Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump

I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.
True, but the merit system in which is spoken of all through out the bible must remain intact. If a person chooses to be poor or a sinner by one's own actions, then who are we to argue with his or her choice made ? Yes intervention is good, but when we get in the way of God's work trying to save the individual when the individual isn't ready for that, then are we hindering God's work that he performs within the individual ?? We will know when we are called upon to help, but until then we can only hope that the person wants change for him or herself, and not bad change at that. We are always here for a person, but it's up to them to seek our help sincerely, and not use us to further their damage by empowering them to destroy themselves.
This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

The have the freedom to do what they want. Just as men have a right to believe they are women and women believe that they are men. Not real sane but it is their right.
How. Is any lifestyle being forced on Southern Baptists? They can do whatever they want as long as they don't interfere with, or cause harm to anybody else.
the left very much wants to harm Christian believers - and not everyone professing to be a Christian is a believer in the resurrection and 2nd coming of Jesus.

The left promotes unholy and immoral lifestyles designed to weaken those of faith
The 'left' tolerates and protects people who live 'unholy and immoral lifestyles' from persecution. We do not promote it.

You think only Christians should have civil rights?
How is YOUR faith weakened? You sound like the Taliban.
I am a mature adult and not susceptible to the gay lifestyle

But the anything-goes lib heterosexual lifestyle of really beautiful women is tempting for conservative Christian males

And the younger the libertine message gets to horny teenage boys the more easily they are corupted

Girls too

You don't need to subscribe to a porn site to see lesbians in action

Teenage girls are exposed to it everywhere they turn

You obviously have a very overactive imagination.
All things in hopes to draw in the sinners, and to give them a structured environment in which to learn and feel comfortable in, and these things also serve as a refuel station in which to give sanctuary to the saved upon the return of each individual every time a person so chooses that he or she needs a refueling of the spirit.

Do you think that an army operates without a command post or forward base in hopes to stay close to the action, and all in hopes to refuel the lines in the case of a battle ??? Ever heard the term that their is strength in the numbers ??

I have no problem with people who gather in Fellowship and Rejoice in His Blessings.
As for any Army ... We all belong to God, as does everything around us ... The Glory is His, as is His Grace.

How you chose to answer the call ... Is between you and God.

This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

The have the freedom to do what they want. Just as men have a right to believe they are women and women believe that they are men. Not real sane but it is their right.

Is the man born blind insane because he believes he can not see?
Teaching our children about the realities of life - and to tolerate people who live different lifestyles, does not mean that they are promoted.
actually it does

Homosexuality and transgender penis chopping are considered a sin by most Christians and the less said about them the better

But libs love that stuff and want to brainwash little children into accepting it as normal too
The only time a believer goes to the extreme of trying to reach someone, is because they know that the person that is being dealt with is in extreme danger of possible damnation, and their hour of need is at hand. Alot of times the ground is hard, and planting a seed might seem impossible, but then you return at a different time to find that your efforts were very fruitful or it could be sadly that the seed still lay there on the surface scorched and without life due the effort was possibly half hearted or the ground just wouldn't budge or even give up an inch. The seed and the sower is a good parable and read in the bible.

Yes, it's tough to plow the ground, and to plant the seeds at times, but it's always worth doing when people's soul's are at stake. Of course it is the hopes of the sower that the ground is willing and compatible to except the seed, but it is that if the sower prepares the ground properly, then it will become compatible to except the seed as worthy for germination.

I witness the way I do, because I know how I found God and His Grace.

If He needs to give you an instruction manual, sacrifice His Son, write you a book to help you figure out what is Good and Evil
and provide you with a structured environment that allows you to recognize His presence and find His Grace ... I'm cool with that.

All things in hopes to draw in the sinners, and to give them a structured environment in which to learn and feel comfortable in, and these things also serve as a refuel station in which to give sanctuary to the saved upon the return of each individual every time a person so chooses that he or she needs a refueling of the spirit.

Do you think that an army operates without a command post or forward base in hopes to stay close to the action, and all in hopes to refuel the lines in the case of a battle ??? Ever heard the term that their is strength in the numbers ??

Religious organizations, like armies, need an enemy to justify their existence.

They create that enemy in the minds of their followers and in so doing force their followers into mindless obedience. That is their true goal.
This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

The have the freedom to do what they want. Just as men have a right to believe they are women and women believe that they are men. Not real sane but it is their right.

Is the man born blind insane because he believes he can not see?
Is he really blind or not? A man is born a man, a woman is born a woman. You cannot change their sex with hormones or with plastic surgery. You may feel like a woman, man, black, white or whatever however that is not reality and is not scientific.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.
True, but the merit system in which is spoken of all through out the bible must remain intact. If a person chooses to be poor or a sinner by one's own actions, then who are we to argue with his or her choice made ? Yes intervention is good, but when we get in the way of God's work trying to save the individual when the individual isn't ready for that, then are we hindering God's work that he performs within the individual ?? We will know when we are called upon to help, but until then we can only hope that the person wants change for him or herself, and not bad change at that. We are always here for a person, but it's up to them to seek our help sincerely, and not use us to further their damage by empowering them to destroy themselves.

Or you're just a nutcase that believes you have some divine incite into God's nature, which you do not have, then use that as an excuse to try to force obedience from the weakminded.
I wasn't put on this Earth to save your soul
Aren't you told to "witness" to others? If saving their soul isn't the reason, then what is the reason?

He said he isn't put here to "save your soul". That is correct. He can not do that even if he thought he could. He could tell you what the Bible says and anything beyond that is between you and God. Can I assume you know?

He then can lead a life that might make one want the same but again, he can't do anything other than make sure you know and lead by example.
If the way each of us live denies others because of selfishness and reduces resources for it then there are questions to be answered from all sides.
True, but the merit system in which is spoken of all through out the bible must remain intact. If a person chooses to be poor or a sinner by one's own actions, then who are we to argue with his or her choice made ? Yes intervention is good, but when we get in the way of God's work trying to save the individual when the individual isn't ready for that, then are we hindering God's work that he performs within the individual ?? We will know when we are called upon to help, but until then we can only hope that the person wants change for him or herself, and not bad change at that. We are always here for a person, but it's up to them to seek our help sincerely, and not use us to further their damage by empowering them to destroy themselves.

Or you're just a nutcase that believes you have some divine incite into God's nature, which you do not have, then use that as an excuse to try to force obedience from the weakminded.

Baptists are real big on the Scofield heresy.
Teaching our children about the realities of life - and to tolerate people who live different lifestyles, does not mean that they are promoted.
actually it does

Homosexuality and transgender penis chopping are considered a sin by most Christians and the less said about them the better

But libs love that stuff and want to brainwash little children into accepting it as normal too

You don't seem to understand that we just don't care what you think is a 'sin'.

If people want to have their penis chopped, then as long as it's done in sanitary medical conditions by a competent medical professional, it's entirely their choice - and you have no right to judge them.

BTW - I've never even thought about 'penis chopping' until this post. Is this a topic that you think about a lot?

Religious organizations, like armies, need an enemy to justify their existence.

They create that enemy in the minds of their followers and in so doing force their followers into mindless obedience. That is their true goal.

That probably has more to do with the fact man can be greedy and fallible, than it has to do with God.

Religious Organizations are not required to have an enemy to justify their existence.
Man sometimes requires an enemy to justify his actions ... Don't confuse man's actions, with God's will.

This is too much. Can you say Fascis?

Southern Baptists are forcing out followers who don’t pledge allegiance to Trump
The departure of prominent leader Russell Moore shows opposing LGBTQ rights isn't enough. Now, morality means supporting whatever Trump says.
Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dr. Russell D. Moore preaching in October 2011 at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

White evangelicals have always been the core of Donald Trump’s support. Once they got over their unease with his fungible approach to morality, conservative Christians found in Trump the political warrior–or mega-bully–that they have long been seeking. The only thing they disliked about him was that he curses.

After acting like a political party through the Trump presidency, it’s no surprise that evangelicals are now following the GOP’s template of purging their ranks of anyone who does not worship at Trump’s altar. The latest case in point: the departure of Russell Moore from the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).

Moore held one of the top positions in evangelical Christianity. As head of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, he has been a fervent advocate for the denomination’s right-wing positions. He has been a staunch opponent of LGBTQ rights, especially marriage equality, and has pushed hard for religious liberty exemptions that would gut existing protections.

However, Moore has never been a fan of Donald Trump. Unlike other prominent evangelicals, like Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins, Moore was unwilling to trade his religious beliefs for access to power and Supreme Court appointments.

When Trump was running for president in 2016, Moore accurately described him as “someone who not only characterizes sexual decadence and misogyny, brokers in cruelty and nativism, and displays a crazed public and private temperament — but who glories in these things.”

The have the freedom to do what they want. Just as men have a right to believe they are women and women believe that they are men. Not real sane but it is their right.

Is the man born blind insane because he believes he can not see?
Is he really blind or not? A man is born a man, a woman is born a woman. You cannot change their sex with hormones or with plastic surgery. You may feel like a woman, man, black, white or whatever however that is not reality and is not scientific.
Biochemistry and human neurology are a whole lot more complex than you seem to understand.

Religious organizations, like armies, need an enemy to justify their existence.

They create that enemy in the minds of their followers and in so doing force their followers into mindless obedience. That is their true goal.

That probably has more to do with the fact man can be greedy and fallible, than it has to do with God.

Religious Organizations are not required to have an enemy to justify their existence.
Man sometimes requires an enemy to justify his actions ... Don't confuse man's actions, with God's will.

'Greed and fallibility' are judgements that you make of other people. You have no right to do so. Nor do you have any knowledge of God's will or nature.

Religious organizations do need an enemy to exist. Your 'judgement' of people's 'greed and fallibility' is the basis for you designating other people as your (and therefore God's) enemy.
Biochemistry and human neurology are a whole lot more complex than you seem to understand.

Ask God if He understands it ... Or assume He made a mistake.

I would try and figure out what God was trying to do, and how I could use His Blessings to serve Him, not myself.
But ... That's just me ... And His judgement counts for something, where only I am accountable for mine.

'Greed and fallibility' are judgements that you make of other people. You have no right to do so. Nor do you have any knowledge of God's will or nature.

Religious organizations do need an enemy to exist. Your 'judgement' of people's 'greed and fallibility' is the basis for you designating other people as your (and therefore God's) enemy.

Greed is a noun, and Fallible is an adjective.
I didn't assign the condition to anyone, other than the fact it could be anyone.
That's not sitting in judgment of a person, only acknowledging that both conditions can exist.

I know what I am saying ... If you want to argue about it, take it up with God.

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I am a Deist. I believe that God exists, but do not claim to have any understanding of God's will or nature:

Does my dog understand why I leave the house every day to go to work?

Does my dog understand that I need to earn money?

Does my dog understand my family's finances?

If God exists then the gap of understanding between myself and God is greater than that of my dog and myself.

There is more of a chance of my dog understanding all of the above than I could ever hope to understand of God.

BTW - Have you ever noticed that 'dog' is 'God' spelled backwards? :)

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