pornographic, or encouraged illegal activity perhaps. She wanted to cause a stir and she did. Teenagers are attention whores.
The shirt was not radical, her actions are the actions of a up and coming LGBT activist.
mdk What is it with these radical LGBT people? Why do they feel like they have to throw thier sexual identituy into every ones face?

I wouldn't really classify wearing a t-shirt as radical. lol. If it was something graphic, pornographic, or encouraged illegal activity perhaps. She wanted to cause a stir and she did. Teenagers are attention whores.
The shirt was not radical, her actions are the actions of a up and coming LGBT activist.

If SeaBytch had a daughter she'd look just like this kid.
The T-shirt was a lie anyway...I bet everyone knew she was a lesbian....look at her photo
mdk What is it with these radical LGBT people? Why do they feel like they have to throw thier sexual identituy into every ones face?

I wouldn't really classify wearing a t-shirt as radical. lol. If it was something graphic, pornographic, or encouraged illegal activity perhaps. She wanted to cause a stir and she did. Teenagers are attention whores.
The shirt was not radical, her actions are the actions of a up and coming LGBT activist.

I can't speak to why activists (gay or anti-gay) do the shit they do. I mean other then for attention, of course. I've worked very hard trying to be just left the fuck alone. lol
The school has a right to deem what is a distraction to the rest of the student body; however, she may have a first amendment case. It will be interesting to see how this all pans out.

The 'little bitch needs to learn her place' you say? Nothing says rugged individualist like conformity and doing what you are told. Oh, and if you truly find this shirt offensive I would advise to stop being such an overly-dramatic pussy.
Are you ready for God Hates Fags shirts worn by the student body? This was a good call by the admin. No sense starting up a turf war. People are pissed off enough already. Gays need to back it down.

Not for nothing, but MDK is less radical about his positions than you are about yours.
Teen Sent Home Over ‘Disruptive’ Shirt — but Did the School Go Too Far?

No surprise...I knew as soon as I saw the tiny headline on yahoo news it HAD to have something to do with homosexuality or race mixing...only kind of stupid stories the mainstream media runs...little bitch needs to learn her place. Wear the disgusting shirt elsewhere school is NOT your political platform mmk?

When students were sent home for wearing shirts with the NRA logo, or a variety of firearms, because it was 'disruptive',

did you think that automatically had something to do with homosexuality?
When yahoo news whines about this the way it was worded its a pretty good indication that its a homosexual shirt.I have no problem with a 2nd amendment or NRA shirt...hell we used to shoot guns in school!
Was it a homo shirt? Because SC schools have banned confederate flag shirts also. Which I'm ok with. I assume liberals will agree that both should be banned to prevent disruptive thoughts.
Yes it was a homo shirt. They ban our confederate flag stuff time to start banning theirs.
There's a sharpshooter club at the charter school my kids came from. They're pretty good! And we used to go to school with our rifles hanging from gun racks in the back window of our pickups. We didn't even lock our doors. Nobody was ever shot at our school!
Teen Sent Home Over ‘Disruptive’ Shirt — but Did the School Go Too Far?

No surprise...I knew as soon as I saw the tiny headline on yahoo news it HAD to have something to do with homosexuality or race mixing...only kind of stupid stories the mainstream media runs...little bitch needs to learn her place. Wear the disgusting shirt elsewhere school is NOT your political platform mmk?

When students were sent home for wearing shirts with the NRA logo, or a variety of firearms, because it was 'disruptive',

did you think that automatically had something to do with homosexuality?
When yahoo news whines about this the way it was worded its a pretty good indication that its a homosexual shirt.I have no problem with a 2nd amendment or NRA shirt...hell we used to shoot guns in school!
Was it a homo shirt? Because SC schools have banned confederate flag shirts also. Which I'm ok with. I assume liberals will agree that both should be banned to prevent disruptive thoughts.
Yes it was a homo shirt. They ban our confederate flag stuff time to start banning theirs.
There's a sharpshooter club at the charter school my kids came from. They're pretty good! And we used to go to school with our rifles hanging from gun racks in the back window of our pickups. We didn't even lock our doors. Nobody was ever shot at our school!

Same here, guys used to go hunting before school then come to school with the guns in their trucks, and we had fist fights nearly every day and no one ever went out to get a gun that I can recall.

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